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I don’t see that many plays, and for me, musicals are rarely pleasing. I feel the actors are being put through a kind of nightmarish labor. They’re like animals being forced to pull heavy carts of vegetables at incredible speeds  (Pull Quotes) Here we go again. Always a few drinks, but sometimes even sober, we play the unhappiness game; endlessly round and round. Ding dong. Tighter and tighter. On and on. Push me pull you. Come here and I’ll tell you how much I hate you. Hang on a minute while I leave you. All the while we know we are missing the point, whatever the point used to be  (Pull Quotes) Well, I wanted to be a philosopher, which is the idlest occupation in the world. I wanted to be involved in abstract thought, but because of various problems with the authorities I wasn’t able to pull that one off. A lifetime of idleness in academia would have really suited me. So I was thrown out, as it were. Other than that, there seemed no possible idle occupations, so writing... although writing isn’t exactly idleness. There’s an enormous tension between indolence and languor  (Pull Quotes) We are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind  (Pull Quotes) The adjective hasn’t been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place  (Pull Quotes) Every atom in me feels composed of lead. This is what dying is: a pull to the ground  (Pull Quotes) Basically, financial reporting is this sinking hole at the centre of journalism. You start by swimming around it until finally, reluctantly, you can’t fight the pull anymore and you get sucked down the drain into the biz pages  (Pull Quotes) When we come upon beautiful things they act like small tears in the surface of the world that pull us through to some vaster space  (Pull Quotes) Pull a thread in my story and feel the tremor half a world and two millenia away  (Pull Quotes) The relentless pull of love is a thousand times harder to fight than the tides. If you’re lucky, you’ll make it out before you drown. If you’re even luckier, you’re pulled under just long enough to wash away the sorrow. If you’re really lucky, like me, you resurface just in time to find the one you love floating right beside you  (Pull Quotes) You have to utilize who you are in your work. Nobody else can do that: nobody else can pull from your background, from your parents, your upbringing, your whole life experience  (Pull Quotes) No matter what ailed you, you went to see the barber surgeon who wound up cupping you, bleeding you, purging you. And, oh yes, if you wanted, he would give you a haircut and pull your tooth while he was at it  (Pull Quotes) I had forgotten what it was like, to be drawn to a person... I’d forgotten how your blood flows toward a person when they move, so that all at once you know what the pull of gravity feels like. and you know that this is something strong and important, something that you need for life, this woman moving through the room  (Pull Quotes) If travel has momentum and wants to stay in motion, as I mentioned earlier, then adventure has the gravitational pull of a black hole. The more you do it, the more you find a way to keep doing it  (Pull Quotes) You can find energizing moments in each aspect of your life, but to do so you must learn how to catch them, hold on to them, to feel the pull of their weight and allow yourself to follow where they lead  (Pull Quotes) Always make stock in a large quantity and freeze it in plastic bags. That way, when you want to make a nice soup or boil veggies, you can simply pull the bag out of the freezer  (Pull Quotes) Be careful, think about the effect of what you say. Your words should be constructive, bring people together, not pull them apart  (Pull Quotes) Ive zeroed in on what you would call action and excellence... Everybody who does anything to try to succeed has to give the best of themselves, and art has made me pull the best out of myself  (Pull Quotes) It was not a mere man he was holding, but a giant; or a block of granite. The pull was unendurable. The pain unendurable  (Pull Quotes) The mind can be our best friend and advocate in getting what we want in life, or it can pull the brakes on and be a nasty little foe – the choice is yours – choose your attitude  (Pull Quotes) I will not stop. I will not slow down. I will not pull over to ask for directions. I will build the road that takes me where I want to be and I will drive, drive, drive. I will drive until the vehicle around me breaks down, falls apart and tumbles into useless debris... and then I will walk  (Pull Quotes) I have come to the conclusion that rowing alone won’t bring top of the line erg scores. The two are really completely different. The motion is, of course, fairly similar to rowing. However moving your own body back and foth on a machine that doesn’t move is a challenge that cannot be mastered unless it is trained. Therefore, I believe that people who only row will find it harder to pull scores on the erg that are in the highest percentile  (Pull Quotes) To hell with that. If a guy can pull a big erg, I can teach him how to row  (Pull Quotes) The easiest thing to do in the world is pull the covers up over your head and go back to sleep  (Pull Quotes) Art is like a kite. You have to pull the string hard in order to stretch it to its limit, but you don’t want to pull it so hard that you break the thread, because the thread connects you to the land and its peoples  (Pull Quotes) Something in the movement of fingers on the keyboard enhances thought. Fingers pull your thoughts forward. Fingers are in some way an extension of your brain, with a lot of cortex associations at their trigger. Get them going!  (Pull Quotes) When people come together around common vision, they can accomplish great things. We need the instruments that pull our people together, not apart  (Pull Quotes) You know how sometimes department stores have these things where, if you win, you get 10 minutes to go in and take anything you want from the store? That’s basically what I’m doing. I’m running in and just trying to grab as many characters as possible before they pull the plug on me  (Pull Quotes) Don’t judge my problems when you don’t know my purpose. I’m only struggling now so I can pull you through later  (Pull Quotes) This is what I think art is and what I demand of it: that it pull everyone in, that it show one person another’s most intimate thoughts and feelings, that it throw open the window of the soul  (Pull Quotes)
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