Public Quotes

Text Quotes
Simplicity is no longer presented as a virtue. The value of complex and difficult language has been preached with such insistence that the public has begun to believe the lack of clarity must be a sign of artistic talent (Public Quotes)
Everyone lives three versions of themselves; a public life, a private life and a secret life (Public Quotes)
Horror itself is a bit of a bullied genre, the antagonist being literary snobbery and public misconception. And I think good horror tackles our darkest fears, whatever they may be. It takes us into the minds of the victims, explores the threats, disseminates fear, studies how it changes us. It pulls back the curtain on the ugly underbelly of society, tears away the masks the monsters wear out in the world, shows us the potential truth of the human condition. Horror is truth, unflinching and honest. Not everybody wants to see that, but good horror ensures that it’s there to be seen (Public Quotes)
Public education has served as a check on the power of parents, and this is another powerful reason for maintaining it (Public Quotes)
White guilt is more of a sanctioned social convention than a genuine emotional experience. It’s a form of theatrical empathy that’s socially and financially rewarded. When you learn to say and perhaps even believe the right things about race, doors are opened for you. When you say the wrong thing, those doors slam shut. Then, the gossips and church ladies will shame you publicly, demand that you be fired from your job, and use every avenue available to them to coerce a confession, a public apology and a staged conversion that contributes to their progressive narrative (Public Quotes)
I think unionization is good public policy. I think when families secure their economic future, that’s good for everyone (Public Quotes)
Going back to high school and college, I believed I would be involved in public service. I literally could not conceptualize anything else (Public Quotes)
My professional life has been about public service. My personal life I define very intently through my family (Public Quotes)
A poem is a private story, after all, no matter how apparently public. The reader is always overhearing a confession (Public Quotes)
A better way to mutual respect is to engage directly with the moral convictions citizens bring to public life, rather than to require that people leave their deepest moral convictions outside politics before they enter (Public Quotes)
We do not say that a man who takes no interest in public affairs is a man who minds his own business. We say he has no business being here at all (Public Quotes)
My public persona is badly warped and bears little resemblance to the person those closest to me know (Public Quotes)
Integrity is what you do behind closed doors or when you think nobody is watching. Integrity is the true essence of who you are, your beliefs and your values. Reputation is the public perception of who you are. It is how others view your integrity or strong moral principles (Public Quotes)
Performers should realize they not only have to prepare themselves for concert purposes as far as memorizing their programs goes, but for the business of just walking out before the people …. It is important to play before an imaginary audience too. Before I play in public I very often play a program three or four times as though I were seated before a actual audience (Public Quotes)
Once and for all, people must understand that addiction is a disease. It’s critical if we’re going to effectively prevent and treat addiction. Accepting that addiction is an illness will transform our approach to public policy, research, insurance, and criminality; it will change how we feel about addicts, and how they feel about themselves. There’s another essential reason why we must understand that addiction is an illness and not just bad behavior: We punish bad behavior. We treat illness (Public Quotes)
None of us really grow up. All we ever do is learn how to behave in public (Public Quotes)
Virtue comes through contemplation of the divine, and the exercise of philosophy. But it also comes through public service. The one is incomplete without the other. Power without wisdom is tyranny; wisdom without power is pointless (Public Quotes)
We will continue to go out onto the streets and to protest, and actively encourage the public to support us in our campaign for free education (Public Quotes)
Unless government appropriately regulates oil developments and holds oil executives accountable, the public will not trust them to drill, baby, drill. And we must! (Public Quotes)
An immigration violation should not give the government license to rip up the rule book. By restricting judicial oversight and blocking public scrutiny, the government has exercised virtually unchecked power over those it has detained (Public Quotes)
To my knowledge there are no good records that have been built by institutions run by committee. In almost all cases the great records are the product of individuals, perhaps working together, but always within a clearly defined framework. Their names are on the door and they are quite visible to the investing public. In reality outstanding records are made by dictators, hopefully benevolent, but nonetheless dictators (Public Quotes)
We often take for granted the notion that some people are insiders, while others are outsiders. But such a notion is a social contrivance, that, like virtually every public construct, is a legacy of a primordial and tribal mentality (Public Quotes)
Hateful, blasphemous, prejudiced, vulgar, rude, or ignorant remarks are the music of a free society, and the relentless patter of idiots is how we know we’re in one. When all the words in our public conversation are fair, good, and true, it’s time to make a run for the fence (Public Quotes)
Chinese central government doesn’t need to even lead public opinion: it just selectively stops censorship. In other words, just as censorship is a political tool, so is the absence of censorship (Public Quotes)
Prison is the only form of public housing that the government has truly invested in over the past 5 decades (Public Quotes)
I want industrial design to be a public subject. I want people to love objects the way they love clothing (Public Quotes)
All the mega corporations on the planet make their obscene profits off the labor and suffering of others, with complete disregard for the effects on the workers, environment, and future generations. We have a straightforward proposal: if they want public money, we want public control. It’s that simple (Public Quotes)
Bad men cannot make good citizens. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience are incompatible with freedom (Public Quotes)
No matter how good a public school teacher, he or she will always be required to teach the state’s values and the state’s perspective on subjects from sex to history and biology (Public Quotes)
What a costume designer does is a cross between magic and camouflage. We create the illusion of changing the actors into what they are not. We ask the public to believe that every time they see a performer on the screen he’s become a different person (Public Quotes)