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Puritanism Quotes

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Nothing evokes the prurient like puritanism  (Puritanism Quotes) Puritanism. The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy  (Puritanism Quotes) Puritanism was a youthful, vigorous movement  (Puritanism Quotes) I object to being told that I am saving daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind... At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme, I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy, and wise in spite of themselves  (Puritanism Quotes) Many of us grew up with a kind of puritanism against shopping. But shopping can be much more than how it is cast. If you are bored or you have problems, it can be a way of lifting your spirits, by doing something light and superficial. Why not?  (Puritanism Quotes) Puritanism, in whatever expression, is a poisonous germ. On the surface everything may look strong and vigorous; yet the poison works its way persistently, until the entire fabric is doomed  (Puritanism Quotes) Puritanism, believing itself quick with the seed of religious liberty, laid, without knowing it, the egg of democracy  (Puritanism Quotes) There IS more criticism of puritanism, and more distance from Christian morality, than there has been before  (Puritanism Quotes) The American obliviousness towards the suffering of Palestinians refugees plays a major part in radicalizing people. And we are fanning the flames of puritanism  (Puritanism Quotes) Most people divorce because one in the couple falls in love with someone else: it’s a common cause of divorce. I still think that it’s tinted - this is my opinion - with a veil of racism and American puritanism.  (Puritanism Quotes) There is more criticism of puritanism, and more distance from Christian morality, than there has been before.  (Puritanism Quotes)