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How did you explain a thing it had not occurred to you to question? A thing you just knew, clear through to your soul?  (Question Quotes) I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question  (Question Quotes) We were broken, brittle and fragile. The question was, were we still precious to each other? Or, instead of everything falling into place, had it fallen into pieces?  (Question Quotes) We all need to have dreams. The question is, does the dream control you or do you control the dream?  (Question Quotes) Black is the absence of all color. White is the presence of all colors. I suppose life must be one or the other. On the whole, though, I think I would prefer color to its absence. But then black does add depth and texture to color. Perhaps certain shades of gray are necessary to a complete palette. Even unrelieved black. Ah, a deep philosophical question. Is black necessary to life, even a happy life? Could we ever be happy if we did not at least occasionally experience misery?  (Question Quotes) Before I start a project, I always ask myself the following question. Why is this book worth a year of my life? There needs to be something about the theme, the technique, or the research that makes the time spent on it worthwhile  (Question Quotes) History doesn’t choose individual people. History chooses everyone. Every day. The only question is: How long will you ignore the call?  (Question Quotes) There is nothing like scrubbing toilets for a living to make you question the choices you have made in life  (Question Quotes) Ideology knows the answer before the question has been asked. Principles are something different: a set of values that have to be adapted to circumstances but not compromised away  (Question Quotes) You pronounced your words as if you don’t acknowledge the shadows, or the evil either. Would you be so kind as to give a little thought to the question of what your good would be doing if evil did not exist, and how the earth would look if the shadows were to disappear from it?  (Question Quotes) A belief is a question we have put aside so we can get on with what we believe we have to do  (Question Quotes) It wasn’t quite a question. It was more of an invitation to tell him whatever I chose. Eldric game me a choice, and it was this that made me want to tell him everything  (Question Quotes) To me, the best zombie movies aren’t the splatter fests of gore and violence with goofy characters and tongue in cheek antics. Good zombie movies show us how messed up we are, they make us question our station in society… and our society’s station in the world. They show us gore and violence and all that cool stuff too… but there’s always an undercurrent of social commentary and thoughtfulness  (Question Quotes) What makes a good book? Scholars and critics have been debating that question for decades. I like books that touch my head and my heart at the same time  (Question Quotes) Questions are usually more beautiful, more significant than their resolutions, which in fact never resolve them, are never sufficient to satisfy us, whereas from a question streams a wonderful fragrance  (Question Quotes) You know, so often we think we have each step figured out. And then when one thing doesn’t go our way, we begin to question, we being to fear what our next step will be  (Question Quotes) Vlad blinked, unsure where her question was coming from and, more importantly, where it was going  (Question Quotes) Posing the question: does the God of love use underarm deodorant, vaginal spray and fluoride toothpaste?  (Question Quotes) She thought about how it was so simple with animals. They gave their hearts without question or fear. They had no expectations. They were so easy to love. If people could only be like that, no one would ever be hurt, she thought. No one would ever need to learn how to forgive  (Question Quotes) Psychoanalysis has taught that the dead – a dead parent, for example – can be more alive for us, more powerful, more scary, than the living. It is the question of ghosts  (Question Quotes) Vanity is a factor, but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth  (Question Quotes) In our work, the question is, how much you absorb from others. So for me, creativity, is really like a relay race. As children we are handed a baton. Rather than passing it onto the next generation as is, first we need to digest it and make it our own  (Question Quotes) Everything comes at a price. Everthing in your life. The question you have to ask yourself is, what price are you willing to pay?  (Question Quotes) Who do you love? It’s a question anyone should be able to answer. A question that defines a life, creates a future, guides most minutes of one’s days. Simple, elegant encompassing. Who do you love?  (Question Quotes) For most affairs, this eventually becomes the most fundamental of questions, the only one that matters: Do we love each other more than the lives we already have? It is the question that hovers in the background of every secret phone call, flavors every tryst with the head of possibilities of apocalypse and renewal; and it is the answer to that question, or the lack thereof, that so often dooms an affair to failure  (Question Quotes) You are never truly together with one you love until the person in question is dead and actually inside you  (Question Quotes) Scholars do one of two things when they discover information that doesn’t fit what they already know. Either they sweep it aside so it doesn’t bring their cherished theories into question or they focus on it with laserlike intensity and try to get to the bottom of the mystery  (Question Quotes) He walked out into the cold morning asking himself this heretical question: Can you start measuring a minute at any instant you wish?  (Question Quotes) It wasn’t that I hated being asked a bunch of questions. I had nothing against questions. I just didn’t like listening to them, because some questions take forever to make sense. Sometimes waiting for a question to finish is like watching someone draw an elephant starting with the tail first. As soon as you see the tail your mind wanders all over the place and you think of a million other animals that also have tails until you don’t care about the elephant because it’s only one thing when you’ve been thinking about a million others  (Question Quotes) What kept me sane was knowing that things would change, and it was a question of keeping myself together until they did  (Question Quotes)
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