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Everyone, both big and small, can pull their weight, and ensure that the hopes and dreams of every child become realities  (Pull Quotes) You knew when a woman loves you like that, she can love you with every card in the deck and then pull a knife across your throat the next morning  (Pull Quotes) This is among the few things that can be said about love with any confidence. It is small enough to be contained within the heart but, pull thin, it would drape the entire world  (Pull Quotes) Most people sabotage themselves because they aren’t mindful in the moment. Let your daily actions be governed by your goals and dreams. Whenever you are making an important decision first ask if it gets you closer to your goals or farther away. If the answer is closer, pull the trigger. If it’s farther away make a different choice. Conscious choice making is a critical step in making your dreams a reality  (Pull Quotes) A great shot is when you pull it off. A smart shot is when you don’t have the guts to try it  (Pull Quotes) My mother used to pitch to me and my father would shag balls. If I hit one up the middle close to my mother, I’d have some extra chores to do. My mother was instrumental in making me a pull hitter  (Pull Quotes) That’s what you do all the hard work for, to play in situations that put your body through gruelling times. If you’re not up to it, pull out  (Pull Quotes) If you’re losing, just be a man, be a man and lose as a man. Don’t pretend that you are injured and then you start running around and start to hit winners, and then all of a sudden you pull the hands up in the air after winning the match. I mean, what kind of sportsman are you? What kind of man are you?  (Pull Quotes) Now is not the time to shrink from the challenge of saving our only home in the universe. Now is not the time to pull into ourselves, retreating into either survivalist or escapist mode. To the contrary, this is the time for titans, not turtles. Now is the time to open our arms, expand our horizons, and dream big. Big problems require big solutions  (Pull Quotes) Grace is the central invitation to life and the final word. It’s the beckoning nudge and the overwhelming, undeserved mercy that urges us to change and grow, and then gives us the power to pull it off  (Pull Quotes) The human spirit was the strongest medicine on earth. And sometimes all it needed was a little encouragement to pull off a miracle  (Pull Quotes) Smart art galleries know it’s not the words on paper but the emotion in the piece that makes clients pull out the credit card or check book. The gallery’s number one concern is will this stuff sell? What your bio, artist’s statement or resume articulates will be of no help if you don’t make art that connects with buyers  (Pull Quotes) I may not be able to pull on the smallest of holds, but those I can pull on I can pull on all day long  (Pull Quotes) ... Everyone has their own sound, and if you’re heard enough, folks will come to recognize it. Style however, is a different thing. Try to express your own ideas. It’s much more difficult to do, but the rewards are there if you’re good enough to pull it off  (Pull Quotes) Loneliness is the worst pain in this world. It constantly eats away the person’s heart, and can cause the person to hate, to feel enraged. It is like a wound of the heart; the type of wounds that cannot go away with a kiss or a hug. The only thing that can make this great pain go away is love and compassion, another human heart to pull them out of this hell  (Pull Quotes) We should not have a government program that determines if you’re going to pull the plug on grandma  (Pull Quotes) My fans freak out and think I’m never going to race again. And I don’t want them to do that because I want them to be there to pull for me in the truck series next year  (Pull Quotes) Your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur is not concealing your idea from others or keeping your idea a secret, it is actually convincing people that you’re not crazy and that you can pull this off  (Pull Quotes) That’s emails for ya: sometimes they’re like an arrow that hits so deep in the target, you can’t pull it out  (Pull Quotes) I’m constantly embarrassed. I fidget and twist my hair and pull weird faces and stutter. Some days I feel quite confident, then others there’s a microscopic flaw about myself physically, which will make me embarrassed to walk the streets  (Pull Quotes) If you let hope inside, it takes you over. It feeds on your insides and uses your bones to climb and grow. Eventually it becomes the thing that is your bones, that holds you together. Holds you up until you don’t know how to live without it anymore. To pull it out of you would kill you entirely  (Pull Quotes) A house built on granite and strong foundations, not even the onslaught of pouring rain, gushing torrents and strong winds will be able to pull down. Some people have written the story of my life representing as truth what in fact derives from ignorance, error or envy; but they cannot shake the truth from its place, even if they attempt to make others believe it  (Pull Quotes) At what point do the people tell the politicians to go to hell? At what point do they get off the couch, march down to their state legislator’s house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp for being an idiot?  (Pull Quotes) ... I do like the low frequencies. It’s from years and years of observing audiences when they hear a lower frequency coming from an instrument it tends to pull them in. You have to listen a little more attentively. High frequency instruments hit you so hard, after a while the ear has a tendency to want to shut down. And that’s what happens. I’ve been able to observe very carefully how people tend to get very tired of listening to high frequencies a lot  (Pull Quotes) I had a dual goal in my running that was to win and to achieve excellence, so I was never happy with a slow tactical time. If the race were slow I would get in front and pull it up again. I couldn’t stand a slow race. A lot of people seem to get screwed up on tactics. There is only one tactic in a race and that is to always be in a position where you can win it  (Pull Quotes) I think the environmental movement has failed in that it’s used the stick too much; it’s used the apocalyptic tone too much; it hasn’t sold the positive aspects of being environmentally concerned and trying to pull us out  (Pull Quotes) You don’t have to push or pull or fight or win, the struggle is illusory. Sometimes or rather, all times, you just have to be  (Pull Quotes) The older I get, the more I see there are these crevices in life where things fall in and you just can’t reach them to pull them back out. So you can sit next to them and weep or you can get up and move forward. You have to stop worrying about who’s not here and start worrying about who is  (Pull Quotes) Your relationships will either make you or break you and there is no such thing as a neutral relationship. People either inspire you to greatness or pull you down in the gutter, it’s that simple. No one fails alone, and no one succeeds alone  (Pull Quotes) You can throw away the privilege of acting, but that would be such a shame. The tribe has elected you to tell its story. You are the shaman/healer, that’s what the storyteller is, and I think it’s important for actors to appreciate that. Too often actors think it’s all about them, when in reality it’s all about the audience being able to recognize themselves in you. The more you pull away from the public, the less power you have on screen  (Pull Quotes)
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