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Puffs Quotes

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Slavery naturally tends to destroy all sense of justice and equity. It puffs up the mind with pride: teaches youth a habit of looking down upon their fellow creatures with contempt, esteeming them as dogs or devils, and imagining themselves beings of superior dignity and importance, to whom all are indebted. This banishes the idea, and unqualifies the mind for the practice of common justice  (Puffs Quotes) Jo’s eyes sparkled, for it’s always pleasant to be believed in; and a friend’s praise is always sweeter than a dozen newspaper puffs  (Puffs Quotes) I watch the ashes swim around like dandelion puffs, making swirls where bodies and walls once stood  (Puffs Quotes) A fault which humbles a person is of more use to him or her than a good action which puffs him or her up  (Puffs Quotes) Prosperity has this property; it puffs up narrow souls, makes them imagine themselves high and mighty, and leads them to look down upon the world with contempt; but a truly noble spirit appears greatest in distress;  (Puffs Quotes) The city was asleep on its right side and shaking with violent nightmares. Long puffs of snoring came out of the chimneys. Its feet were sticking out because the clouds did not cover it altogether. There was a hole in them and the white feathers were falling out. The city had untied all its bridges like so many buttons to feel at ease. Wherever there was a lamplight the city scratched itself until it went out  (Puffs Quotes) There’s no director who wants to portray cheese puffs with a certain color that’s going to make or break the commercial, in his opinion. We don’t have to do that, so I don’t miss it at all, really  (Puffs Quotes) A fault that humbles a man is of greater value than a virtue that puffs him up  (Puffs Quotes) Plum puffs can’t minister to a mind diseased or a world that’s crumbling to pieces  (Puffs Quotes) As for family values, they are whatever they are - some families are tight, others are blown away like dandelion puffs. A main value in Minnesota is still: don’t waste my time, don’t B.S. me, I wasn’t born yesterday  (Puffs Quotes) Think about it for a brief moment. Suspend disbelief. Wind the clock forward 100 years. Do you think, as a species, we will still be struggling with the things that vex us today? Will we still be arguing about the same stuff? We will still be eating Cocoa Puffs? We are at the end of the beginning.  (Puffs Quotes) My mom is my role model. Charlie and I have two great sets of parents, but our moms are often the ones that go with us to competitions. My mom was with me in Sochi. I am so lucky to be a part of the Thank You Mom program partnered with Puffs and P  (Puffs Quotes)