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Purpose Quotes

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The purpose of theatre is... making an event in which a group of fragments are sudde nly brought together... in a community which, by the natural laws that make every community, gradually breaks up... At certain moments this fragmented world comes together and for a certain time it can rediscover the marvel of organic life... The marvel of being one  (Purpose Quotes) Living on purpose requires us to find what we love fiercely, give it all we’ve got and then pass it on, as if it were a torch, to those who follow  (Purpose Quotes) If teaching has any purpose, it is to implant true insight and responsibility. Education must lead us from irresponsible opinion to true responsible judgement. It must lead us from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order  (Purpose Quotes) I had no special training at all; I am completely self taught. I don’t fit the mold of a visual arts designer or a graphic designer. I just had a strong concept about what a game designer is. Someone who designs projects to make people happy. That’s a game designer’s purpose  (Purpose Quotes) I have not given any drawn or lost games, because I thought them inadequate to the purpose of the book  (Purpose Quotes) The laws of physics... seem to be the product of exceedingly ingenious design... The universe must have a purpose  (Purpose Quotes) This is the one international institution we have in which governments get together to work collectively for a common purpose. International crises, by definition, require international solutions. Peacekeeping is a response to conflict, is a response to situations in which often it is not the business of any one particular country to get into. It seems to me, therefore, that the world will for the foreseeable future need peacekeeping  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away  (Purpose Quotes) The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweeter  (Purpose Quotes) ... to kill animals for the purpose of feeding on their flesh is one of the most deplorable and shameful infirmities of the human state  (Purpose Quotes) Ask how you’d live your life differently if you knew you were going to die soon, then ask yourself who those people you admire are and why you admire them, and then ask yourself what was the most fun time in your life. The answers to these questions, when seen, heard, and felt, provide us with an open doorway into our mission, our destiny, our purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of the painter is simply to reproduce in other minds the impression which a scene has made upon him. A work of art does not appeal to the intellect. It does not appeal to the moral sense. Its aim is to instruct, not to edify, but to awaken an emotion  (Purpose Quotes) The true purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer, not to make you money  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of a business is to get and keep a customer. Without customers, no amount of engineering wizardry, clever financing, or operations expertise can keep a company going  (Purpose Quotes) Having a purpose is the little secret of the nonpretties. Something to do always beats something to look at  (Purpose Quotes) I think part of my purpose in this life is to talk about magic, and to make it  (Purpose Quotes) Don’t ever allow yourself to feel trapped by your choices. Take a look at yourself. You are a unique person created for a specific purpose. Your gifts matter. Your story matters. Your dreams matter. You matter  (Purpose Quotes) I have not attempted to try to relive or recreate the past; but I have sought guidance from those timeless elements in the past which remain valid and vital to the future... The purpose of my art is to seek beauty and truth, and to explore and glorify the human being and the universe  (Purpose Quotes) In endeavor itself there is a certain dynamic entertainment, affording an illusion of useful purpose. With achievement the illusion is dispelled. Man’s greatest accomplishment is to produce change. The only good in life is study, because study is an endeavor that never reaches fulfillment. It busies a man to the end of his days, and it aims at the only true reality in all this world of shams and deceits  (Purpose Quotes) Consumers have to understand that the purpose of these claims is to get them to buy the product  (Purpose Quotes) Our ideas are only intellectual instruments which we use to break into phenomena; we must change them when they have served their purpose, as we change a blunt lancet that we have used long enough  (Purpose Quotes) The real wealth of a nation is its people. And the purpose of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy, and creative lives. This simple but powerful truth is too often forgotten in the pursuit of material and financial wealth  (Purpose Quotes) To me documentary photography means making a picture so that the viewer doesn’t think about the man who made the picture. At its esthetic core is very old tradition in art: naturalism. And its purpose is to document all facets of social relationships  (Purpose Quotes) Your lot in life? A lot is something you draw, like straws. It’s chance. You didn’t get this life by chance. You chose it on purpose. If you’re dissatisfied from it, you can change it  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of architecture is to create an atmosphere in which man can live, work, and enjoy  (Purpose Quotes) If you simply walk on the beach as we are doing, you have no special color. But if you travel with a purpose, it is different. When you go somewhere important or you return home from a long journey, you build a shape around you and it reaches out ahead to touch your destination  (Purpose Quotes) There could never be a more beautiful you; don’t buy the lies, disguises and hoops they make you jump through; you were made to fill a purpose that only you could do; so there could never be a more beautiful you  (Purpose Quotes) Ka is a wheel; its one purpose is to turn. The spin of ka always brings us back to the same place, to face and reface our mistakes and defeats until we can learn from them. When we learn from the past, the wheel continues to move forward, towards growth and evolution. When we don’t, the wheel spins backward, and we are given another chance. If once more we squander the opportunity, the wheel continues its rotation towards devolution, or destruction  (Purpose Quotes) I believe that everything has a purpose and that everything a person does will come back to haunt or save him. Life is like a mirror in which everything we do is reflected back to us. We might not be able to recognize the reflection, and at times the image may be hidden. We may take years to see it or it may not even be visible during our lifetime. But it all comes around in the end. Space is as infinite as our actions are timeless. We are all part of the same invisible story, all travelling in a single continuum  (Purpose Quotes) Writing is an act of hope. It means carving order out of chaos, of challenging one’s own beliefs and assumptions, of facing the world with eyes and heart wide open. Through writing we declare a personal identity amid faceless anonymity. We find purpose and beauty and meaning even when the rational mind argues that none of these exist. Writing therefore, is also an act of courage. How much easier is it to lead an unexamined life than to confront yourself on the page?  (Purpose Quotes)
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