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Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it  (Pull Quotes) Sayles could pull a performance out of a dog. I’m serious. He was just amazing. The world could fall apart and he remained on neutral  (Pull Quotes) Social topics may hit too close to home for people, but then again, if you pull a heartstring, then that’s what country music is. It’s not just songs about getting drunk and leaving your girl  (Pull Quotes) That’s the way both they and I travel sometimes. Pick road at random, and when it’s time to pull over, you pull over and hope you can find a place to crash  (Pull Quotes) We all have times when we go home at night and pull out our hair and feel misunderstood and lonely and like we’re falling. I think the brain is such that there is always going to be something missing  (Pull Quotes) We have a hope of succeeding if we learn from our past mistakes and pull together to make the hard choices  (Pull Quotes) When I was a boy, I used to pull a big cross saw with my dad. He’d use his right hand, so I’d have to use my left  (Pull Quotes) I couldn’t have recorded this record 15 years ago. My voice didn’t have the depth to pull these songs off  (Pull Quotes) In the original script, my character was a basketball player rather than a boxer. I didn’t think I could pull that off. I’m a little short to be a basketball player!  (Pull Quotes) I really think it would be cowardly to pull back and not challenge the status quo, when the status quo may not be the right way for the field to go  (Pull Quotes) Always go hard and fast enough so that when you hit the ditch you can pull out the other side  (Pull Quotes) I would never do another sitcom. It was so boring I wanted to pull my fingernails off  (Pull Quotes) I’m just talking specifically of women’s friendships. If two women go to a bar and they are fighting over men, it makes it much easier for the men. If two women are very close and they act as it makes it very difficult for the men to pull one over on anybody  (Pull Quotes) The thing about anything in life is you have to get ready for it. Study, learn and in terms of acting, there’s a lot to learn. The bigger culture you have in life, the better actor you’ll be. You’ll have more to pull on  (Pull Quotes) A show needs time to find an audience, and they’re very quick to pull them off the air now  (Pull Quotes) I can say that even in the midst of my most cynical comic stripping: Opus shone through with a bit of heart, anchoring the ugly proceedings with a comforting pull of emotion  (Pull Quotes) I may attempt a novel. I think that no matter what you write, it requires being honest with oneself, and you have to pull yourself out of the whirlwind of daily life  (Pull Quotes) I think one of the most humiliating moments of my life was putting on spandex, personally. It’s always nice when four women pull you into spandex when you’re in jockey shorts. Yeah  (Pull Quotes) And I guess the thing that I really sort of rely on in me is that I love racing and I love competing and so I know that you know when the time comes and the pressure’s on and I have to swim well, I’m sort of able to pull it out and sort of get the best out of myself  (Pull Quotes) I think one of the reasons that we like conspiracy theories is I think that we like to feel like there is a group of people who are so smart and powerful that they can pull the wool over an entire country or in fact even an entire world’s eyes. That certainly makes us feel like somehow we’re protected, even if it’s not in our best interest  (Pull Quotes) My act is so completely and totally uncensored that the only way I could really pull it off is if I treat the audience like they’re my best friends  (Pull Quotes) I know what it’s like to finish the laundry and to look in the basket five minutes later and it’s full again. I know what it’s like to pull all the groceries in, and see the teenagers run through, and all of a sudden, all of the groceries you just bought a few hours ago are gone  (Pull Quotes) So I don’t think I’m gonna pull my head into my shell just because a bunch of people start acting like idiots  (Pull Quotes) Women may give lip service to wanting husbands who take on an equal role in raising children, but many will pull rank when an important decision, like how to discipline or what baby sitter to hire, has to be made  (Pull Quotes) Sometimes I don’t even pull my shoes off for six weeks at a time, except, you know, just to take a shower. I just take breaks between 24 hours a day, just a break now and then, it don’t take me long to rest; maybe 20 to30 minutes sometime, or maybe an hour  (Pull Quotes) If you cast the picture correctly, you have a whole lot of leeway. You can make mistakes in other aspects but pull it off with the right actors  (Pull Quotes) In the last camp they all ate grass, until the authorities forbade them to pull it up. They were accustomed to having the fruits of their little communal gardens stolen by the guards, after they had done all the work; but at the last camp everything was stolen  (Pull Quotes) My image lends itself a little bit more to the modern fan, sometimes more toward the kids, and I guess more toward the wine drinkers... I mean, I have my own wine, and fans love to pull for people they relate to  (Pull Quotes) The pull between sound and syntax creates a kind of musical tension in the language that interests me  (Pull Quotes) Used as kites, these rigid stable aeroplanes are superior to the very best cellular kites I can make; they are lighter, pull harder per square foot, attain a greater angle of elevation, and have fewer parts  (Pull Quotes)
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