Public Quotes

Text Quotes
The two terrors that discourage creativity and creative living are fear of public opinion and undue reverence for one’s own consistency (Public Quotes)
Those who have an interest in keeping the machinery of war going will stop at nothing to make public opinion subservient to their murderous ends (Public Quotes)
Academies that are founded at public expense are instituted not so much to cultivate men’s natural abilities as to restrain them (Public Quotes)
The greatest danger to liberty today comes from the men who are most needed and most powerful in modern government, namely, the efficient expert administrators exclusively concerned with what they regard as the public good (Public Quotes)
The diminution of public virtue is usually attended with that of public happiness, and the public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals (Public Quotes)
America’s abundance was not created by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes (Public Quotes)
It’s no accident that capitalism has brought with it progress, not merely in production but also in knowledge. Egoism and competition are, alas, stronger forces than public spirit and sense of duty (Public Quotes)
Public works are not accomplished by the miraculous power of a magic wand. They are paid for by funds taken away from the citizens (Public Quotes)
When I arrived at the point where I received public acclaim, I felt the most lowly, because I knew within myself that I had but begun to tap my inner resources (Public Quotes)
The objects of this primary education... would be... to form the statesmen, legislators and judges, on whom public prosperity and individual happiness are so much to depend (Public Quotes)
When we build a public library, we don't have to pay to get in, but when we build a stadium, we have to pay the owner every time we go to a game (Public Quotes)
Historically, much of the motivation for public schooling has been to stifle variety and institute social control (Public Quotes)
I am sure that in estimating every man’s value either in private or public life, a pure integrity is the quality we take first into calculation, and that learning and talents are only the second (Public Quotes)
It’s what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public (Public Quotes)
Zionism is a subject that all but a few are either too ignorant or too frightened to tackle and expose, but it must be made public and the web dismantled if global tyranny is to be avoided in the very near future (Public Quotes)
Public opinion, I am sorry to say, will bear a great deal of nonsense. There is scarcely any absurdity so gross, whether in religion, politics, science or manners, which it will not bear (Public Quotes)
Not only are we here to protect the public from vicious criminals in the street but also to protect the public from harmful ideas (Public Quotes)
I didn’t want to get stuck in pretty, public school roles, or I knew I’d end up as some sort of caricature (Public Quotes)
By making this wine known to the public, I have rendered my country as great a service as if I had enabled it to pay back the national debt (Public Quotes)
The mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of the civilisation of any country (Public Quotes)
The effect of a representative democracy is to refine and enlarge the public views, by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of the nation (Public Quotes)
I, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared (Public Quotes)
When I listen to the public debates about climate change, I am impressed by the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations and the superficiality of our theories (Public Quotes)
Crony capitalism is essentially a condition in which... public officials are giving favours to people in the private sector in payment of political favours (Public Quotes)
Never looking anyone in the eye when you’re traveling on public transport, in case it’s interpreted as a sign that you’re trying to get off with them (Public Quotes)
A rigid economy of the public contributions and absolute interdiction of all useless expenses will go far towards keeping the government honest and unoppressive (Public Quotes)
No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable (Public Quotes)
The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife (Public Quotes)
I suppose, indeed, that in public life, a man whose political principles have any decided character and who has energy enough to give them effect must always expect to encounter political hostility from those of adverse principles (Public Quotes)
This policy of supplying by opposite and rival interests, the defect of better motives, might be traced through the whole system of human affairs, both private and public (Public Quotes)