Public Quotes

Text Quotes
Whether a man is a criminal or a public servant is purely a matter of perspective (Public Quotes)
Becoming a mom allowed me to just relax in a way I never had before. I used to care a lot about what I looked like in public or what people thought of me. I care at least 40 percent less now (Public Quotes)
Our liberty depends on our education, our laws, and habits... it is founded on morals and religion, whose authority reigns in the heart, and on the influence all these produce on public opinion before that opinion governs rulers (Public Quotes)
If the public safety be provided, liberty and propriety secured, justice administered, virtue encouraged, vice suppressed, and the true interest of the nation advanced, the ends of government are accomplished (Public Quotes)
Until there’s a public commitment, and action to back that commitment, a policy is only words on paper (Public Quotes)
I don’t care about awards and public image. We know the business of entertainment. We worship our work, we worship our clients and we worship profitability (Public Quotes)
One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offence to keep arms, and by substituting a regular army in the stead of a resort to the militia. The friends of a free government cannot be too watchful, to overcome the dangerous tendency of the public mind to sacrifice, for the sake of mere private convenience, this powerful check upon the designs of ambitious men (Public Quotes)
There are certain things in gun control that have a certain public appeal, but when you’re legislating you need to look at the research on what works, what doesn’t, and what really has an impact, recognizing you’re never going to do away entirely with gun violence (Public Quotes)
We need excellence in public education and if the teachers can’t do it, we’ll send in a couple of policemen (Public Quotes)
The public library is more than a repository of books. It’s a mysterious, wondrous place with the power to change lives (Public Quotes)
Throughout my formal education I spent many, many hours in public and school libraries. Libraries became courts of last resort, as it were. The current definitive answer to almost any question can be found within the four walls of most libraries (Public Quotes)
Teleology is a lady without whom no biologist can live. Yet he is ashamed to show himself with her in public (Public Quotes)
Researchers linked smoking to cancer in the 1950s. Doctors believed them in the 1960s, but it was not until journalists believed the doctors in the 1970s that the public took notice (Public Quotes)
Any demanding high technology tends to develop influential and dedicated constituencies of those who link its commercial success with both the public welfare and their own. Such sincerely held beliefs, peer pressures, and the harsh demands that the work itself places on time and energy all tend to discourage such people from acquiring a similarly thorough knowledge of alternative policies and the need to discuss them (Public Quotes)
As the growing emphasis on feelings crowds out reason, facts will play a smaller role in public discourse (Public Quotes)
All good men wish the entire abolition of slavery, as soon as it can take place with safety to the public, and for the lasting good of the present wretched race of slaves. The only possible step that could be taken towards it by the convention was to fix a period after which they should not be imported (Public Quotes)
Creationists who want religious ideas taught as scientific fact in public schools continue to adapt to courtroom defeats by hiding their true aims under ever changing guises (Public Quotes)
We have discovered with our new information systems that we can make all the appropriate checks and ensure public safety is not dented in any way in a much shorter time frame (Public Quotes)
I often say that shareholders should feel very responsible for how responsive corporations are to the public trust (Public Quotes)
When you are in the public eye you cannot afford to show doubts. I do my crying alone (Public Quotes)
You can’t feel the need to be liked in public life, because if you do you will compromise the principles that are so important to the public having confidence in your ethics and integrity (Public Quotes)
If you are given a public responsibility, you have to listen, weigh up all the issues, but ultimately you have to form a view of what you genuinely think is in the public interest... put the public interest above the vested interest (Public Quotes)
In the end, the key ingredient for public life is imagination. You imagine something better, you try to bring the people with you (Public Quotes)
The core strands of my involvement in public life are a belief in the need to strive wherever possible for equality of treatment and opportunity, to ensure all people have the means to a decent livelihood (Public Quotes)
... it is true that renewable energy is expensive and can’t be done without public sector support, it is an important investment in the future (Public Quotes)
So great are the psychological restistances to war in modern nations, that every war must appear to be a war of defence against a menacing, murderous aggressor. There must be no ambiguity about whom the public is to hate. Guilt and guilelessness must be assessed geographically and all the guilt must be on the other side of the frontier (Public Quotes)
A book is so much a part of oneself that in delivering it to the public one feels as if one were pushing one’s own child out into the traffic (Public Quotes)
There’s still a strange moment with every book when I move from the position of writer to the position of reader and I suddenly see my words with the eyes of the cold public. It gives me a terrible sense of exposure, as if I’d gotten sunburned (Public Quotes)
Biographical history, as taught in our public schools, is still largely a history of boneheads; ridiculous kings and queens, paranoid political leaders, compulsive voyagers, ignorant general the flotsam and jetsam of historical currents. The men who radically altered history, the great scientists and mathematicians, are seldom mentioned, if at all (Public Quotes)
Mathematics, in the common lay view, is a static discipline based on formulas... But outside the public view, mathematics continues to grow at a rapid rate... the guid to this growth is not calculation and formulas, but an open ended search for pattern (Public Quotes)