Public Debate Quotes

Text Quotes
The extra curricular activity in which I was most engaged - debating - helped shape my interests in public policy. (Public Debate Quotes)
I almost became a political journalist, having worked as a reporter at the time of Watergate. The proximity to those events motivated me, when I wound up doing philosophy, to try to use it to move the public debate (Public Debate Quotes)
The idea of a liberal media bias is simply a myth. If only it were true, we might have a more humane, open-minded, and ultimately effective public debate on the issues facing the country (Public Debate Quotes)
Succinct, thorough, and masterfully researched-Thomas Medvetz has written a subtle and timely history of these fixtures of public debate in the United States. In the realms of culture studies, policy, and policy formation, there is no book quite like Think Tanks in America. Plus which, no one has understood, interpreted, then used Pierre Bourdieu’s ideas better-so well that Bourdieu himself would have been pleased (Public Debate Quotes)
I’m out there arguing the Labor case. I will do it anywhere and everywhere that I can. I do it within various communities across Australia where I am able to make a positive contribution. And let me tell you, my voice won’t be silenced in the public debate because the issue at stake for Australia are so stark (Public Debate Quotes)
The Chinese people have been forced to forget the Tiananmen massacre. There has been no public debate about the event, no official apology. The media aren’t allowed to mention it. Still today people are being persecuted and imprisoned for disseminating information about it (Public Debate Quotes)
In the midst of fighting there is no place for public debate (Public Debate Quotes)
Another example of the educational inequality is the current debate over publicly financed school vouchers which will provide educational opportunities to a privileged handful, but deprive public schools of desperately needed resources (Public Debate Quotes)
I had hoped that the current presidential campaign debates might educate the public as to what is really involved in the ongoing controversy over campaign financing (Public Debate Quotes)
I was the candidate first time a Green or any progressive third party has ever been in a national televised debate. I was in five of them. And the response from the public was overwhelming (Public Debate Quotes)
The debates of that great assembly are frequently vague and perplexed, seeming to be dragged rather than to march, to the intended goal. Something of this sort must, I think, always happen in public democratic assemblies (Public Debate Quotes)
A culture’s ability to understand the world and itself is critical to its survival. But today we are led into the arena of public debate by seers whose main gift is their ability to compel people to continue to watch them (Public Debate Quotes)
When I listen to the public debates about climate change, I am impressed by the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations and the superficiality of our theories (Public Debate Quotes)
Enjoy most: The prospect of having an impact on the public debate. Irritating liberals is a close second (Public Debate Quotes)
The Sophists’ paradoxical talk pieces and their public debates were entertainment in 5th century Greece. And in that world, Socrates was an entertainer (Public Debate Quotes)
Since we enacted the PATRIOT Act almost three years ago, there has been tremendous public debate about its breadth and implications on due process and privacy (Public Debate Quotes)
I think I’ll always be a better playwright than a pundit, but I believe that writers should be public intellectuals and that theater, even more than film, is a place of public debate (Public Debate Quotes)
Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think? (Public Debate Quotes)
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes (Public Debate Quotes)
We have a natural constant craving for leadership. Democracy is always a fragile and imperfect achievement. Yet a distinct feeling of malaise in our political culture lingers. There is something missing from our public debates (Public Debate Quotes)
All murder is a tragedy but when journalists are killed, public debate loses a voice that can provide an important contribution to democracy. It is essential that governments do all they can to ensure safe conditions for journalists to carry out their work (Public Debate Quotes)
Markets are useful instruments for organizing productive activity. But unless we want to let the market rewrite the norms that govern social institutions, we need a public debate about the moral limits of markets (Public Debate Quotes)
A politician's goal is always to manipulate public debate. I think there are some politicians with higher goals. But all of them get corrupted by power (Public Debate Quotes)