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Knowing how to distinguish between an ideal keyword and the reality of queries will help you to refine your strategy and success as an online marketer  (Queries Quotes) No research will answer all queries that the future may raise. It is wiser to praise the work for what it has accomplished and then to formulate the problems still to be solved  (Queries Quotes) Relevance is a search engine’s holy grail. People want results that are closely connected to their queries  (Queries Quotes) As any editor will tell you, startling newsroom revelations are generally met with queries about where the information came from and how the reporter got it. Seriously startling revelations are followed by the vetting of libel lawyers  (Queries Quotes) I envision some years from now that the majority of search queries will be answered without you actually asking. It’ll just know this is something that you’re going to want to see  (Queries Quotes) I was a young man with uninformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them  (Queries Quotes) Having embraced Islam, I felt as if I were born again. I found in Islam the answers to those queries which I had failed to find in Christianity.  (Queries Quotes)