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Purpose Quotes

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Without man and his potential for moral progress, the whole of reality would be a mere wilderness, a thing in vain, and have no final purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Truth is a risky proposition. It’s the nature of mediocre human beings to believe that lies are necessary, that they serve a purpose, that truth is subversive, that candor is dangerous, that the very scaffold of communal life is supported by lies  (Purpose Quotes) The key to a happy life is to have accomplishments to be proud of and purpose to look forward to, and at the moment I had both. How wonderful it was to be me  (Purpose Quotes) Though why should we expect age to mellow us? If it isn’t life’s business to reward merit, why should it be life’s business to give us warm comfortable feelings towards its end? What possible evolutionary purpose could nostalgia serve?  (Purpose Quotes) You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose  (Purpose Quotes) We are given to the great, for great purpose, to great ends. We are given to the grave, for grave purposes, to grave ends  (Purpose Quotes) Enchantment and seduction were fine means of persuasion, but when time is short, an awkward but quick concussion could better serve a girl’s purpose  (Purpose Quotes) People want nothing but mirrors around them. To reflect them while they’re reflecting too... Reflections of reflections and echoes of echoes. No beginning and no end. No center and no purpose  (Purpose Quotes) After all, isn’t the purpose of the novel, or of a museum, for that matter, to relate our memories with such sincerity as to transform individual happiness into a happiness all can share?  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of the poetry is not to dazzle us with an astonishing thought, but to make one moment of existence unforgettable and worthy of unbearable nostalgia  (Purpose Quotes) For a revolution is not just a question of pulling a trigger; its purpose is to create a fair just society  (Purpose Quotes) Are we not all flung into the world for no other purpose than to hate each other, and so to torture ourselves and one another?  (Purpose Quotes) So he lived, not knowing and not seeing any chance of knowing what he was and for what purpose he had been placed in the word  (Purpose Quotes) The serious problems in life... are never fully solved. If ever they should appear to be so it is a sure sign that something has been lost. The meaning and purpose of a problem seem to lie not in its solution but in our working at it incessantly  (Purpose Quotes) Oh yes. You’ve caught me. I confess. My sole purpose in life is to gleefully, willfully, maniacally destroy all of your precious chrome babies  (Purpose Quotes) The things he did on purpose were usually no different from the mistakes he made by accident  (Purpose Quotes) You have robbed me, and everyone here, of their purpose. That’s not salvation, that’s damnation  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of school should be to prepare kids for the rest of their lives, but too often what kids need to be prepared for is surviving the school day itself  (Purpose Quotes) It seemed to me the way it must feel to people who cut themselves on purpose. Not pretty, but clean. Not good, but void of regret. I was trying to heal. Trying to get the bad out of my system so I could be good again. To cure me of myself  (Purpose Quotes) Take up a weapon and you become an instrument with as pure a purpose as the weapon itself: to find arteries and open them, limbs and sever them; to take what is alive and deliver it unto death  (Purpose Quotes) If we can’t respect the way we earn it, money has no value. If we can’t use it to make life better for our families and loved ones, money has no purpose  (Purpose Quotes) It is the same way with dating. The time you are most prepared for dating is when you don’t need anyone to complete you, fulfill you, or instill in you a sense of worth or purpose  (Purpose Quotes) My mother told me once that we can’t survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn’t want to. Without a faction we have no purpose and no reason to live  (Purpose Quotes) The truth is... you are hurting me. Not on purpose, I know that. But I love you and every second that you don´t love me back... it hurts  (Purpose Quotes) One begins by plaguing oneself to no purpose in order to be true to nature, and one concludes by working quietly from one’s own palette alone, and then nature is the result  (Purpose Quotes) The thing about hope is that it doesn’t go away even when it serves no purpose  (Purpose Quotes) You people always hold onto old identities, old faces and masks, long after they’ve served their purpose. But you’ve got to learn to throw things away eventually  (Purpose Quotes) Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds… true love?  (Purpose Quotes) If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it’s your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life  (Purpose Quotes) I didn’t show up here to give your life purpose now that your life’s over. That’s up to you to figure out  (Purpose Quotes)
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