Public Quotes

Text Quotes
The rascal multitude are the proper targets of the mass media and a public education system geared to obedience and training in needed skills, including the skill of repeating patriotic slogans on timely occasions (Public Quotes)
Great men, even during their lifetime, are usually known to the public only through a fictitious personality (Public Quotes)
Nominee. A modest gentleman shrinking from the distinction of private life and diligently seeking the honorable obscurity of public office (Public Quotes)
It may be conceit, but I believe the subject will interest the public, and I am sure that the views are original (Public Quotes)
It has long been recognized by public men of all kinds... that statistics come under the head of lying, and that no lie is so false or inconclusive as that which is based on statistics (Public Quotes)
Sooner or later the public will forget you; the memory of you will fade. What’s important are the individuals you’ve influenced along the way (Public Quotes)
I think my wife and my kids are incredibly good to allow me to stay in public life given that they have to cop a whole lot of collateral attention that, being human, they’d rather not get (Public Quotes)
A complete and generous education fits a man to perform justly, skillfully, and magnanimously all the offices, both public and private, of peace and war (Public Quotes)
In no other arena is the church at greater risk of losing its calling than in the public square (Public Quotes)
Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity (Public Quotes)
I think I’ll always be a better playwright than a pundit, but I believe that writers should be public intellectuals and that theater, even more than film, is a place of public debate (Public Quotes)
It is possible to offer fervent prayer even while walking in public or strolling alone or seated in your shop... while buying or selling... or even while cooking (Public Quotes)
The public firm can nowhere maintain itself in free competition with the private firm; it is possible today only where it has a monopoly that excludes competition. Even that alone is evidence of its lesser economic productivity (Public Quotes)
Public opinion, because of the tremendous urge to conformity in gregarious animals, is less tolerant than any system of law (Public Quotes)
An artist cannot get along without a public; and when the public is absent, what does he do? He invents it, and turning his back on his age, he looks toward the future for what the present denies (Public Quotes)
Consider the public. Never fear it nor despise it. Coax it, charm it, interest it, stimulate it, shock it now and then if you must, make it laugh, make it cry, but above all never, never, never bore the living hell out of it (Public Quotes)
A patriot is he whose public conduct is regulated by one single motive, the love of his country; who, as an agent in parliament, has, for himself, neither hope nor fear, neither kindness nor resentment, but refers every thing to the common interest (Public Quotes)
I thought it was too wacky for the general public. On his original opinion of his movie’s chances for success, 1997 (Public Quotes)
Cruelty practiced as a matter of social principle or public policy, and presented to the community as a means to a higher goal is the most obscene and decadent phenomenon of any civilization (Public Quotes)
Between the experience of living a normal life at this moment on the planet and the public narratives being offered to give a sense to that life, the empty space, the gap, is enormous (Public Quotes)
It is a good thing to write for the amusement of the public, but it is a far higher and nobler thing to write for their instruction, their profit, their actual and tangible benefit (Public Quotes)
I want to regard my public as infinitely intelligent, as understanding notions of the suspension of disbelief and as realising all the time that this is not a slice of life, this is openly a film (Public Quotes)
The general public are not even aware of major decisions that will determine their fate, hence are in no position to influence them (Public Quotes)
The press is owned by wealthy men who only want certain things to reach the public (Public Quotes)
Cooking might be the most important factor in fixing our public health crisis. It’s the single most important thing you can do for your health (Public Quotes)
Whether you change the linen or stitch up wounds, cook the food or dispense the medicines, it is in your hands to help build a public service worthy of all those who gave their lives for the dream of democracy (Public Quotes)
If the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them (Public Quotes)
It gives me real concern to observe... that you should think it necessary to distinguish between my personal and public character, and confine your esteem to the former (Public Quotes)
Faith is like private capital, stored in one’s own house. It is like a public savings bank or loan office, from which individuals receive assistance in their days of need; but here the creditor quietly takes his interest for himself (Public Quotes)
To create a public scandal is what’s wicked; to sin in private is not a sin (Public Quotes)