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Purpose Quotes

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We throw away what we could have been and waste our opportunities. We each have a purpose, a destiny, and to realize it, we must reach beyond what we think we are capable of  (Purpose Quotes) Everyone in life has a purpose, and nobody’s purpose is better than anyone else’s  (Purpose Quotes) Putting love first means knowing that the universe supports you in creating the good, the holy, and the beautiful. It means knowing that you’re on the earth for a purpose, and that the purpose itself will create opportunities for its accomplishment  (Purpose Quotes) To separate the purpose of a business from the purpose of people who are in the business is, I think, not a good thing  (Purpose Quotes) A certain amount of taxes is of course indispensable to carry on essential government functions. Reasonable taxes for this purpose need not hurt production much  (Purpose Quotes) What I have learnt is that it is important to pursue your passion more than your legacy; if you have a passion with a purpose, then everything else fits in  (Purpose Quotes) When I behold a rich landscape, it is less to my purpose to recite correctly the order and superposition of the strata, than to know why all thought of multitude is lost in a tranquil sense of unity  (Purpose Quotes) Those whose purpose does not match yours are not wrong; they have their mission, and finding their own purposeful way may involve many detours and acts that seem destructive  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of architecture is to transmute the emptiness into space, that is into something which our minds can grasp as an organized unity  (Purpose Quotes) Silence is consent. And silence where life and liberty is at stake, where by a timely protest we could stay the destoyer’s hand, and do not do so, is as criminal as giving actual aid to the oppressor, for it answers his purpose  (Purpose Quotes) ... mathematics is the science of skillful operations with concepts and rules invented just for this purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The efficient market theory is one of the better models in the sense that it can be taken as true for every purpose I can think of. For investment purposes, there are very few investors that shouldn’t behave as if markets are totally efficient  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of this book is to supply, in the form suitable for laymen, guidance in the adoption and execution of an investment policy  (Purpose Quotes) Life is writing. The sole purpose of mankind is to engrave the thoughts of divinity onto the tablets of nature  (Purpose Quotes) If we can take the time to mute the noise we’ve build around ourselves the rhythm of the heartbeats and the purpose may be clear  (Purpose Quotes) Large part of our purpose in life is to be of service to the rest of us  (Purpose Quotes) To desire to be what one can be is purpose in life. There are no exterior forces. There are only interior forces. Who squanders talent praises death  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of apology is to extend ourselves in such a way that relationships become deeper, and life becomes richer and more human in the process  (Purpose Quotes) Remind yourself of your reasons for living. You have a future worth enduring for, and you deserve to have a renewed sense of purpose and pleasure in your life  (Purpose Quotes) Not everybody can identify a purpose in life. But when you do, and when you pursue it, you will be living the kind of life you feel you were meant to live. And what’s more, you will be happy  (Purpose Quotes) To have meaning, our lives require both passion and purpose. A life without passion is like a furnace without fuel, and without purpose, like a ship without a rudder  (Purpose Quotes) I don’t think about race before I start drawing. I think about how to make that mark to fit whatever purpose I need it to fulfill  (Purpose Quotes) A man without a sense of purpose, even one whose bank accounts are stuffed with money, is always a small man  (Purpose Quotes) I’ve had to make the difficult decision to follow my intuition, and allow myself the space and time to explore my true purpose in life  (Purpose Quotes) Though conscious of the difficulty of learning without a teacher, I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read  (Purpose Quotes) Many writers lay very great stress upon some definite moral purpose, at which they profess to aim their works  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of life is to pass the frontiers! Attack the frontiers to go beyond them with the determination of a bull attacking the red colour!  (Purpose Quotes) To die for a cause is insanity; man’s greatest cause is to live; his biggest purpose is to stay alive! Only fools die for a cause! Which cause can be superior to man’s life?  (Purpose Quotes) I have lived my whole life on the stage and screen before you. I found purpose and meaning in your response  (Purpose Quotes) My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night it was to time an egg  (Purpose Quotes)
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