Purpose Quotes

Text Quotes
The only failure one should fear, is not hugging to the purpose they see as best (Purpose Quotes)
While I am overwhelmingly proud of work that I, believe me, did not do on my own, I can assure you that awards have very little bearing on my own personal happiness, my own sense of well-being and purpose in the world (Purpose Quotes)
The President of the United States ordered me to break through the Japanese lines and proceed from Corregidor to Australia for the purpose, as I understand it, of organizing the American offensive against Japan, a primary object of which is the relief of the Philippines. I came through and I shall return (Purpose Quotes)
Given a man full of faith, you will have a man tenacious in purpose, absorbed in one grand object, simple in his motives, in whom selfishness has been driven out by the power of a mightier love, and indolence stirred into unwearied energy (Purpose Quotes)
A piece of simple goodness - a letter gushing from the heart; a beautiful unstudied vindication of the worth and untiring sweetness of human nature-a record of the invulnerability of man, armed with high purpose, sanctified by truth (Purpose Quotes)
Making duplicate copies and computer printouts of things no one wanted even one of in the first place is giving America a new sense of purpose (Purpose Quotes)
I didn't get old on purpose, it just happened. If you're lucky, it could happen to you (Purpose Quotes)
The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others (Purpose Quotes)
Four snakes gliding up and down a hollow for no purpose that I could see - not to eat, not for love, but only gliding (Purpose Quotes)
Why is it that we entertain the belief that for every purpose odd numbers are the most effectual? (Purpose Quotes)
Men and women of every faith and good people with none at all sincerely strive to do right and lead a purpose driven life (Purpose Quotes)
It is precisely the purpose of the public opinion generated by the press to make the public incapable of judging, to insinuate into it the attitude of someone irresponsible, uninformed (Purpose Quotes)
I know of no such unquestionable badge and ensign of a sovereign mind as that of tenacity of purpose (Purpose Quotes)
The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing (Purpose Quotes)
Not only is there no guarantee of the temporal immortality of the human soul, that is to say of it's eternal survival after death; but, in any case, this assumption completely fails to accomplish the purpose for which it has always been intended. Or is some riddle solved by my surviving forever? Is not this eternal life itself as much of a riddle as our present life? (Purpose Quotes)
I don't need to punish people for sin. Sin is it's own punishment, devouring you from the inside. It's not my purpose to punish it; it's my joy to cure it (Purpose Quotes)
The world rolls round forever like a mill; it grinds out death and life and good and ill; it has no purpose, heart or mind or will (Purpose Quotes)
To pour the fresh instruction over the mind, to breathe the enliv'ning spirit, and to fix the generous purpose in the glowing breast (Purpose Quotes)
Our mailing lists (and their repeater newsgroups) are only for the purpose of promoting proprietary software (Purpose Quotes)
Anger is uneasiness or discomposure of the mind upon the receipt of any injury, with a present purpose of revenge (Purpose Quotes)
Gentleness is far more successful in all it's enterprises than violence; indeed, violence generally frustrates it's own purpose, while gentleness scarcely ever fails (Purpose Quotes)
It is never too late to reform, as long as you have the sense to desire it, and the strength to execute your purpose (Purpose Quotes)
If I am doing nothing, I like to be doing nothing to some purpose. That is what leisure means (Purpose Quotes)
Not result is the purpose of action, but God's eternal delight in becoming, seeing and doing (Purpose Quotes)
The question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt, limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose (Purpose Quotes)
Every moment comes to you pregnant with divine purpose... Once it leaves your hands and your power to do with it as you please, it plunges into eternity, to remain forever what you made it (Purpose Quotes)
The man who chooses his work because it fulfills a purpose he approves is the only one who grows in stature by working. He alone can properly say, at the end of it, it is finished! (Purpose Quotes)
If I have sometimes seemed to make fun of woman, I assure you it has only been for the purpose of egging her on (Purpose Quotes)
In order to succeed, this group will need a singleness of purpose, they will need a dedication, and they will have to convince all of their prospects of the willingness to sacrifice (Purpose Quotes)
Ethics without virtue is an illusion. What is the highest purpose of ethics? It is to make a person good, that is virtuous (Purpose Quotes)