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Purpose Quotes

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The purpose of daily prayer is the cultivation of a sense of the sacred. Sacred energy renews us  (Purpose Quotes) Words can wound or heal. The purpose of speech must always be to create joy in the listener  (Purpose Quotes) Government should not tell you what to do unless there’s a compelling public purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of good works isn’t to change us or save us; rather, it’s the demonstration of the change within us  (Purpose Quotes) There is a plan to this universe. There is a high intelligence, maybe even a purpose, but it’s given to us on the installment plan  (Purpose Quotes) The chief want, in every state that I have been into, was a high and earnest purpose in its inhabitants  (Purpose Quotes) Clarify your purpose. What is the why behind everything you do? When we know this in life or design it is very empowering and the path is clear  (Purpose Quotes) We are all warriors. Each of us struggles every day to define and defend our sense of purpose and integrity, to justify our existence on the planet and to understand, if only within our own hearts, who we are and what we believe in  (Purpose Quotes) The primary purpose of meditation is to become conscious of, and familiar with, our inner life. The ultimate purpose is to reach the source of life and consciousness  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of creation is beauty. Nature in all its various aspects develops towards beauty, and therefore it is plain that the purpose of life is to evolve towards beauty  (Purpose Quotes) God does not stop at rescuing us; the purpose of that rescue is to enjoy fellowship with us  (Purpose Quotes) Nothing is more important than to learn how to maintain a life of purpose in the midst of painful adversity  (Purpose Quotes) Have a purpose to your life: Purpose does not mean having a job... You can have a job and still be unfulfilled  (Purpose Quotes) I always wondered if there was a purpose to the universe, if there was a plan, if there was some sort of organizing factor, hopefully that I played a role in  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of thinking about the future is not to predict it but to raise people’s hopes  (Purpose Quotes) A productive purpose to which you give yourself fully and joyfully is one of the great adventures of life. It is a uniquely human source of happiness  (Purpose Quotes) The quickest method for understanding and living your purpose, is to ask yourself if you’re thinking in loving ways  (Purpose Quotes) View the events you consider obstacles as perfect opportunities to test your resolve and find your purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Transcending the cycle of death and rebirth is the real purpose of this life in human form  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of terrorism lies not just in the violent act itself. It is in producing terror. It sets out to inflame, to divide, to produce consequences which they then use to justify further terror  (Purpose Quotes) Popularity gets up people’s noses. But I understand the importance and the function of popular music. There is an artistic purpose. Popular music helps people to develop a curiosity and leads them towards classical music  (Purpose Quotes) I’m reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of writing is both to keep up with life and to run ahead of it. I am little comfort to myself, although I am the only comfort I have, excepting perhaps streets, clouds, the sun, the faces and voices of kids and the aged, and similar accidents of beauty, innocence, truth and loneliness  (Purpose Quotes) The history of the human race, viewed as a whole, may be regarded as the realization of a hidden plan of nature to bring about a political constitution, internally, and for this purpose, also externally perfect, as the only state in which all the capacities implanted by her in mankind can be fully developed  (Purpose Quotes) The first purpose of clothes... was not warmth or decency, but ornament... Among wild people, we find tattooing and painting even prior to clothes. The first spiritual want of a barbarous man is decoration; as indeed we still see among the barbarous classes in civilized countries  (Purpose Quotes) The thing has already taken form in my mind before I start it. The first attempts are absolutely unbearable. I say this because I want you to know that if you see something worthwhile in what I am doing, it is not by accident but because of real direction and purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The great secret of succeeding in conversation is to admire little, to hear much; always to distrust our own reason, and sometimes that of our friends; never to pretend to wit, but to make that of others appear as much as possibly we can; to hearken to what is said and to answer to the purpose  (Purpose Quotes) We all sorely complain of the shortness of time, and yet have much more than we know what to do with. Our lives are either spent in doing nothing at all, or in doing nothing to the purpose, or in doing nothing that we ought to do. We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end of them  (Purpose Quotes) For an athlete to function properly, he must be intent. There has to be a definite purpose and goal if you are to progress. If you are not intent about what you are doing, you aren’t able to resist the temptation to do something else that might be more fun at the moment  (Purpose Quotes) I work really hard at trying to see the big picture and not getting stuck in ego. I believe we’re all put on this planet for a purpose, and we all have a different purpose... When you connect with that love and that compassion, that’s when everything unfolds  (Purpose Quotes)
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