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Computation involves going from a question to an answer. Mathematics involves going from an answer to a question  (Question Quotes) They say people can think for themselves? Do you honestly believe that the chap who can’t pass primary six knows the consequence of his choice when he answers a question viscerally, on language, culture and religion? But we knew the consequences. We would starve, we would have race riots. We would disintegrate  (Question Quotes) The people you hate, well, this is the question about such people: why do you hate them?  (Question Quotes) I keep moving through time and time keeps moving through me. And through that process, life takes shape. The question is what shape it is. I’m not the first person to ask that question, or to see how absurd it is to think there’s a real answer. Maybe life’s a circle  (Question Quotes) If a woman goes out with different men on different days, women only will question her character and call her all sort of names  (Question Quotes) There were some days that deserved to be drowned at birth and everyone sent back to bed with a hot brandy, a box of chocolates and a warm, energetic companion. Today was without question one of those days  (Question Quotes) The question is not do you take money out of stocks and put it into real estate, or the reverse. There’s so much money out there looking for a home. I don’t think it’s either/or  (Question Quotes) When you think intensely and beautifully, something happens. That something is called poetry. If you think that way and speak at the same time, poetry gets in your mouth. If people hear you, it gets in their ears. If you think that way and write at the same time, then poetry gets written. But poetry exists in any case. The question is only: are you going to take part, and if so, how?  (Question Quotes) An interesting question: is it easier to motivate a learned individual that never does anything, or educate an ignorant individual that actually produces things?  (Question Quotes) Far better than a precise plan is a clear sense of direction and compelling beliefs. And that lies within you. The question is, how do you evoke it?  (Question Quotes) The question is, not what rights naturally belong to man, but how they may be most equally and effectually guarded in society  (Question Quotes) I feel like a lot of the fundamental material, I’ve assimilated. So now the question is: Am I going to really get into my spiritual inheritance of music and really develop my abilities?  (Question Quotes) It has generally been assumed that of two opposing systems of philosophy, e.g., realism and idealism, one only can be true and one must be false; and so philosophers have been hopelessly divided on the question, which is the true one  (Question Quotes) From what deep springs of character our personal philosophies issue, we cannot be sure. In philosophers themselves we seem always able to notice some deep internal correspondence between the man and his philosophy. Are our philosophies, then, merely the inevitable outcome of the body of fate and personal circumstance that is thrust upon each of us? Or are these beliefs the means by which we freely create ourselves as the persons we become? Here, at the very outset, the question of freedom already hovers in the background  (Question Quotes) There’s no question in my mind but that rights are never won unless people are willing to fight for them  (Question Quotes) As you set off into the world, don’t be afraid to question your leaders. But don’t ask too many questions at one time or that are too hard because your leaders get tired and/or cranky  (Question Quotes) I think I have a repressed bent for the military, I like discipline without question, specific schedules and duties  (Question Quotes) There’s no question that largely vegetarian diets are as healthy as you can get. The evidence is so strong and overwhelming and produced over such a long period of time that it’s no longer debatable  (Question Quotes) You may wonder why a question of manners has got me so exercised. It’s because I believe in a simple rule. If you see a person you know behave unreasonably to someone else, you can bet your last pound that before long he’ll be behaving like that to you  (Question Quotes) How much harm does a company have to do before we question its right to exist?  (Question Quotes) Why is man man? As long as we have had minds to think with, stars to ponder upon, dreams to disturb us, curiosity to inspire us, hours free for meditation, words to place our thoughts in order, the question like a restless ghost has prowled the cellars of our consciousness  (Question Quotes) The question why did you retire is a much nicer one than why don’t you retire  (Question Quotes) You don’t actually need to know anything, you can find out at the point when you need to know it. It’s the teachers job to point young minds towards the right kind of question, a teacher doesn’t need to give any answers because answers are everywhere  (Question Quotes) An agnostic position is one that leaves open the question whether there exists a God or gods, professing to find such a question unanswered or unanswerable. For the atheist, the question has been answered, and in the negative  (Question Quotes) For me the beginning of all true progress in the woman question lies in women’s right to vote... The strong the emphasis on the difference between the sexes, the clearer the need for the specific representation of women  (Question Quotes) Many psychologists... thought by turning their attention to their own consciousness to be able to explain what happened when we were thnking. Or they sought to attain the same end by asking another person a question, by means of which certain processes of thought would be excited, and then by questioning the person about the introspection he had made. It is obvious... that nothing can be discovered in such experiments  (Question Quotes) Faith comes to intelligence as a light that overflows it with joy and inspires it with a certitude that does away with question  (Question Quotes) If the practices and processes inside a company don’t drive the execution of values, then people don’t get it. The question is, do you create a culture of behavior and action that really demonstrates those values and a reward system for those who adhere to them?  (Question Quotes) A person with faith does not question its roots, for he knows that if he subjected it to the critical examination of his intellect, he would end up without faith. The same thing can be said of any feeling. You can analyze any feeling to death, but when you do that, you end up without feeling and without a meaninful life  (Question Quotes) What a woman does is open doors. And it is not a question of locking or unlocking  (Question Quotes)
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