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Pull over to the side of your journey and look how far you’ve come  (Pull Quotes) It takes strength to make your way through grief, to grab hold of life and let it pull you forward  (Pull Quotes) One day, someone will get too close to the television, and I will pull them into this hell with me  (Pull Quotes) We pull out of the ground death, we burn death in our power plants, and then we act shocked when we get death in the form of oil spills and global warming  (Pull Quotes) I was labeled as a tricky player early on and have been regarded as tricky throughout my whole career. It was said that I was able to pull out tricks from nowhere  (Pull Quotes) I remember there was actually a sexual thrill... you hear that little pop and pull their heads of and hold their heads up by the hair. Whipping their heads off, their body sitting there. That’d get me off  (Pull Quotes) So somehow, things that seem extraneous to the play in reality are not. The scene lasts 37 minutes, and you only need 12 minutes of that for the plot. But if you pull the rest of it out, it’s not my play  (Pull Quotes) When you get on the boat that’s saving you, don’t pull up the ladder behind you  (Pull Quotes) I can assure you, if we pull this off, we’ll all be celebrating just like we always do  (Pull Quotes) To pull off successful attacks in debates, you have to execute with nuance and subtlety. It has to be artful  (Pull Quotes) People deal with models like they are children. They think they can pull one over on you. It’s actually funny. I’m always like, I’m about to pull something on you, and you’re so focused on thinking I’m dumb you’re not even going to know  (Pull Quotes) Studios are designed to pull out all of that beautiful ambience you get from singing in a room, and then the engineer puts it back in digitally or through whatever machinery you’ve got  (Pull Quotes) Telling someone with depression to pull themselves together is about as useful as telling someone with cancer to just stop having cancer  (Pull Quotes) Sometimes, all you need to do is pull back a little to protect your heart, not turn your back entirely  (Pull Quotes) In the context of general relativity, space almost is a substance. It can bend and twist and stretch, and probably the best way to think about space is to just kind of imagine a big piece of rubber that you can pull and twist and bend  (Pull Quotes) In the end I would always pull up with a sense of glory, that loving is the strong side. It’s feeble to be an object. What’s the point of being loved in return, I’d ask myself  (Pull Quotes) I’d pull my little brother on our motorcycle on an inner tube behind it. We would go fishing, we would hunt some, growing up  (Pull Quotes) Imagination allows us to conceive of delightful future possibilities, pick the most amazing one, and pull the present forward to meet it  (Pull Quotes) Take a moment every day to find peace. Pull over to the side of the road, turn off the radio, and find peace  (Pull Quotes) A statesman doesn’t try to pull himself up by dragging someboy else down, and he doesn’t try to convience people they’re victims just so he can posture as their savior  (Pull Quotes) There’s a thread that binds all of us together; pull one end of the thread, the strain is felt all down the line  (Pull Quotes) The goal for me is to pull in the reader and to have them ask questions  (Pull Quotes) For me, men and women are different. A man is genetically gifted to pull more than a woman. But at the same time, I don’t consider women to be any less than men. In fact, I feel we are far more intelligent than them  (Pull Quotes) Is your head up your ass so far that you can’t pull it out?  (Pull Quotes) If I don’t believe in a role, I can’t pull it off  (Pull Quotes) I go to a club to relax and hear the music on a big sound system. I don’t go to pull a guy  (Pull Quotes) I get demoralized by organizations that start off with a mission and pull back when they find it’s risky  (Pull Quotes) A big fear of working with an actor that’s never been a lead in a film before is that you’re going to have to work really hard to pull a performance out of her  (Pull Quotes) I don’t have any rock star demeanor to me. I just can’t pull that off  (Pull Quotes) You just have to be classy at the end of the day. That doesn’t mean you can’t go with a midnight blue tux. And if you can find a deep red tux that looks classy and classic, I think you can pull it off  (Pull Quotes)
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