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Purpose Quotes

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If you would reflect well and wisely, you would realize that those events you regard as personal misfortunes have served a useful purpose even in this worldly life, and indeed have worked for your betterment  (Purpose Quotes) Fortitude... It means fixity of purpose. It means endurance. It means having the strength to live with what constrains you  (Purpose Quotes) Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Real literature is something much better than a harmless instrument for getting through idle hours. The purpose of great literature is to help us to develop into full human beings  (Purpose Quotes) In truth, one cannot, it seems, oppose mechanism and finalism, one cannot oppose mechanism and anthropomorphism, for if the functioning of a machine is explained by relations of pure causality, the construction of a machine can be understood neither without purpose nor without man. A machine is made by man and for man, with a view toward certain ends to be obtained, in the form of effects to be produced… a mechanical model of any phenomena is explanatory only so long as we take machines as already granted  (Purpose Quotes) Examine every word you put on paper. You’ll find a surprising number that don’t serve any purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The object of a comedy is not to correct morals or ridicule the vices of society; no, a comedy should depict the discrepancies between life and purpose, should be the fruit of bitter indignation aroused by the degradation of human dignity, should be sarcasm, and not an epigram, convulsive laughter and not an amused grin, should be written with bile and not diluted salt, in a word, it should embrace life in its highest significance  (Purpose Quotes) The thing to keep in mind is that laws are framed by those who happen to be in power and for the purpose of keeping them in power  (Purpose Quotes) Everybody knows that abstract art can be art, and most people know that they may not like it, even if they understand there’s another purpose to it  (Purpose Quotes) Stress is like fire: When controlled and used for a purpose, it serves us well. Left unbridled, it can consume us  (Purpose Quotes) If language was given to men to conceal their thoughts, then gesture’s purpose was to disclose them  (Purpose Quotes) One of the significant facts about the moment of birth is that it is an unconscious moment. No one ever knows when he is being born that the event is actually taking place, and sometimes we don’t find out about it until quite a long time afterward. Sometimes, we never do really find out that we have been born. So frequently, we don’t know why we were born; we don’t know where we came from; we don’t know what the purpose of life is; nor do we understand the possibilities of our godly destiny  (Purpose Quotes) There’s no obvious reason to assume that the very same rare properties that allow for our existence would also provide the best overall setting to make discoveries about the world around us. We don’t think this is merely coincidental. It cries out for another explanation, an explanation that... points to purpose and intelligent design in the cosmos  (Purpose Quotes) Half of what we know is wrong, the purpose of science is to determine which half  (Purpose Quotes) Achieving the summit of a mountain was tangible, immutable, concrete. The incumbent hazards lent the activity a seriousness of purpose that was sorely missing from the rest of my life. I thrilled in the fresh perspective that came from the tipping the ordinary plane of existence on end  (Purpose Quotes) To me the purpose of art is to produce something alive... but with a separate, and of course one hopes, with an everlasting life of its own  (Purpose Quotes) They establish contact with the subconscious of the consumer below the word level. They do this with visual symbols instead of words... They communicate faster. They are more direct. There is no work, no mental effort. Their sole purpose is to create images and moods  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise  (Purpose Quotes) Working hard is one thing, but working hard with purpose is what separates the good from the great  (Purpose Quotes) Every so often a disappearance is in order. A vanishing. A checking out. An indeterminate period of unavailability. Each person, each sane person, maintains a refuge, or series of refuges, for this purpose. A place, or places, where they can, figuratively if not literally, suspend their membership in the human race  (Purpose Quotes) Governments and the military purport to protect the public from enemies, and if there were no enemies they would have to invent some, for the simple purpose of rationalizing their existence  (Purpose Quotes) Reasons always came with a purpose, to give the appearance of a struggle between principle and desire. Principle had power only until you found what you had to have  (Purpose Quotes) No. The purpose is not the destination but the journey itself. Only those who understand this simple truth can experience true happiness  (Purpose Quotes) Art in relation to life is nothing more than a glove turned inside out. It seems to have the same shapes and contours, but it can never be used for the same purpose. Art teaches nothing about life, just as life teaches us nothing about art  (Purpose Quotes) It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he or she is potentially. Each photographer, then, should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through an understanding of others and the world we inhabit. When that happens, the results, like photographs, are really the expressions of the life of the maker  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of art is not the release of a momentary ejection of adrenaline but rather the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of my work was never to destroy but always to create, to construct bridges, because we must live in the hope that humankind will draw together and that the better we understand each other the easier this will become  (Purpose Quotes) There is something fundamentally antidemocratic about relinquishing control of the public education policy agenda to private foundations run by society’s wealthiest people; when the wealthiest of these foundations are joined in common purpose, they represent an unusually powerful force that is beyond the reach of democratic institutions  (Purpose Quotes) Because of their origin and purpose, the meanings of art are of a different order from the operational meanings of science and technics: they relate, not to external means and consequences, but to internal transformations, and unless it produce these internal transformations the work of art is either perfunctory or dead  (Purpose Quotes) I would say the universe has a purpose. It’s not there just somehow by chance  (Purpose Quotes)
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