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Purpose Quotes

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It’s not my responsibility to be beautiful. I’m not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me  (Purpose Quotes) Granpa said if there was less words, there wouldn’t be as much trouble in the world. He said privately to me that there was always some damn fool making up a word that served no purpose except to cause trouble  (Purpose Quotes) There’s a time and purpose for being lost. If you don’t judge the being lost you get through it sooner  (Purpose Quotes) The whole purpose of an adventure is to gain some spiritual or emotional insight. When you compromise the process, you compromise the gain  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of writing is to hold a mirror to nature, but too much today is written from small mirrors in vanity cases  (Purpose Quotes) Never underestimate your own strength. You were born for a purpose and are blessed with the power to achieve it  (Purpose Quotes) You know what it takes to win. Just look at my fist. When I make a fist, it’s strong and you can’t tear it apart. As long as there’s unity, there’s strength. We must become so close with the bonds of loyalty and sacrifice, so deep with the conviction of the sole purpose, that no one, no group, no thing, can ever tear us apart  (Purpose Quotes) The main purpose of production is to manufacture items of good quality for daily use in abundant supply, thereby enhancing and improving the life for everyone and it is this goal that I am dedicated  (Purpose Quotes) Better service for the customer is for the good of the public, and this is the true purpose of enterprise  (Purpose Quotes) The history of the human race is a continual struggle from darkness into light. It is, therefore, to no purpose to discuss the use of knowledge; man wants to know, and when he ceases to do so, is no longer a man  (Purpose Quotes) Enlightenment, or true happiness, is not a transcendental state. It is a condition of broad wisdom, boundless energy, and good fortune wherein we each shape our own destiny, find fulfillment in daily activities, and come to understand our ultimate purpose in life  (Purpose Quotes) The sole purpose of marketing is to sell more to more people, more often and at higher prices. There is no other reason to do it  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of the study of judo is to perfect yourself and to contribute to society  (Purpose Quotes) How is property given? By restraining liberty; that is, by taking it away so far as necessary for the purpose. How is your house made yours? By debarring every one else from the liberty of entering it without your leave  (Purpose Quotes) Discovery can give no right of ownership, for whatever is discovered must have been already here to be discovered. If a man makes a wheelbarrow, or a book, or a picture, he has a moral right to that particular wheelbarrow, or book, or picture, but no right to ask that others be prevented from making similar things. Such a prohibition, though given for the purpose of stimulating discovery and invention, really in the long run operates as a check upon them  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of a liberal arts education is to learn that a person can like both cats and dogs  (Purpose Quotes) Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story  (Purpose Quotes) We think only through the medium of words. Languages are true analytical methods. Algebra, which is adapted to its purpose in every species of expression, in the most simple, most exact, and best manner possible, is at the same time a language and an analytical method. The art of reasoning is nothing more than a language well arranged  (Purpose Quotes) It’s okay that your parents aren’t perfect; no one’s are. And it’s okay that they didn’t have any perfect children either; no one’s are. You see, our whole purpose is to strive together in righteousness, overcoming our weaknesses day by day. Don’t ever give up on each other  (Purpose Quotes) If your purpose is to liberate yourself and others into love and freedom, then you should do whatever magnifies the love and freedom in your life and in the lives of whom your actions affect  (Purpose Quotes) Making a profit is no more the purpose of a corporation than getting enough to eat is the purpose of life. Getting enough to eat is a requirement of life; life’s purpose, one would hope, is somewhat broader and more challenging. Likewise with business and profit  (Purpose Quotes) When people are deeply happy they bring a sense of purpose with them wherever they go, whatever circumstances they are in. So if they’re changing the oil in the car, they bring a sense of joyful purpose even to that  (Purpose Quotes) Passion requires focused direction, and that direction must come from three other areas: your purpose, your talents, and your needs  (Purpose Quotes) Join the bold, the brazen, the unintimidated. Join not having excuses. Join the idea that fun is the source of all joy. Join the unwillingness to give up. Join doing things your way. Join not joining. Join that purpose is stronger than outcome. Join your gut. Join the constant challenge of seeking greatness. Join play. Join the hunger to find what makes you happy. Join karma and nature and the effect you have on your world. Join your philosophy. Join something bigger than you. Join what you believe  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of a college education is to give you the correct view of minorities, and the means to live as far away from them as possible  (Purpose Quotes) In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence  (Purpose Quotes) We are superior to the competition because we hire employees who work in an environment of belonging and purpose. We foster a climate where the employee can deliver what the customer wants. You cannot deliver what the customer wants by controlling the employee  (Purpose Quotes) If there is a purpose in life at all, there must be a purpose in suffering and in dying. But no man can tell another what this purpose is. Each must find out for himself, and must accept the responsibility that his answer prescribes. If he succeeds he will continue to grow in spite of all indignities  (Purpose Quotes) The primary purpose of adoption is to provide a home for a child, not a child for a home  (Purpose Quotes) Life can only be enjoyed as one acquires a true perspective of life and death and of the real purpose of life  (Purpose Quotes)
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