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Pseudonym Quotes

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The man creates a pseudonym and hides behind it like a worm  (Pseudonym Quotes) Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign  (Pseudonym Quotes) Chance is the pseudonym God uses when He does not want to sign His name  (Pseudonym Quotes) I regard it as a pseudonym and I don’t really have a problem with it  (Pseudonym Quotes) I’d much rather see a world where, when you make some quirky comment on a blog or news story or you upload a video clip, instead of just a moment of fame for your pseudonym, you’ll get 50 bucks. The first time that happens, you’ll realise that you’re a full-class citizen. You have the potential to make money from the system.  (Pseudonym Quotes) I haven’t sworn off Facebook. I’m on Facebook. There’s a fan page on Facebook that I will update, but I’m on there myself under a pseudonym, because there were a lot of people able to private-message me on Facebook, and it was getting really weird.  (Pseudonym Quotes) I’m writing my next book under a pseudonym. It will be Mark Twain’s best young adult romance.  (Pseudonym Quotes) One of the advantages of having gone to Penn State was having had a scholar for a mentor - Philip Young. Also, a professional writer named Philip Klass taught there. He was a science fiction writer whose pseudonym was William Tenn. As a professional writer, he brought wisdom to teaching because he’d done it for a living.  (Pseudonym Quotes) I haven’t sworn off Facebook. I’m on Facebook. There’s a fan page on Facebook that I will update, but I’m on there myself under a pseudonym, because there were a lot of people able to private-message me on Facebook, and it was getting really weird. And then with MySpace, I just don’t read messages. I delete everything, and I just post updates every now and then  (Pseudonym Quotes) In my early performing days, I played gigs under the pseudonym Whitey McFearsun. I painted my face blue, wore crimson lipstick, and strung on some tight silver latex pants  (Pseudonym Quotes) And I can’t think of a reason I’d ever use a pseudonym, as I wouldn’t want to publish something that I didn’t like enough to put my name on it  (Pseudonym Quotes) I suggest to my students that they write under a pseudonym for a week. That allows young men to write as women, and women as men. It allows them a lot of freedom they don’t have ordinarily  (Pseudonym Quotes) I sat day after day in my little room, waiting for inspiration to visit me, trying to invent a pseudonym that would express, in a combination of noble and striking sounds, our dream of artistic achievement, a pen name grand enough to compensate for my own feeling of insecurity and helplessness at the idea of everything my mother expected from me  (Pseudonym Quotes) While I was writing I assumed it would be published under a pseudonym, and that liberated me: what I wrote was exactly what I wanted to read  (Pseudonym Quotes) I use a pseudonym, because my real name is very difficult to pronounce, to remember, and to spell. And many people who have been talking about me on television have yet to pronounce it correctly  (Pseudonym Quotes) I chose to publish the first ‘Shopaholic’ book under a pseudonym because I wanted it to be judged on its own merits  (Pseudonym Quotes) I'd much rather see a world where, when you make some quirky comment on a blog or news story or you upload a video clip, instead of just a moment of fame for your pseudonym, you'll get 50 bucks. The first time that happens, you'll realise that you're a full class citizen. You have the potential to make money from the system  (Pseudonym Quotes) No government ought to be without censors; and where the press is free, no one ever will. Chance is the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign  (Pseudonym Quotes)