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Others may question your credentials, your papers, your degrees. Others may look for all kinds of ways to diminish your worth. But what is inside you no one can take from you or tarnish. This is your worth, who you really are, your degree that can go with you wherever you go, that you bring with you the moment you come into a room, that can’t be manipulated or shaken. Without that sense of self, no amount of paper, no pedigree, and no credentials can make you legit. No matter what, you have to feel legit inside first  (Question Quotes) I want people to react to my work, to think, to question, to challenge, to cry and laugh and feel  (Question Quotes) You know that I don’t believe that anyone has ever taught anything to anyone. I question that efficacy of teaching. The only thing that I know is that anyone who wants to learn will learn. And maybe a teacher is a facilitator, a person who puts things down and shows people how exciting and wonderful it is and asks them to eat  (Question Quotes) What was life asking of me? How could I respond when I didn’t know the question?  (Question Quotes) I suppose all of my films have a common theme. If I think about it, though, the only theme I can think of is really a question: Why can’t people be happier together?  (Question Quotes) In the presence of real tragedy you feel neither pain nor joy nor hatred, only a sense of enormous space and time suspended, the great doors open to black eternity, the rising across the terrible field of that last enormous, unanswerable question  (Question Quotes) Life gives meaning to life. The answer to the meaning of life is hidden right there inside the question  (Question Quotes) The question is one of faith. Faith in my talent. Faith in my decisions. And faith in the idea that the truth, even if it can’t pay my bills, can still set me free  (Question Quotes) If you don’t understand, ask questions. If you’re uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway. It’s easy to tell when a question is coming from a good place. Then listen some more. Sometimes people just want to feel heard. Here’s to possibilities of friendship and connection and understanding  (Question Quotes) You’re trying to find new ideas in people. I always think to myself, what question I am least comfortable asking the person? And then I make sure I ask it early in the interview  (Question Quotes) I question the premise that digital is necessarily the enemy of traditional media. In many ways, it presents us with enormous opportunities  (Question Quotes) The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had the means, time, influence and educational advantages, but what he will do with the things he has  (Question Quotes) You could probably get through life without knowing how to roast a chicken, but the question is, would you want to?  (Question Quotes) Patriotism does not oblige us to acquiesce in the destruction of liberty. Patriotism obliges us to question it, at least  (Question Quotes) A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question  (Question Quotes) Democracy is not just a question of having a vote. It consists of strengthening each citizen’s possibility and capacity to participate in the deliberations involved in life in society  (Question Quotes) The strength of collective decision making and political responsibility is not only a question of recognizing other people’s ability. It is also recognizing one’s own limitations  (Question Quotes) The question is not whether we are able to change but whether we are changing fast enough  (Question Quotes) The question many have in the region is how not to squander the wealth like they did in the 1970s  (Question Quotes) There are too many false things in the world, and I don’t want to be a part of them. If you say what you think, you’re called cocky or conceited. But if you have an objective in life, you shouldn’t be afraid to stand up and say it. In the second grade, they asked us what we wanted to be. I said I wanted to be a ball player and they laughed. In the eighth grade, they asked the same question, and I said a ball player and they laughed a little more. By the eleventh grade, no one was laughing  (Question Quotes) The question now at issue, whether the living species are connected with the extinct by a common bond of descent, will best be cleared up by devoting ourselves to the study of the actual state of the living world, and to those monuments of the past in which the relics of the animate creation of former ages are best preserved and least mutilated by the hand of time  (Question Quotes) To me it’s a question of being able to look backward and give the present a root... To give meaning to where we are today, we need to look at where we have come from  (Question Quotes) Since the most important element of any concept is that its originating question be appropriately framed, any theory demanding an explanation for homosexuality is a problematic one because it maintains our existence as a category of deviance. I mean, no one is running around trying to figure out why some people like sports, for example  (Question Quotes) Our purpose is to be able to measure the intellectual capacity of a child who is brought to us in order to know whether he is normal or retarded... We do not attempt to establish or prepare a prognosis and we leave unanswered the question of whether this retardation is curable, or even improveable. We shall limit ourselves to ascertaining the truth in regard to his present mental state  (Question Quotes) There are people who live lives little different than the beasts,and I don’t mean that badly. I mean that they accept whatever happens day to day without struggle or question or regret. To them things just are, like the earth and sky and seasons  (Question Quotes) Is hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. We need to have the strength and power of a football player, the stamina of a marathon runner, and the concentration of a brain surgeon. But we need to put all this together while moving at high speeds on a cold and slippery surface while 5 other guys use clubs to try and kill us. Oh yeah, did I mention that this whole time we’re standing on blades 1/8 of an inch thick? Is ice hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. Next question  (Question Quotes) If the rose puzzled its mind over the question how it grew, it would not have been the miracle that it is  (Question Quotes) Suppose you came across a woman lying on the street with an elephant sitting on her chest. You notice she is short of breath. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of heart problems. In her case, the much more likely cause is the elephant on her chest. For a long time, society put obstacles in the way of women who wanted to enter the sciences. That is the elephant. Until the playing field has veen leveled and lingering stereotypes are gone, you can’t even ask the question  (Question Quotes) In school, we’re rewarded for having the answer, not for asking a good question  (Question Quotes) One might be led to question whether the scientists acted wisely in presenting the statesmen of the world with this appalling problem. Actually there was no choice. Once basic knowledge is acquired, any attempt at preventing its fruition would be as futile as hoping to stop the earth from revolving around the sun  (Question Quotes)
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