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Purpose Quotes

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Beauty is a great gift of heaven; not for the purpose of female vanity, but a great gift for one who loves, and wishes to be beloved  (Purpose Quotes) Those passionate persons who carry their heart in their mouth are rather to be pitied than feared; their threatenings serving no other purpose than to forearm him that is threatened  (Purpose Quotes) To some purpose is that man wise who gains his wisdom at another’s expense  (Purpose Quotes) Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression; we must always purpose to do more or better than in time past  (Purpose Quotes) There are days when I am envious of my hens: when I hunger for a purpose as perfect and sure as a single daily egg  (Purpose Quotes) An entire life of solitude contradicts the purpose of our being, since death itself is scarcely an idea of more terror  (Purpose Quotes) Courage is like the diamond, very brilliant; not changed by fire, capable of high polish, but except for the purpose of cutting hard bodies useless  (Purpose Quotes) A man of true science... Uses but few hard words, and those only when none other will answer his purpose; whereas the smatterer in science... Thinks, that by mouthing hard words, he proves that he understands hard things  (Purpose Quotes) This was the most difficult, the most extraordinary transition. Her body had been a source of shame and disgust; to engage in activities with no purpose at all except to revel in their sheer physicality had first nauseated, then terrified, and finally liberated her  (Purpose Quotes) The study of human societies and economics is of great importance, and it is not the purpose of the book to suggest otherwise. Rather it is to argue that conventional economics offers a very misleading view of how the world actually operates, and that it needs to be replaced  (Purpose Quotes) His books mark the man, all for his theme and his purpose, nothing for himself. Crude in style, full of the superficial errors of carelessness and haste, rarely diffuse, often brief to a fault, they bear on every page the palpable impress of truth  (Purpose Quotes) Choose your friends with caution; plan your future with purpose, and frame your life with faith  (Purpose Quotes) It is the purpose that makes strong the vow; But vows to every purpose must not hold  (Purpose Quotes) A dream worth pursuing is a picture and blueprint of a person’s purpose and potential  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers  (Purpose Quotes) Will power is but the unflinching purpose to carry the task you set for yourself to fulfillment  (Purpose Quotes) The great purpose in life is to take your destiny out of the hands of others  (Purpose Quotes) Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be at your best  (Purpose Quotes) The ultimate purpose of collecting the data is to provide a basis for action or a recommendation  (Purpose Quotes) People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow  (Purpose Quotes) Regardless of what we go through in life, there is always purpose wrapped within the pain  (Purpose Quotes) It is a luxury to do something that serves no practical purpose: the luxury of civilization  (Purpose Quotes) The nation ought to have a tax system which looks like someone designed it on purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Purpose and laughter are the twins that must not separate. Each is empty without the other  (Purpose Quotes) But what if you discover that the price of purpose is to render invisible so many other things?  (Purpose Quotes) It’s only... when we’re stripped of purpose that we know who we are  (Purpose Quotes) For many, to live in a universe that may have no purpose, and no creator, is unthinkable  (Purpose Quotes) But let me tell you what happens when regulations go too far, when they seem to exist only for the purpose of justifying the existence of a regulator. It kills the people trying to start a business  (Purpose Quotes) Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war  (Purpose Quotes)
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