Public Quotes

Text Quotes
Two truths are all too often overshadowed in today’s political discourse: Public service is a most honorable pursuit, and so is bipartisanship (Public Quotes)
The crossroads where government meets enterprise can be an exciting crossroads. It can also be a corrupt crossroads. It requires moral rectitude to separate public service from private gain (Public Quotes)
My job is for the people. It’s for the public. It’s for their consumption. So I’ve done a lot in that way, and I see that the hard work has finally paid off (Public Quotes)
The federalism term is a good term, but it’s just below the surface; it’s just about to come up into wider public understanding that these practices are happening and are politically viable (Public Quotes)
When in public poetry should take off its clothes and wave to the nearest person in sight; it should be seen in the company of thieves and lovers rather than that of journalists and publishers (Public Quotes)
I want people to see the truth... regardless of who they are... because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public (Public Quotes)
Democratic elections alone do not remedy the crisis of confidence in government. Moreover, there is no viable justification for a democratic system in which public participation is limited to voting (Public Quotes)
I never wanted to be a public figure. I feel that I always have to dampen down people’s expectations. They expect me to be an oracle, wave a magic wand, sprinkle some slow, sparkly dust on them, to make everything all right (Public Quotes)
Why needs a man be rich? Why must he have horses, fine garments, handsome apartments, access to public houses, and places of amusement? Only for want of thought (Public Quotes)
He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. That statement only is fit to be made public, which you have come at in attempting to satisfy your own curiosity (Public Quotes)
The saint and poet seek privacy to ends the most public and universal: and it is the secret of culture, to interest the man more in his public, than in his private quality (Public Quotes)
The public wanted a fairy princess to come and touch them and everything would turn to gold. Little did they realise that the individual is crucifying herself inside because she didn’t think she was good enough (Public Quotes)
It is of infinite importance to the public that the acts of magistrates should not only be substantially good, but also that they should be decorous (Public Quotes)
The interest of the public is never better advanced than when we can inculcate by our rules the advantage of acting honestly (Public Quotes)
Had I made capital on my prettiness, I should have closed the doors of public employment to women for many a year, by the very means which now makes them weak, underpaid competitors in the great workshop of the world (Public Quotes)
Professional baseball is on the wane. Salaries must come down or the interest of the public must be increased in some way (Public Quotes)
I have the consolation of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands clean as they are empty (Public Quotes)
It would be an unspeakable advantage, both to the public and private, if men would consider that great truth, that no man is wise or safe but he that is honest (Public Quotes)
The trouble is, when professional spies go out of their way to make a definitive statement about one of their own, the public tends to believe the opposite: which puts us all back where we started (Public Quotes)
The art which is grand and yet simple is that which presupposes the greatest elevation both in artist and in public (Public Quotes)
Public health is purchasable. Within a few natural and important limitations any community can determine its own health (Public Quotes)
If it is true that vice can never be done away with, the science of government consists of making it contribute to the public good (Public Quotes)
Politicians are just a bunch of local bandits, sent by their local voters to raid the public treasury (Public Quotes)
At no time in the past century has public distrust of the government been so broadly distributed across the political spectrum, as it is today (Public Quotes)
Politeness, however, acts the lady’s maid to our thoughts; and they are washed, dressed, curled, rouged, and perfumed, before they are presented to the public (Public Quotes)
Proverbs, words, and grammar inflections convey the public sense with more purity and precision, than the wisest individual (Public Quotes)
Not everything you hear about yourself can be considered good publicity. And if you have delicate sensibilities, the currycomb of public imagination frequently rubs your vanities the wrong way (Public Quotes)
The decision to have a child is both a private and a public decision, for children are our collective future (Public Quotes)
Song is the licensed medium for bawling in public things too silly or sacred to be uttered in ordinary speech (Public Quotes)
The view that honesty is something, and even a virtue, belongs, it is true, to those private opinions which are forbidden in this age of public opinions (Public Quotes)