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I would seriously question whether anybody is really foolish enough to really say what they mean. Sometimes I think that civilization as we know it would kind of break down if we all were completely honest  (Question Quotes) The ideal of a pure phenomenology will be perfected only by answering this question; pure phenomenology is to be separated sharply from psychology at large and, specifically, from the descriptive psychology of the phenomena of consciousness  (Question Quotes) Growing up human is uniquely a matter of social relations rather than biology. What we learn from connections within the family takes the place of instincts that program the behavior of animals; which raises the question, how good are these connections?  (Question Quotes) I can see that you are a true historian because you really always ought to ask that question about anybody at a different place or a different time: What’s the same and what’s different?  (Question Quotes) Hardly any actor objects to press. It’s a question of it being done in the way they like to see it done, meaning to get down to the serious interview what the profession is so we can reach out to the people to help them get along  (Question Quotes) When part of what you’re trying to get at is the truth hidden under a taboo, or when you want to nail a hypocrisy, laughter is a very useful tool. I want to show the painful side of existence, but there is no question I also want to make people laugh  (Question Quotes) There is no question that everybody who works in show business is lucky because of the number of people who wish they where working in show business  (Question Quotes) Moreover, the abundance of chemical compounds and their importance in daily life hindered the chemist from investigating the question, in what does the individuality of the atoms of different elements consist  (Question Quotes) There are things that I won’t do on the radio. I mean, the next logical question is, what won’t you do. I say, well, you know, you’ve got to find out when you’re on the air  (Question Quotes) I had been told by so many people that I was going to be nominated, that I should be nominated, that there wasn’t any question about my being nominated. I don’t think it was a surprise  (Question Quotes) There can be no possible question that cold is felt much more keenly in the thin air of nineteen thousand feet than it is below  (Question Quotes) The images I like best are parts of series that I’ve started, in some cases, with the pregnancies of the mothers of the children in question, and I continue that series right on through the birth of children to the child that resulted from that first pregnancy  (Question Quotes) The informed, unmanaged question. That’s the most dangerous thing at a press conference anywhere  (Question Quotes) I like chatting with people. If people ask me a direct question, I give them a direct answer and I feel I’ve always done that with the press  (Question Quotes) That’s the $64,000 question. And I would love to tell you there was an answer  (Question Quotes) It became a question of do I want to be on a label where it could take three years to put out a record instead of putting out three records over the same period of time on my own  (Question Quotes) What is the poem, after it is written? That is the question. Not where it came from or why  (Question Quotes) The nice thing about political pundits is that, when they answer a question, one no longer understands what they were asked  (Question Quotes) Every man is fully satisfied that there is such a thing as truth, or he would not ask any question  (Question Quotes) On the question of whether a behavioral science can in principle be constructed, we shall take no sides. That some kinds of human behavior can be described and even predicted in terms of objectively verifiable and quantifiable data seems to us to have been established  (Question Quotes) At issue is not whether the global economy will pass away. It is passing away. Rising populations and debt combined with depletion of freshwater sources and fossil fuel make the status quo untenable. The only question is whether civil society will survive the transition  (Question Quotes) The question arises whether all lawyers are the same. This is like asking whether everything that gets into a sewer is garbage  (Question Quotes) He who cannot eat horsemeat need not do so. Let him eat pork. But he who cannot eat pork, let him eat horsemeat. It’s simply a question of taste  (Question Quotes) In any event, the proper question isn’t what a journalist thinks is relevant but what his or her audience thinks is relevant. Denying people information they would find useful because you think they shouldn’t find it useful is censorship, not journalism  (Question Quotes) When the people who are responsible for our country ask you a direct question, I expect them to accept a direct answer, not to be blackballed because you are telling the truth  (Question Quotes) When artists make art, they shouldn’t question whether it is permissible to do one thing or another  (Question Quotes) My parents are both college professors, and it made me want to question authority, standards and traditions  (Question Quotes) It’s not just a question of conquering a summit previously unknown, but of tracing, step by step, a new pathway to it  (Question Quotes) By the time I was at college, I became very alert to the question of racial discrimination, and I remember one of my first writing attempts had to do with a lynching  (Question Quotes) That’s a difficult question, because to consider yourself a rebel is sort of ridiculous  (Question Quotes)
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