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Purpose Quotes

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The best school in the world will scarcely save a boy who hates the school and the purpose it serves and the society that created it  (Purpose Quotes) People become less inhibited from wanting to change social and economic conditions in a radical fashion according to their own interests, and from being prepared to think of state intervention in ever wider spheres as possible and useful for this purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Though oppression may give rise to violent and repeated outbreaks, like the convulsions of a man in pain, it cannot mature a settled purpose and plan of regeneration, unless a new notion of happiness is joined to the sense of present evil  (Purpose Quotes) When you feel that you have reached the end and that you cannot go one step further, when life seems to be drained of all purpose: What a wonderful opportunity to start all over again, to turn over a new page  (Purpose Quotes) A person of definite character and purpose who comprehends our way of thought is sure to exert power over us. He cannot altogether be resisted; because, if he understands us, he can make us understand him, through the word, the look, or other symbol  (Purpose Quotes) Man cannot live without some knowledge of the purpose of life. If he can find no purpose in life he creates one in the inevitability of death  (Purpose Quotes) The true purpose of education is to cherish and unfold the seed of immortality already sown within us  (Purpose Quotes) I always get back to the question, is it really necessary that men should consume so much of their bodily and mental energies in the machinery of civilized life? The world seems to me to do much of its toil for that which is not in any sense bread. Again, does not the latent feeling that much of their striving is to no purpose tend to infuse large quantities of sham into men’s work?  (Purpose Quotes) The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race, it’s to test the limits of the human heart  (Purpose Quotes) Music must serve a purpose; it must be a part of something larger than itself, a part of humanity  (Purpose Quotes) No matter what a man does, he is not fully sane or human unless there is a spirit of freedom in him, a soul unconfined by purpose and larger than the practicable world  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of polite behavior is never virtuous. Deceit, surrender, and concealment these are not virtues. The goal of the mannerly is comfort, per se  (Purpose Quotes) The fairytale is irresponsible; it is frankly imaginary, and its purpose is to gratify wishes, as a dream doth flatter  (Purpose Quotes) I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all  (Purpose Quotes) There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man’s whole life is a succession of moment after moment. There will be nothing else to do, and nothing else to pursue. Live being true to the single purpose of the moment  (Purpose Quotes) I look upon enthusiasm, in all other points but that of religion, to be a very necessary turn of mind; as indeed it is a vein which nature seems to have marked with more or less strength, in the tempers of most men. No matter what the object is, whether business, pleasures or the fine arts: whoever pursues them to any purpose must do so con amore  (Purpose Quotes) Thoughts lead on to purpose, purpose leads on to actions, actions form habits, habits decide character, and character fixes our destiny  (Purpose Quotes) It is a difficult task to talk to the purpose, and to put life and perspicuity into our discourse  (Purpose Quotes) What I’ve learned over the years is that focus and singular purpose is the best approach for businesses  (Purpose Quotes) What I don’t like is when I see stuff that I know has had a lot of improv done or is playing around where there’s no purpose to the scene other than to just be funny. What you don’t want is funny scene, funny scene, funny scene, and now here’s the epiphany scene and then the movie’s over  (Purpose Quotes) Music is sunshine. Like sunshine, music is a powerful force that can instantly and almost chemically change your entire mood. Music gives us new energy and a stronger sense of purpose  (Purpose Quotes) It took me a while and a lot of hard times to figure out my purpose, I am so happy with my life. I just want to help make other people happy, too  (Purpose Quotes) My purpose is to entertain and please myself. I feel that if I am entertained, then there will be enough other readers who will be entertained, too  (Purpose Quotes) We need to have a purpose in this life. I’m pleading with you, I’m begging with you to do the right thing. And do it not for the sake of how it will impact your own lives, but only for the sake of doing the right thing  (Purpose Quotes) I know that the purpose of life is to understand and be in the present moment with the people you love. It’s just that simple  (Purpose Quotes) I think a lot of people get so obsessed with the wedding and the expense of the wedding that they miss out on what the real purpose is. It’s not about a production number, it’s about a meaningful moment between two people that’s witnessed by people that they actually really know and care about  (Purpose Quotes) Man is a competitive creature, and the seeds of conflict are built deep into our genes. We fought each other on the savannah and only survived against great odds by organising ourselves into groups which would have had a common purpose, giving morale and fortitude  (Purpose Quotes) You can’t think on purpose about somebody or something. Either you think about them naturally or you don’t think at all  (Purpose Quotes) If you’re really listening, if you’re awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders  (Purpose Quotes) Surely by now there can be few here who still believe the purpose of government is to protect us from the destructive activities of corporations. At last most of us must understand that the opposite is true: that the primary purpose of government is to protect those who run the economy from the outrage of injured citizens  (Purpose Quotes)
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