Public School Education Quotes

Text Quotes
I had a great education. From kindergarten to John Dewey High School in Coney Island, I am public-school educated (Public School Education Quotes)
I am and have always been a strong proponent of public education. But by the virtue of its very nature - publicly funded schools cannot offer the type of spiritual education that Catholic schools have long provided (Public School Education Quotes)
I wasn’t going to great schools, because my parents didn’t believe in public education. They wanted the education to be influenced by their religion, so I was going to these halfway education-slash-Christian schools that were like pop-up shop-style education (Public School Education Quotes)
Now this is the first rule of fight club: There is nothing a blue collar Nobody in Oregon with a public school education can imagine that a million-billion people haven’t already done (Public School Education Quotes)
When it comes to public school education, we have been unwilling to measure our results. We’ve been unwilling to pay based on performance. We have tenure where, even if you can’t teach, you can’t get fired. We’ve been unwilling to invest in new schools (Public School Education Quotes)
Education is huge for me. I went to public school until I turned thirteen, and was lucky enough to afford college once I became successful as an actress. (Public School Education Quotes)
There is a growing acceptance and interest in publicly funded school choice as a catalyst for education reform in general and a way to empower parents to be education reformers. (Public School Education Quotes)
During my time as a state legislator, I’ve pushed for significant investment in public school districts. In Congress, I would look forward to increasing federal public investment in education through initiatives like Race to the Top. (Public School Education Quotes)
Not only does neoliberalism undermine both civic education and public values and confuse education with training, it also treats knowledge as a product, promoting a neoliberal logic that views schools as malls, students as consumers, and faculty as entrepreneurs. (Public School Education Quotes)
Legislatures not driven to desperation by the problems of public education may be able to see the threat in vouchers negotiable in sectarian schools. (Public School Education Quotes)
We need to end the government monopoly in education by transferring power from bureaucracies and unions to families. The era of defining public education as allegiance to centralized school districts must end. (Public School Education Quotes)
If you want a good education, go to private schools. If you can’t afford it, tough luck. You can go to the public school. (Public School Education Quotes)
Albuquerque is my home. I want my kids and all of our children to be able to go to any public or charter school and receive an excellent education (Public School Education Quotes)
I have realized why corrupt politicians do nothing to improve the quality of public school education. They are terrified of educated voters (Public School Education Quotes)