Questions Quotes

Text Quotes
We greatly want a brief word to express the science of improving stock, which is by no means confined to questions of judicious mating, but which, especially in the case of man, takes cognizance of all influences that tend in however remote a degree to give to the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable than they otherwise would have had. The word eugenics would sufficiently express the idea (Questions Quotes)
The intellectual treatment of any datum, any experience, any subject, is determined by the nature of our questions, and only carried out in the answers (Questions Quotes)
At the very smallest wheel of our reasoning it is possible for a handful of questions to break the bank of our answers (Questions Quotes)
It is not only by the questions we have answered that progress may be measured, but also by those we are still asking (Questions Quotes)
For a certain type of woman who risks losing her identity in a man, there are all those questions... until you get to the point and know that you really are living a love story (Questions Quotes)
The only questions worth asking today are whether humans are going to have any emotions tomorrow, and what the quality of life will be if the answer is no (Questions Quotes)
A mind that questions everything, unless strong enough to bear the weight of its ignorance, risks questioning itself and being engulfed in doubt (Questions Quotes)
The very best financial presentation is one that’s well thought out and anticipates any questions... answering them in advance (Questions Quotes)
If you think about it seriously, all the questions about the soul and the immortality of the soul and paradise and hell are at bottom only a way of seeing this very simple fact: that every action of ours is passed on to others according to its value, of good or evil, it passes from father to son, from one generation to the next, in a perpetual movement (Questions Quotes)
The intellectual equipment needed for the job of the future is an ability to define problems, quickly assimilate relevant data, conceptualize and reorganize the information, make deductive and inductive leaps with it, ask hard questions about it, discuss findings with colleagues, work collaboratively to find solutions and then convince others (Questions Quotes)
Nobody seriously questions the principle that it is the function of mass culture to maintain public morale, and certainly nobody in the mass audience objects to having his morale maintained (Questions Quotes)
Homework, root canals, and deadlines are the important things in life, and only when we have these major dramas taken care of can we presume to look at the larger questions (Questions Quotes)
Adults ask questions as a child does. When you stop wondering, you might as well put your rocker on the front porch and call it a day (Questions Quotes)
All the time, as an actor, you want to be asking what’s next and where things are going. If you’re not asking those questions, you’re not growing (Questions Quotes)
An artist is someone who should raise questions rather than give answers. I have no message (Questions Quotes)
The answers I remember longest are the ones that answer questions that I didn’t think of asking (Questions Quotes)
You better arm yourselves to answer your children’s and grandchildren’s questions... no matter what the question is... without being judgmental (Questions Quotes)
I don’t think anyone is qualified to answer questions of eternal fate definitively, much less pinpoint it to a given day (Questions Quotes)
Film allows me to ask some really big questions with the time to explore them deeply. I love the form (Questions Quotes)
I don’t want to respond to rumors that have no basis at all... But I am willing to respond to questions that the public and the press should know (Questions Quotes)
In general, questions are fine; you can always seize upon the parts of them that interest you and concentrate on answering those. And one has to remember when answering questions that asking questions isn’t easy either, and for someone who’s quite shy to stand up in an audience to speak takes some courage (Questions Quotes)
Any knowledge that doesn’t lead to new questions quickly dies out: it fails to maintain the temperature required for sustaining life (Questions Quotes)
Knotty theological questions are the least worrying of problems to me. Why? Because they will be resolved in the hereafter, and meanwhile they can be safely shelved (Questions Quotes)
You don’t have to know everything in the world. We aren’t supposed to. It makes you boring in mixed company if you can’t be interested and ask questions of other people (Questions Quotes)
We must assume every event has significance and contains a message that pertains to our questions... this especially applies to what we used to call bad things... the challenge is to find the silver lining in every event, no matter how negative (Questions Quotes)
I did not know that children think the hard questions they ask are easy and thus expect easy answers to them, and that they are disappointed when they get cautious, complex answers (Questions Quotes)
Shall I tell you why young men love war?... In peace, there are a hundred questions with a thousand answers! In war, there is only one question with one right answer... Going to war makes you a man. It is emotionally exciting and morally restful (Questions Quotes)
Your questions regarding that gentleman are very delicate, very subtle, very much like being smacked in the head with a mallet... it’s a tuba among the flutes (Questions Quotes)
I pray for meaning. I pray for the limits of reality to become clear. For a world – and a type of being – that makes sense. I pray for a life after death that is not like this life. I pray for the end of mystery. What would a life be like with all the mysteries solved? If there were no questions, there’d be no stories. If there were no stories, there’d be no language. If there was no language there’d be no... What? (Questions Quotes)
The child had indeed shut up but all the questions that had accumulated on his tongue circulated in his mouth, moved through the passages of his nose and climbed up from there to tickle into his teardrop ducts, so in his moss green pupils, curious, insistent, accusing sparks of questions continued to light up and fade away like fireflies flitting about on summer nights (Questions Quotes)