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Psyched Quotes

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Sometimes you just have to put on lip gloss and pretend to be psyched  (Psyched Quotes) Feminists were psyched that I had armpit hair  (Psyched Quotes) When everyone is catching great waves and out in the line up telling stories and having a laugh, you have the best times. I also get really psyched surfing or running in the rain  (Psyched Quotes) I was listening to music to kind of pump myself up and get psyched up, like I was listening to Iron Maiden and Misfits and Dead Kennedys, and it was like my 80s Massachusetts parking-lot heavy metal and Guns N’ Roses.  (Psyched Quotes) I would rather have a small part in a really great movie than a big one in one that I’m not too psyched about.  (Psyched Quotes) Success is different for every artist - I get psyched when I help realise their vision etc  (Psyched Quotes) My energy level rises but I get calmer, if that’s possible. What a lot of people tend to do is get real tight and get all psyched up and take themselves out of their game.  (Psyched Quotes) It’s rare to find women who have that balance between work and life, who are really psyched for another woman’s success.  (Psyched Quotes) I remember having a Mike Tyson T-shirt back in the day that I used to sleep in. And there some things that Tyson did along the way that I wasn’t too psyched to associate myself with. But back in the day, just as a fighter, what a dream that was to watch and root for him.  (Psyched Quotes) I want people to read good work. If I see someone reading a book by Lorrie Moore or Jennifer Egan, I’m psyched. If I see them reading X Latin American Writer Who Sucks, I’m not psyched. But in terms of news, I do think that’s important  (Psyched Quotes) I’m living in a world where there are LGBTQ straight alliances at high schools. I feel pretty psyched on that  (Psyched Quotes) It’s rare to find women who have that balance between work and life, who are really psyched for another woman’s success  (Psyched Quotes) I don’t want to put out something I’m not psyched on just because I finished it. That’s the stupidest reason to do something, really. I want it to be up to my standards. I don’t want to put out something I wouldn’t listen to  (Psyched Quotes) The state of mind of a fighter is so important. I don’t like to see a fighter stay locked up in a room. Sometimes it works against them. They think and they worry. They dwell, sitting in that dark room. You come back and they’re psyched out. I like to see boxers eat and then walk, mingle with people. You have to have a certain amount of movement  (Psyched Quotes) I assume everything I do in life is gonna be a failure, and then if it turns up roses, then I’m psyched  (Psyched Quotes) I don’t psyche myself up. I psyche myself down. I think clearer when I’m not psyched up  (Psyched Quotes) I don't care how pumped up or psyched you are to start a new diet or a new program - that emotion will fade  (Psyched Quotes)