Public Quotes

Text Quotes
The public should know that the liability issues here have yet to be resolved, or even raised. If you're a farmer and you're growing a genetically engineering food crop, those genes are going to flow to the other farm (Public Quotes)
If you really want to show power in it's larger aspects, you need to show the effects on the powerless, for good or ill - the human cost of public works. That's what I try to do, show not only how power works but it's effect on people (Public Quotes)
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty (Public Quotes)
It was a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat (Public Quotes)
The amount of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is perfectly scandalous. It looks so bad. It is simply washing one's clean linen in public (Public Quotes)
And I think what people in New Jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that I've been in public life is what you see is what you get. And I'm no different when I'm sitting with you than I am when I'm at home or anyplace else (Public Quotes)
The truth was you can't continue to spend the kind of money our spending on all these entitlement programs. I think we need more people in public life who are willing to say, no, we can't afford certain things. No, we can't do certain things (Public Quotes)
The biggest public health challenge is rebuilding health systems. In other words, if you look at cholera or maternal mortality or tuberculosis in Haiti, they're major problems in Haiti, but the biggest problem is rebuilding systems (Public Quotes)
But if you're asking my opinion, I would argue that a social justice approach should be central to medicine and utilized to be central to public health. This could be very simple: the well should take care of the sick (Public Quotes)
Public Opinion... An attempt to organize the ignorance of the community, and to elevate it to the dignity of physical force (Public Quotes)
It is only fair to state, with regard to modern journalists, that they always apologize to one in private for what they have written against one in public (Public Quotes)
Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other (Public Quotes)
Whenever a youth is ascertained to possess talents meriting an education which his parents cannot afford, he should be carried forward at the public expense (Public Quotes)
Like religion, politics, and family planning, cereal is not a topic to be brought up in public. It's too controversial (Public Quotes)
When the Lord Chancellor violates the trust of his great office of state to solicit party donations from people whose careers he can control, and then says I'm not sorry, and I'd do it again no wonder the public think that power has gone to their heads (Public Quotes)
By persistently remaining single, a man converts himself into a permanent public temptation. Men should be more careful (Public Quotes)
Most of our modern portrait painters are doomed to absolute oblivion. They never paint what they see. They paint what the public sees, and the public never sees anything (Public Quotes)
The federal government now spends one of every four dollars in the entire economy. It borrows one of every three dollars it spends. No nation, no entity, large or small, public or private, can thrive, or survive intact, with debts as huge as ours (Public Quotes)
I think it's important to take a break, you know, from the public eye for a while, and give people a chance to miss you. I want longevity. I don't want to get out there and run myself ragged and spread myself thin (Public Quotes)
The American doctrinaire is the converse of the American demagogue, and, in this way, is scarcely less injurious to the public. The first deals in poetry, the last in cant. He is as much a visionary on one side, as the extreme theoretical democrat is a visionary on the other (Public Quotes)
Selling public property is the true Chicago way. Had Mr. Obama not been elected president, the nation's business journals would be falling over one another to praise his city for it's daring, market friendly innovations (Public Quotes)
I don't mean being famous is a perk, because one knows that it's not necessarily a perk, but there are certain perks to being well-known and respected in one's field. Public perks. Like, I don't know, general friendliness and willingness to please, just to point out two (Public Quotes)
I'm not a celebrity. I'm intentionally and defiantly not a celebrity. I don't have any interest in it. I don't have any talent for it. I keep my personal life out of my public life as cleanly as I can (Public Quotes)
I was raised in a Bronx public housing project, but studied at two of the nation's finest universities. I did work as an assistant district attorney, prosecuting violent crimes that devastate our communities (Public Quotes)
There is a note in the front of the volume saying that no public reading may be given without first getting the author's permission. It ought to be made much more difficult to do than that (Public Quotes)
I'd been doing projects outdoors for the public. I made pigeons eat geometry by putting bread out in rhomboids and triangles. I don't know if this activity made sense, but the work was available (Public Quotes)
Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated (Public Quotes)
Every diminution of the public burdens arising from taxation gives to individual enterprise increased power and furnishes to all the members of our happy confederacy new motives for patriotic affection and support (Public Quotes)
A public expectation, it has to be said, not of poetry as such but of political positions variously approvable by mutually disapproving groups (Public Quotes)
Outside museums, in noisy public squares, people look at people. Inside museums, we leave that realm and enter what might be called the group mind, getting quiet to look at art (Public Quotes)