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It is impossible to devise an experiment without a preconceived idea; devising an experiment, we said, is putting a question; we never conceive a question without an idea which invites an answer. I consider it, therefore, an absolute principle that experiments must always be devised in view of a preconceived idea, no matter if the idea be not very clear nor very well defined  (Question Quotes) Whether the psychological effect of color is direct... or whether it is the outcome of association, is open to question. The soul being one with the body, it may well be possible that a psychological tremor generates corresponding one through association  (Question Quotes) In the long term the most important question for a company is not what you are but what you are becoming  (Question Quotes) ... the question undoubtedly is, or soon will be, not whether or no we shall employ notation in chemistry, but whether we shall use a bad and incongruous, or a consistent and regular notation  (Question Quotes) Our confused wish finds expression in the confused question as to the nature of force and electricity. But the answer which we want is not really an answer to this question. It is not by finding out more and fresh relations and connections that it can be answered; but by removing the contradictions existing between those already known, and thus perhaps by reducing their number. When these painful contradictions are removed, the question as to the nature of force will not have been answered; but our minds, no longer vexed, will cease to ask illegitimate questions  (Question Quotes) There was a time when we wanted to be told what an electron is. The question was never answered. No familiar conceptions can be woven around the electron; it belongs to the waiting list  (Question Quotes) I believe the real difference between success and failure in a corporation can be very often traced to the question of how well the organization brings out the great energies and talents of its people  (Question Quotes) Wisdom is not a question of learning facts with the mind; it can only be acquired through perfection of living  (Question Quotes) If you’re going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning. If you’re going to fight something, fight for those in need. If you’re going to question something, question authority. If you’re going to lose something, lose your inhibitions. If you’re going to gain something, gain respect and confidence. And if you’re going to hate something, hate the false idea that you are not capable of your dreams  (Question Quotes) It is past all question, and agreed on by all sides, that no religion will save a man who is not serious, sincere, and diligent in it. If thou be of the truest religion in the world, and are not true thyself to that religion, the religion is good, but it is none of thine  (Question Quotes) Throughout my formal education I spent many, many hours in public and school libraries. Libraries became courts of last resort, as it were. The current definitive answer to almost any question can be found within the four walls of most libraries  (Question Quotes) The fundamental characteristic of the scientific method is honesty. In dealing with any question, science asks no favors... I believe that constant use of the scientific method must in the end leave its impress upon him who uses it... A life spent in accordance with scientific teachings would be of a high order. It would practically conform to the teachings of the highest types of religion. The motives would be different, but so far as conduct is concerned the results would be practically identical  (Question Quotes) On the question of the world as a whole, science founders. For scientific knowledge the world lies in fragments, the more so the more precise our scientific knowledge becomes  (Question Quotes) The secret of science is to ask the right question, and it is the choice of problem more than anything else that marks the man of genius in the scientific world  (Question Quotes) The more I study the things of the mind the more mathematical I find them. In them as in mathematics it is a question of quantities; they must be treated with precision. I have never had more satisfaction than in proving this in the realms of art, politics and history  (Question Quotes) It appears to me that those who rely simply on the weight of authority to prove any assertion, without searching out the arguments to support it, act absurdly. I wish to question freely and to answer freely without any sort of adulation. That well becomes any who are sincere in the search for truth  (Question Quotes) There was never much question as to what I was going to do in life, because working with clay was what I could do... there are things I watch my hand do that are almost thoughtless. I can remember the moment of learning them. It is knowledge you have in the hand  (Question Quotes) The question we do not see when we are young is whether we own pride or are owned by it  (Question Quotes) You ask a philosopher a question and after he or she has talked for a bit, you don’t understand your question any more  (Question Quotes) What am I doing on a level of consciousness where this is real? That is the first question to ask yourself when you become aware of something ugly or evil or stupid  (Question Quotes) On 3 things in his bucket list: On my bucket list... Uhm, the question is totally catching me by surprise. Some more travel, spending quality time with my family and just getting the most I can out of my wife and daughter  (Question Quotes) It’s not really a question of who is biased, but which bias is the correct bias with which to be biased!  (Question Quotes) Happiness is a question of attitude, not a question of what’s happening out there  (Question Quotes) Accept ignorance; pay more attention to the question than the answer; never be afraid to go in the opposite direction  (Question Quotes) Tout est poison, rien n’est poison, tout est une question de dose. Everything is poisonous, nothing is poisonous, it is all a matter of dose  (Question Quotes) Well, here’s all you need to know. Classes, nothing before 11. Beer, its your best friend, you drink a lot of it. Women, you’re a freshman, so its pretty much out of the question. Will you have a car?... Someone on your hall will, find them and make friends with them on the first day  (Question Quotes) There’s no happy ending where we prevent climate change any more. Now the question is, is it going to be a miserable century or an impossible one, and what comes after that  (Question Quotes) When I was going through my cancer treatment, I learned that you can never ask a stupid question. I asked every single question that came to my mind, and I believe that helped to calm my own anxiety  (Question Quotes) The most revolutionary thing anybody can do is to raise good, honest and generous children who will question the answers of people who say the answer is violence. That’s what the schools should be doing  (Question Quotes) Whether children have first amendment rights is a vexed legal question, but what is not in question is that they someday will. Constraining them from expressing their views is no preparation for exercising those rights  (Question Quotes)
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