Publisher Quotes

Text Quotes
If a publisher declines your manuscript, remember it is merely the decision of one fallible human being, and try another (Publisher Quotes)
In a world where everyone is a publisher, no one is an editor. And that is the danger that we face today (Publisher Quotes)
Writers build castles in the air, the reader lives inside, and the publisher inns the rent (Publisher Quotes)
Never buy an editor or publisher a lunch or a drink until he has bought an article, story or book from you. This rule is absolute and may be broken only at your peril (Publisher Quotes)
Write first. Worry about getting an agent or publisher later. Write it first. Prove you can do it and then others will listen. Tons of people talk about books they want to write. Far fewer are those who actually complete that vision. Don’t be a talker (Publisher Quotes)
In the long run, the quality of your work is all that matters. That is your only resumé. Be professional. Make sure your editor or publisher can always reach you. Do what’s asked of you if your conscience can bear it. But know that, five years from now, as fans or prospective employers are looking over your published pages, no one will care that this story sucks because the publisher moved the deadline up or because the editor made you work an android cow into the story. All they will care about is what they see in front of them, and they will hold you responsible for it, no one else (Publisher Quotes)
Once in 1919, when I was traveling at night by train, I wrote a short story. In the town where the train stopped, I took the story to the publisher of the newspaper who published the story (Publisher Quotes)
I had a job, I got ill, I left the job to get better, and while I was getting better, I wrote some stories. I sent them to some publishers and the fifth one who replied said they’d take them. Then they went bankrupt. Then that bankrupt publisher got bought by a bigger firm. Story: in the end is the beginning, and in the beginning is the end (Publisher Quotes)
Some people try to paint in my style. Some simply sell pirated copies of my work. Some claim to be my publisher or agent or even my exclusive representative, when they are not (Publisher Quotes)
I had a publisher who felt comics were just for little kiddies, so he never wanted me to use words of more than two syllables (Publisher Quotes)
The first person you should think of pleasing, in writing a book, is yourself. If you can amuse yourself for the length of time it takes to write a book, the publisher and the readers can and will come later (Publisher Quotes)
Anybody who has anything abusive to say of women, whether ancient or modern, can command a vast public in the popular press and a ready agreement from the average publisher (Publisher Quotes)
Many persons erroneously suppose that an author has always on hand an unlimited number of her own books; or that the publisher will kindly give her as many as she can want for herself and friends. This is by no means the case (Publisher Quotes)
And at some point I would like to talk my publisher into doing an anthology of my poetry alongside some teen readers poetry. It would be fun, and really wonderful to get their stuff out there (Publisher Quotes)
An author who gives a manager or publisher any rights in his work except those immediately and specifically required for its publication or performance is for business purposes an imbecile (Publisher Quotes)
All tours are filled with humiliation. My publisher once hired a private jet to fly me to a venue where 1,000 people were waiting. It almost bankrupted him (Publisher Quotes)
It is the advertiser who provides the paper for the subscriber. It is not to be disputed, that the publisher of a newspaper in this country, without a very exhaustive advertising support, would receive less reward for his labor than the humblest mechanic (Publisher Quotes)
The most difficult book I wrote was the fourth in a series of linked children’s books. It was like pulling teeth because the publisher wanted exactly the same but completely different. I’d much rather just do something completely different, even if there’s a risk of it going wrong (Publisher Quotes)
At first my publisher had reservations about publishing it in the form you are familiar with (Publisher Quotes)
I’d sold the book first. Actually to a paperback publisher. I had nothing. I just had the idea (Publisher Quotes)
You have to remember that in addition to running a literary agency, I am also an ebook publisher (Publisher Quotes)
This whole phenomenon of the diversion of organizations from their purposes and ideals does not seem very serious when the scum rise to the top in the bridge club or the offices of a small magazine publisher (Publisher Quotes)
These days, the wages of sin depend on what kind of deal you make with the publisher (Publisher Quotes)
A publisher is a specialized form of bank or building society, catering for customers who cannot cope with life and are therefore forced to write about it (Publisher Quotes)
Someone told me there was a publisher that could find a good home for my songs, but I didn’t want to give up my pursuit of a career in the business as an artist (Publisher Quotes)
Authors by the hundreds can tell you stories by the thousands of those rejection slips before they found a publisher who was willing to ‘gamble’ on an unknown (Publisher Quotes)
As things go digital, the notion of new editions will go away. A publisher can add video and assessment content at scale, make the change in 30 seconds and it’s just a software update (Publisher Quotes)
My publisher, who was so good as a taster and editor, when she became a writer, lo and behold, it was all this feminine tosh (Publisher Quotes)
Last week, I had to offer my publisher a bottle that was far too good for him simply because there was nothing between the insulting and the superlative (Publisher Quotes)
The old fun thing is when somebody typed up the first chapter of War and Peace. And then made a precis of the rest of it and sent it out and only one publisher recognized it (Publisher Quotes)