Public Debt Quotes

Text Quotes
The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance (Public Debt Quotes)
As an economist specializing in the global economy, international trade and debt, I have spent most of my career helping others make big decisions - prime ministers, presidents and chief executives - and so I’m all too aware of the risks and dangers of poor choices in the public as well as the private sphere. (Public Debt Quotes)
I have a plan to make tuition debt-free for public colleges and universities (Public Debt Quotes)
Student loan debt is the reason I don’t advise students who want to become entrepreneurs to apply to elite, expensive colleges. They can be as successful if they go to a relatively inexpensive public college. (Public Debt Quotes)
Sound public finances are the essential foundation on which to construct a better-balanced economy from the wreckage of Labour’s boom and bust. But it is economic growth that will create the jobs and the prosperity for the future and enable us to pay down Labour’s debt (Public Debt Quotes)
The United States has already passed on as the world’s economic leader. Having flouted Thomas Jefferson for too long, America has succumbed to public debt, the ‘fore horse for oppression and despotism,’ after which ‘taxation will follow, and in its train wretchedness and oppression (Public Debt Quotes)
The fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follow that, and in its turn wretchedness and oppression (Public Debt Quotes)
Households and businesses cut expenses every day. Passing a financial down payment alongside the debt limit sends the right message to the public, and gives members of Congress greater comfort, or cover, depending on your perspective (Public Debt Quotes)
The whole student loan thing drives me completely nuts. If it wasn’t possible for 18-year-olds to sign themselves up for tens of thousands of dollars in debt in order to pay their college bills, the state governments wouldn’t have found it so politically easy to cut taxpayer support for public colleges and universities (Public Debt Quotes)
A public debt is a public curse (Public Debt Quotes)
They have seized upon the government by bribery and corruption. They have made speculation and public robbery a science. They have loaded the nation, the state, the county, and the city with debt (Public Debt Quotes)
I have no illusions about my art. I am what the public made me and, consequently, I am not likely to forget my debt to them (Public Debt Quotes)
Public borrowing is costly these days, true, but interest rates on municipal bonds are still considerably lower than those borne by corporate debt (Public Debt Quotes)
By making this wine known to the public, I have rendered my country as great a service as if I had enabled it to pay back the national debt (Public Debt Quotes)
The federal government now spends one of every four dollars in the entire economy. It borrows one of every three dollars it spends. No nation, no entity, large or small, public or private, can thrive, or survive intact, with debts as huge as ours (Public Debt Quotes)
Higher projected corporate and personal income tax receipts and lower public debt charges (Public Debt Quotes)
The consequences arising from the continual accumulation of public debts in other countries ought to admonish us to be careful to prevent their growth in our own (Public Debt Quotes)
A public debt is a kind of anchor in the storm; but if the anchor be too heavy for the vessel, she will be sunk by that very weight which was intended for her preservation (Public Debt Quotes)
I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared (Public Debt Quotes)
I regret, as much as any member, the unavoidable weight and duration of the burdens to be imposed; having never been a proselyte to the doctrine, that public debts are public benefits. I consider them, on the contrary, as evils which ought to be removed as fast as honor and justice will permit (Public Debt Quotes)
The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced. If the nation doesn’t want to go bankrupt, people must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance (Public Debt Quotes)
I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple, applying all the possible savings of the public revenue to the discharge of the national debt; and not for a multiplication of officers and salaries merely to make partisans, and for increasing, by every device, the public debt, on the principle of its being a public blessing (Public Debt Quotes)
I go on the principle that a public debt is a public curse and in a republican government more than in any other (Public Debt Quotes)
The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife (Public Debt Quotes)
No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable (Public Debt Quotes)
I, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared (Public Debt Quotes)
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled (Public Debt Quotes)