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Pumping Quotes

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I like reading books with both hands, with my heart pumping, with blood on the page. So I’m interested in people who make stuff, and I’m interested in the lives that make the text. To read a book or watch a movie any other way, to me, personally, feels like a waste of time and misapplication of energy.  (Pumping Quotes) I got to a nine-hour surgery, I lost lots of body parts and rearranged, I got really months of infection that I lost 30 pounds. But the idea of pumping poison into my bloodstream just - I couldn’t, I couldn’t.  (Pumping Quotes) Whenever we feel stressed out, that’s a signal that our brain is pumping out stress hormones. If sustained over months and years, those hormones can ruin our health and make us a nervous wreck.  (Pumping Quotes) Quite frankly, I’m tired of taking insulin and pumping my stomach every three days and pricking my finger and drawing blood out of it every day - it’s a tedious, meticulous, annoying disease that never goes away. And I want to get rid of it like everybody else does.  (Pumping Quotes) This body is fragile. It is just flesh. Listen to the heartbeat. Life depends on the pumping of a muscle  (Pumping Quotes) One tires of a page of which every sentence sparkles with points, of a sentimentalist who is always pumping the tears from his eyes or your own  (Pumping Quotes) Well it’s because the record companies are pumping away with their commercial stuff. I think it’s a shame  (Pumping Quotes) You get very tired, and there was a certain amount of pain and you slow up. Your legs are so tired that you are in fact slowing. If you don’t keep running, keep your blood circulating, the muscles stop pumping the blood back and you get dizzy  (Pumping Quotes) I think that there were only two people in my high school that were comfortable there, and I think they are both pumping gas now  (Pumping Quotes) Life is about rhythm. We vibrate, our hearts are pumping blood, we are a rhythm machine, that’s what we are  (Pumping Quotes) Fat is one of the chief enemies of the heart because it has to be plentifully supplied with blood and thus needlessly increases the pumping load that the heart must sustain  (Pumping Quotes) I like to jump some rope and swing kettle bells to get my blood pumping. It makes my voice sound better, and it clears my head  (Pumping Quotes) Music drives you. It wakes you up, it gets you pumping. And, at the end of the day, the correct tune will chill you down  (Pumping Quotes) I’m an adrenaline guy. I like to do stuff that gets my blood pumping, like roller coasters or jumping out of planes. I’m into all that crazy stuff  (Pumping Quotes) Healthy foods are great, but it’s important to keep your body active. Your muscles only get stronger and build more endurance for everyday things if you’re moving and get the blood pumping. Exercising stimulates certain brain chemicals and can put you in a better mood!  (Pumping Quotes) It’s a fact of life. Hearts are always hurting. And yet they still keep pumping  (Pumping Quotes) I didn’t know his middle name or his favorite color, but I knew how his thoughts felt caressing my mind. The bright tang of his adrenaline coursing under my skin. The force of his heart, strong and rhythmic and a bit sad, pumping within my own chest  (Pumping Quotes) The successful teacher is no longer on a height, pumping knowledge at high pressure into passive receptacles  (Pumping Quotes) I would be absolutely astounded if population growth and industrialisation and all the stuff we are pumping into the atmosphere hadn’t changed the climatic balance. Of course it has. There is no valid argument for denial  (Pumping Quotes) You’re out on stage, the music is blaring, the crowd is screaming, the lights are flashing, your heart is pumping, the sweat is flying, and it’s the greatest feeling in the whole world  (Pumping Quotes) After the oil spill, I had this strong feeling that if I ever were to be blessed in having children, I never wanted my kids to see me pumping gas at a gas station. I think it’s our responsibility to make the changes that we need to take regardless of convenience  (Pumping Quotes) Putting facts by the thousands, into the world, the toes take off with an appealing squeak which the thumping heel follows confidentially, the way men greet men. Sometimes walking is just such elated pumping  (Pumping Quotes) Pervasive depletion and overuse of water supplies, the high capital cost of new large water projects, rising pumping costs and worsening ecological damage call for a shift in the way water is valued, used and managed  (Pumping Quotes) I was 19 years old, pumping gas and going nowhere. I was kind of a high school dropout at that point because I had left school to play hockey, but no one drafted me  (Pumping Quotes) Being funny is a symptom of what’s underneath. You’re pumping out all that energy because something else is going on inside you, some opposing force, something uncomfortable  (Pumping Quotes) Broken heart. A pump after all, pumping thousands of gallons of blood every day. One fine day it gets bunged up and there you are... Old rusty pumps: damn the thing else. The resurrection and the life. Once you are dead you are dead  (Pumping Quotes) There’s no similarity between football and ballet, so this ain’t ballet music being played on the field. I’m pumping something that’s going to put me in a frame of mind to go to war, and something that’s very high tempo and high beat  (Pumping Quotes) It is by teaching that we teach ourselves, by relating that we observe, by affirming that we examine, by showing that we look, by writing that we think, by pumping that we draw water into the well  (Pumping Quotes) The debt and the deficit is just getting out of control, and the administration is still pumping through billions upon trillions of new spending. That does not grow the economy  (Pumping Quotes) Whenever we feel stressed out, that’s a signal that our brain is pumping out stress hormones. If sustained over months and years, those hormones can ruin our health and make us a nervous wreck  (Pumping Quotes)
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