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Purer Quotes

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To give a purer sense to the words of the tribe  (Purer Quotes) While all the future, for thy purer soul, with sober certainties of love is blest  (Purer Quotes) No purer artist exists or has ever existed than a child freed to imagine  (Purer Quotes) Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming  (Purer Quotes) There’s a woman like a dewdrop, she’s so purer than the purest  (Purer Quotes) Prayer is a sign of repentance, a desire to become better, purer  (Purer Quotes) It is only by expressing all that is inside that purer and purer streams come  (Purer Quotes) The stream is always purer at its source  (Purer Quotes) The day is not purer than the depths of my heart  (Purer Quotes) There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes. We cannot see it, but when our bodies are purified, we shall see that it is all matter  (Purer Quotes) Because I am a storyteller I live by words. Perhaps music is a purer art form. It may be that when we communicate with life on another planet, it will be through music, not through language or words  (Purer Quotes) There is nothing that can hurt the soul but sin; it is not affliction that hurts it, it often makes it better, as the furnace makes gold the purer; but it is sin that damnifies  (Purer Quotes) Therefore we examine with considerable diligence the consensus of the true, learned, and purer antiquity, and we love and praise the testimonies of the fathers which agree with the Scripture  (Purer Quotes) Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning. The tragedy of man is that he doesn’t know how to distinguish between day and night. He says things at night that should only be said by day  (Purer Quotes) To use books rightly, is to go to them for help; to appeal to them when our own knowledge and power fail; to be led by them into wider sight and purer conception than our own, and to receive from them the united sentence of the judges and councils of all time, against our solitary and unstable opinions  (Purer Quotes) Purer colors... have in themselves, independently of the objects they serve to express, a significant action on the feelings of those who look at them  (Purer Quotes) I have named you queen. There are taller than you, taller. There are purer than you, purer. There are lovelier than you, lovelier. But you are the queen  (Purer Quotes) Sometimes a strange light shines, purer than the moon, casting no shadow, that is the halo upon the bones of the pioneers who died for truth  (Purer Quotes) I find purer philosophy in a Poem than in a Conclusion of Geometry, a chemical analysis, or a physical law  (Purer Quotes) I am quite above physical death and believe it to be only the birth throes for a much purer life in a much purer draping  (Purer Quotes) My philosophy is inverted Platonism: the further a thing is from true being, the purer, the lovelier, the better it is. Living inillusion as a goal!  (Purer Quotes) I think it’s that thing of growing up all the time watching American movies and listening to American music. It hits you in a way that’s a lot purer because you are not in that culture that you’re watching.  (Purer Quotes) It’s the false moral component behind blind animal love that so frosts me. The faulty logic that believes that the capacity to adore a nonhuman creature is somehow a purer form of love.  (Purer Quotes) By removing the stories from the morass of things that surround us, I’m hoping to achieve some kind of purer approach to emotional life.  (Purer Quotes) Of course art world ethics are important. But museums are no purer than any other institution or business. Academics aren’t necessarily more high-minded than gallerists.  (Purer Quotes) The purer the application of socialism, the worse the results, the purer the application of capitalism, the better the results.  (Purer Quotes) The planting of trees is the least self-centered of all that we can do. It is a purer act of faith than the procreation of children.  (Purer Quotes) Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning. The tragedy of man is that he doesn’t know how to distinguish between day and night. He says things at night that should only be said by day.  (Purer Quotes) We think the man with the best rap will protect and save us, but it’s not usually that way. Love is something deeper and purer.  (Purer Quotes) Being young and female in America, you watch a lot of T.V., and you grow up on false images of what love truly is. We think the man with the best rap will protect and save us, about it’s not usually that way. Then you learn love is something deeper and purer in form.  (Purer Quotes)
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