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Purpose Quotes

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My whole purpose of being a musician is to not follow the rules, so if I set rules for myself, I’ve already failed  (Purpose Quotes) Men are free when they belong to a living, organic, believing community, active in fulfilling some unfulfilled, perhaps unrealized purpose  (Purpose Quotes) For those who are walking in their purpose, even the great tribulation will be a minor event. There will be far more attention on what Christ is doing than on what the antichrist is doing  (Purpose Quotes) Our purpose is to provide you the way to the answer within that alone can fill the meaningless void. The way to the way is inward, where salvation has awaited your coming for 2000 years  (Purpose Quotes) Running a label in 2013, you don’t do it for any financial purpose, you do it for all the amazing creative aspects of what you can achieve  (Purpose Quotes) The belief that one’s suffering has a greater cosmic purpose, and is thus more exciting and more noble, well, it made a lot of sense to me  (Purpose Quotes) I feel like my purpose on earth is to help other people and give good advice about some of the same things I have gone through  (Purpose Quotes) I think I lot of young people feel like they have no purpose, so I try to enlighten them with my life and show them you can do whatever you put your mind to  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of the media is to make us all spectators, to watch. So that’s why we have millions of fat children watching the games, eating and consuming and not playing themselves  (Purpose Quotes) Today the main, over-riding purpose of the European Union is different: not to win peace, but to secure prosperity  (Purpose Quotes) Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or for any exploitative purpose  (Purpose Quotes) I know very well about the necessary level of reserves of the Central Bank as well as the purpose  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of the Jewish state is to secure the Jewish future. That is why Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, against any threat  (Purpose Quotes) We need to be celebrating those who serve us rather than mocking them for the purpose of getting on TV and selling some books  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of life is to realize God within ourselves. This can be done even whilst attending to our worldly duties  (Purpose Quotes) The standard God has for you has nothing to do with approval, and everything to do with purpose  (Purpose Quotes) I want a person who comes into my life by accident but stays on purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Human nature demands recognition. Without it, people lose their sense of purpose and become dissatisfied, restless, and unproductive  (Purpose Quotes) The purpose of a spiritual path or religion is to provide a precise and believable way into what seems unbelievable  (Purpose Quotes) To live without regret, we must have a concrete purpose, continually setting goals and challenges for ourselves  (Purpose Quotes) They try to corrupt my soul but books and knowledge remind me of my purpose  (Purpose Quotes) A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image  (Purpose Quotes) My main purpose in life is to make money so I can afford to go on creating more inventions  (Purpose Quotes) Focus on the purpose not the pain. God has a purpose for the trial you are in  (Purpose Quotes) When times are difficult, remind yourself that no pain comes to you without a purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Our emotions can be either corrupted or elevated. Human love was not created to be without premeditated purpose  (Purpose Quotes) Anyone can live heroically and successfully for one day. The man who achieves a high purpose makes that day the pattern for all the days of his life  (Purpose Quotes) Everything has a purpose. Fake people are here for us to know who the real ones are. Loss is here for us to know what we still have  (Purpose Quotes) I am fully persuaded that I am worth inconceivably more to hang than any other purpose  (Purpose Quotes) I want a person who comes into my life by accident and stays on purpose  (Purpose Quotes)
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