Public Quotes

Text Quotes
... The evidence that fluoridation of the public water supply at the rate of one part per million is carcinogenic is irrefutable (Public Quotes)
.. when the target of crime is armed, there is more law present, more public policy present, and more public interest served than by all 20,000 gun laws in force (Public Quotes)
The literary man has a circle of the chosen few who read him and become his only public... What more natural than that he should write for those who, even if they do not pay him, at least understand him? (Public Quotes)
The constitutional right of free expression... is designed and intended to remove governmental restraints from the arena of public discussion, putting the decision as to what views shall be voiced in the hands of each of us, in the hope that the use of such freedom will ultimately produce a more capable citizenry and more perfect polity and in the belief that no other approach would comport with the premise of individual dignity and choice upon which our political systems rests (Public Quotes)
An important art of politicians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public (Public Quotes)
The mere summoning of a witness and compelling him to testify against his will, about his beliefs, expressions or associations, is a measure of governmental interference. And when those forced revelations concern maters that are unorthodox, unpopular, or even hateful to the general public, the reactions in the life of the witness may be disastrous (Public Quotes)
I believe that a guarantee of public access to government information is indispensable in the long run for any democratic society... if officials make public only what they want citizens to know, then publicity becomes a sham and accountability meaningless (Public Quotes)
They want me to give another concert but I have no desire to do so. You cannot imagine what a torture the three days before a public appearance are to me (Public Quotes)
During these two and a half years that have followed the war, the most urgent problem we have encountered was: to activate the public enterprises, to bring them up to the level that international markets demand and we are just now getting them prepared for privatization (Public Quotes)
I’m not interested in what the public thinks. My fight is in the courts. And while I have been fighting with the appeal it has been an uphill battle because I am an unpopular cause. Too much public pressure, too much politics. To give me a hearing so that I can prove that the state withheld evidence favourable to me, that the identifications of some of the victims was wrong, and that my attorney was more concerned about book rights and how sensationally more the case could get the higher the value of the book (Public Quotes)
The nation in arms is virtually a communist state: the people must be paid wages and fed and protected and regimented behind the lines as much as on the front. Minds must be kept loyal and at the right pitch of hate, so that successive drafts of fighters are accepted without murmurings. Letters and newspapers must be censored while the propaganda mill grinds on. As for decisions of strategy and overall command, they must please many masters: dissenters in the cabinet, the heads of the allied states and public opinion. Hence failures must be disguised or concealed (Public Quotes)
The public hardly suspects that their purchase of cosmetics, pet food, toothpaste, eggs and other common items have, in all likelihood, caused some form of animal suffering (Public Quotes)
I thought I would write something that would make some people uncomfortable... What intrigued me, I think, was the idea of women of my own generation who were successful, intelligent, coming to power and suddenly in the public arena. I started to think about what they are allowed and what they are not allowed (Public Quotes)
The object of every free government is the public good, and all lesser interests yield to it. That of every tyrannical government, is the happiness and aggrandizement of one, or a few, and to this the public felicity, and every other interest must submit (Public Quotes)
When I’m writing a new play, there’s a period where I know I shouldn’t be out in public much. I imagine most people who create go through something like this. You willfully loosen some of the inner straps that hold your core together (Public Quotes)
I expect if you’re a professional public speaker, you probably wouldn’t want to go onstage and sing and play drums (Public Quotes)
When people express what is most important to them, it often comes out in cliches. That doesn’t make them laughable; it’s something tender about them. As though in struggling to reach what’s most personal about them they could only come up with what’s most public (Public Quotes)
A movie isn’t a political movement, a party or even an article. It’s just a film. At best it can add its voice to public outrage (Public Quotes)
Theatres, actors, critics and public are interlocked in a machine that creaks but never stops. There is always a new season in hand and we are to busy to ask the only vital question which measures the whole structure. Why theatre at all? What for? Is it an anachronism, a superannuated oddity? Surviving like an old monument or a quaint custom? Why do we applaud and what? Has the stage a real place in our lives? What function can it have? What could it serve? What could it explore? What are its special properties? (Public Quotes)
A politician is not allowed to get too emotional in public, so what he does is drop subtle hints that, over time, cause the public to get emotional. Once the same emotions are generated by enough people, the politician can use it to steer the public in his desired direction. Fear is an emotion that is often used this way. A smart politician knows that if he can create fear in enough people, those people will give up what they truly want in order to give the politician what he says they need (Public Quotes)
To create a community where faith matters not just in theory but in reality, faith has to be a public value, not just a private one (Public Quotes)
It sounds deeply shallow, but for brief spells every member of the public can be fascinating (Public Quotes)
A great designer does not seek acceptance. He challenges popularity, and by the force of his convictions renders popular in the end what the public hates at first sight (Public Quotes)
Doing stuff that I don’t have to talk about because I’m not in a public company is fantastic (Public Quotes)
Because you’re a crime writer you’re asked to have a point of view on a lot of things, and I’m uncomfortable having public opinions on things that are not my professional area (Public Quotes)
One of the remarks made by farmers at their public discussion of these problems suggest that they are rapidly ceasing to think of animals as sentient beings at all. If you handle vast numbers of creatures which are in any case going to die soon, it is, I suppose, easy to get into a state of mind in which they seem to be merely machines (Public Quotes)
I tend not to think about the reading public at all, or the business, when I’m writing (Public Quotes)
Anything that benefits the public and not just big banking, that’s what I’m with (Public Quotes)
Courts should always do the right thing. But if winning were as simple as making a good argument and filing a good brief, then we would have won the freedom to marry 40 years ago. We must put the legal work next to the public education work next to the legislative work next to the organizing work, and that’s what’s brought us so far (Public Quotes)
I must confess my distaste for any proposal to use public funds for the support of selected, and thereby, privileged, industrialists, the more particularly if this is to be based on bureaucratic views of what is good and what is bad by way of industrial development. An infant industry, if coddled, tends to remain an infant industry and never grows up or expands (Public Quotes)