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Producers don’t really have any authority because you are paid by the artist, and if they choose to ignore you, they can. Your power only hangs by the tiniest thread. If you pull it too hard it will snap  (Pull Quotes) I’ve been accused many times of not talking very much, but I guess I don’t believe in talking things to death. You can talk too much on most anything and it stops being productive. There is a time for action. Eventually you have to pull the trigger  (Pull Quotes) I tend to be really pragmatic, but ultimately tend to be attracted to people who pull me into more spontaneity. I’ve really learned that, through surrender, the best experiences of my life have happened  (Pull Quotes) I love seeing when actors go from one genre to the next because I feel like most of them can pull it off  (Pull Quotes) Just having the camera, being able to pull back from situations and be an observer, it saved my life... I realised I could find these intimate moments and that people trusted me. That, basically, my camera was magic  (Pull Quotes) The problem with big films is they snowball very rapidly and you can never pull back. It’s a pipeline that needs to be fed  (Pull Quotes) None of the editors I’ve worked with have ever asked me to pull my punches. They’ve never asked me to give them anything other than my own interpretation of events  (Pull Quotes) My downtime tends to resemble my uptime. Weekends are workdays, but toned down. Over the whole weekend, I may have five meetings, as opposed to six on a weekday. I used to play piano for 30 minutes at night, but I had to pull that out of my schedule. I don’t have time for nonwork stuff  (Pull Quotes) Actors pull from their own experiences to bring reality to the characters. I wouldn’t want to play someone who’s a lot like me. There would be no turning it on or off  (Pull Quotes) I really had a rough time in middle school. Middle school to me was the way most people explain high school. Then in high school I had a blast. I basically did everything that you would do in high school or in college, so it really wasn’t a difficult thing to pull out  (Pull Quotes) Most people who are trying to write kind of sit in their basements and pull it out of their imaginations  (Pull Quotes) Use the practice of mind and body; in order to make those moves perfectly, you have to pull your mind out of its mundane thoughts and awarenesses and bring it into the body movement  (Pull Quotes) I learned to basically pull my own weight, just do my own thing. I spent a lot of time alone and I loved it. It was actually really great because to the present day I love spending time alone. I go bicycling alone, go climbing alone and I just love being with myself and observing myself and learning something  (Pull Quotes) Maybe you don’t need to do this. Maybe this isn’t your moment. But if you do feel the pull of the eternal, then you can’t stay away from it  (Pull Quotes) A gun doesn’t have the brain to hate with, or a finger to pull the trigger, so the problem isn’t the gun  (Pull Quotes) Humans are so innately hardwired for language that they can no more suppress their ability to learn and use language than they can suppress the instinct to pull a hand back from a hot surface  (Pull Quotes) I have always been caught by the pull of the unremarkable, by the easily missed, infinitely nourishing beauty of the mundane  (Pull Quotes) It doesn’t really matter if you are left behind the back, but what matters is your capacity to pull and push everyone by your way to get to the front  (Pull Quotes) Some people tend to throw your love to the dogs when you become totally submissive to them, but when you want to get out of the heat, they pull you back into the kitchen  (Pull Quotes) If you are a happy person, don’t spend your time trying to make an unhappy person happy. Near as I can tell, you have to be a magician to pull it off  (Pull Quotes) The essence of influence is pull. It’s an attraction. Great influencers attract people, to themselves, and to their ideas  (Pull Quotes) If you allow people, places and things, to pass through your mind during meditation, you will pull in all those other auras and you be much more confused and dissociated than you were prior to your meditation experience  (Pull Quotes) If you think of others in a jealous way or if you become angry, immediately pause for a moment. It’s going to pull you down and send negative energy. At that moment, pause and correct yourself  (Pull Quotes) Spend time all day and all night monitoring your thoughts, constantly keeping them in a high plateau. Avoid places and people that pull your energy down  (Pull Quotes) Most people don’t why they are born or why they die. They have no understanding of the forces in life that pull them and push them to their death and another rebirth in this or another world  (Pull Quotes) Sometimes in an incarnation you get a feeling of frustration. It is not working out the way you want. If you pull your power together and meditate, no matter what happens to you physically, you will have gained from this life  (Pull Quotes) You hear about actors who were doing five years on a series as lovers and actually hated each other. I don’t know if I could pull it off  (Pull Quotes) You can do films for the fun of it, or the thrill of it, but certain films you can’t do unless there’s something driving you, something you have a passion for that will pull you through  (Pull Quotes) Come what may, I am bound to think that all things are ordered for the best; though when the good is a furlong off, and we with our beetle eyes can only see three inches, it takes some confidence in general principles to pull us through  (Pull Quotes) At times there seems to be a million ideas worth painting. However, there are days when it’s a challenge to pull any idea together. On these days I go to my studio, leaf through an art history book, and tell myself that I am part of this great tradition  (Pull Quotes)
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