Qaeda Quotes

Text Quotes
We need to understand that an open society and free speech and press... really are the best weapons against al Qaeda and extremism. (Qaeda Quotes)
Right now we’re on the President Obama plan, and we’ll stay with that. And from my perspective, the reason we’re there is to make sure that we can achieve the principal goal which is ensure that Afghanistan can never become a safe haven for a terrorist organization like al Qaeda. (Qaeda Quotes)
And we remember the end of our combat mission and the emergence of a new dawn -- the precision of our efforts against al Qaeda in Iraq, the professionalism of the training of Iraqi security forces, and the steady drawdown of our forces. In handing over responsibility to the Iraqis, you preserved the gains of the last four years and made this day possible. (Qaeda Quotes)
There are many causes of violent deaths in America - murders and traffic accidents - that we do not approach with the same ‘no price too steep, no task too difficult’ approach that we take toward al Qaeda (Qaeda Quotes)
This is technology that will not go away. And to risk it moving into the hands of a terrorist group like al Qaeda or to other focused enemies of the United States, would have tragic consequences (Qaeda Quotes)
Al Qaeda is not the organization now that it was before. It is under stress organizationally. Its leadership spends more time trying to figure out how to keep from getting caught than they do trying to launch operations (Qaeda Quotes)
Members of al Qaeda and other affiliated organizations spent a great deal of time blending into the populations of several nations around the world and exploring all aspects of life there (Qaeda Quotes)
I strongly support the call to greatly expand our human intelligence capability to penetrate al Qaeda and gather critical intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks on our homeland (Qaeda Quotes)
They have involved co-operation between the Iraqi intelligence and al - Qaeda operatives on training and combined operations regarding bomb making and chemical and biological weapons (Qaeda Quotes)
Al Qaeda is still a threat. We cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president, suddenly everything is going to be OK (Qaeda Quotes)
The people who illegally cross into the country are from countries that have very close ties to al Qaeda, whether it’s Yemen or Afghanistan, Pakistan, China. It is an absolute national disgrace (Qaeda Quotes)
At one point people in al Qaeda were actually drawing monthly paychecks when they were based in Sudan (Qaeda Quotes)
There were no international terrorists in Iraq until we went in. It was we who gave the perfect conditions in which Al Qaeda could thrive (Qaeda Quotes)
If you refuse to see Superman Returns this summer, what you’re saying about yourself is: I heart Al Qaeda (Qaeda Quotes)
I assure my fellow citizens that the vast majority of Muslims experience the same fear they do. ISIS and Al Qaeda are my enemies, too. Most of the people killed by these groups have been Muslim (Qaeda Quotes)
We need to deal with the problem of al Qaeda, make sure that they can’t have a sanctuary in Afghanistan and guarantee that we have regional stabilization and particularly focused on Pakistan (Qaeda Quotes)
President Chavez has always been a loyal friend of Gaddafi, assassinated in the crudest way possible. Europe should think about the bombings and the destruction of Libya that filled the country with terrorists. Who’s truly ruling Libya’s military and sending thousands of armed men to fight in Syria? It’s Al Qaeda (Qaeda Quotes)
We tend to forget in the West that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims. (Qaeda Quotes)
Al Qaeda is alive and well in Libya, Iraq, Syria and the wars are not receding (Qaeda Quotes)
I think it is important for Europe to understand that even though I am president and George Bush is not president, Al Qaeda is still a threat. (Qaeda Quotes)
Al Qaeda has come back. Al Qaeda is a resilient organization. But they’re not here in large numbers. But al Qaeda doesn’t have to be anywhere in large numbers. (Qaeda Quotes)
Staying in a very public fight with the U.S. is exactly what Al Qaeda wants. (Qaeda Quotes)
Al Qaeda is very media-savvy and very focused on what goes on in the global media (Qaeda Quotes)
If you refuse to see Superman Returns this summer, what you’re saying about yourself is: I heart Al Qaeda. (Qaeda Quotes)
We can’t say whether Tehran is supporting Al Qaeda, but we do know that al-Qaida people come here from Pakistan through Iran. (Qaeda Quotes)
Al Qaeda has declared war on the Somali pirates. That is awesome! Evil against evil. Like Alien versus Predator or Cheney versus his lawyer. (Qaeda Quotes)
The United States does not view our authority to use military force against Al Qaeda as being restricted solely to ‘hot’ battlefields like Afghanistan. (Qaeda Quotes)
I want the American people to understand, we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. (Qaeda Quotes)
It’s important to understand the origins of ISIS were in the chaos of Iraq and Libya, and the origins of Al Qaeda were in Afghanistan. (Qaeda Quotes)
We all hoped in 2001 that we could put in place an Afghan government under President Karzai that would be able to control the country, make sure al - Qaeda didn't come back, and make sure the Taliban wasn't resurging. It didn't work out (Qaeda Quotes)