Qualities Quotes

Text Quotes
By taking elements you observe in life, you can develop qualities in your acting life that you don’t ordinarily call upon in your personal life (Qualities Quotes)
Don’t let any obstacle stop you. Always remember that you have spiritual and mental qualities within you that can overcome even the seemingly impossible (Qualities Quotes)
The chase is among the best of all national pastimes; it cultivates that vigorous manliness for the lack of which in a nation, as in an individual, the possession of no other qualities can possibly atone (Qualities Quotes)
In the great battle of life, no brilliancy of intellect, no perfection of bodily development, will count when weighed in the balance against the assemblage of virtues, active and passive, of moral qualities which we group together under the name of character (Qualities Quotes)
We are made ridiculous less by our defects than by the affectation of qualities which are not ours (Qualities Quotes)
Have the courage to be selfless in a world were such qualities are not admired. Dare to be differnt. Be crazy! (Qualities Quotes)
Humility is my best friend, I’ve always valued it above all other spiritual qualities (Qualities Quotes)
Christmas is fun anyway. It’s a myth organized over the years and gained different mythological qualities as the years go by (Qualities Quotes)
Unless you periodically unbind yourself from the world as it is given to you from moment to moment, you will fail to release those qualities of your mind that can generate images of the world as you would prefer it to be or the world as you declare it to be (Qualities Quotes)
Wild as man was, and disgusting as the more degraded tribes and communities were, the best of them, and all those from which further advance came, were marked by good qualities, or they could never have risen to a higher stage (Qualities Quotes)
When homo sapiens is changing, it will not be by the whole race gaining simultaneously whatever qualities better fit it for survival, but rather by certain types of mankind proving superior to the rest in survival value, so that they contribute a larger proportion to the later generations, and in so doing drag the average qualities of humanity in the same direction (Qualities Quotes)
It is too much for a husband to have a wife who is a coquette and sanctimonious as well; she should select only one of those qualities (Qualities Quotes)
No verse which is unmusical or obscure can be regarded as poetry whatever other qualities it may possess (Qualities Quotes)
In the hands of a master, light and shade is one of the great qualities of art (Qualities Quotes)
It is exactly in the repetition of the exercises that the education of the senses exists; not that the child shall know colors, forms or qualities, but that he refine his senses through an exercise of attention, comparison and judgment (Qualities Quotes)
Kabbalah is all about change. It isn’t about being proud of our good qualities: the wisdom is about transforming our darkness into light (Qualities Quotes)
We are not greatly pleased that our friends should respect our good qualities if they venture to perceive our faults (Qualities Quotes)
Nature is full of wonders; every atom is a standing miracle, and endowed with such qualities, as could not be impressed on it by a power and wisdom less than infinite (Qualities Quotes)
The genuine investor in common stocks does not need a great equipment of brain and knowledge, but he does need some unusual qualities of character (Qualities Quotes)
Any time you get a chance to play a great role, I consider all the qualities I may or may not have attributed to that character and how I would fit into the story (Qualities Quotes)
Executives of the company must have the necessary qualities to direct the personnel by showing them the way to do things (Qualities Quotes)
Reason is a necessary instrument, to be used for good or evil, but it has no moral qualities (Qualities Quotes)
Special qualities are required of the essayist. A poem or a novel may spring from the inner consciousness of an author.. reasoning poers must be brought to reinforce imagination (Qualities Quotes)
Man and woman have each of them qualities and tempers in which the other is deficient, and which in union contribute to the common felicity (Qualities Quotes)
The sporting qualities of a fish are dependent neither on its size nor its weight, but on the effort of concentration, the skill and mastery the fish demands from the fisherman (Qualities Quotes)
Depending on what you believe as a person, there’s always redeeming qualities to every character or individual, as spiteful as they might be (Qualities Quotes)
If any one of about 40 physical qualities had more than slightly different values, life as we know it could not exist (Qualities Quotes)
If you want to be successful in a particular field of endeavor, I think perseverance is one of the key qualities (Qualities Quotes)
Silence is one great art of conversation. He is not a fool who knows when to hold his tongue; and a person may gain credit for sense, eloquence, wit, who merely says nothing to lessen the opinion which others have of these qualities in themselves (Qualities Quotes)
We are nearly all composed of such a complex mixture of human qualities that in each one of us reside both masculine and feminine principles: what man is without any female attribute and what woman never demonstrates any masculine characteristics? (Qualities Quotes)