Questions Quotes

Text Quotes
To ask questions can become the laziest and wobbliest occupation of a mind, but when you must yourself answer the problem that you have posed, you will meditate your question with care and frame it with precision. (Questions Quotes)
I think what I love about the documentary process is that you bring yourself to the documentary. And hopefully that makes you ask good questions, and hopefully that makes you reveal a little bit about yourself as well. (Questions Quotes)
There are two questions that you ask yourself as a writer, and one of them is, ‘But why?’ The question that takes the book forward is, ‘What if? What if x y or z happened? How would those characters react?’ (Questions Quotes)
Of all the questions I get asked as an undocumented immigrant in the United States, there are two - asked in various permutations via email, social media or in person - that chill me to the bone: ‘Why don’t you just make yourself legal?’ And: ‘Why don’t you get in the back of the line?’ (Questions Quotes)
I think that when we know that we actually do live in uncertainty, then we ought to admit it; it is of great value to realize that we do not know the answers to different questions. This attitude of mind - this attitude of uncertainty - is vital to the scientist, and it is this attitude of mind which the student must first acquire. (Questions Quotes)
In the fourth grade, my history teacher gave us a project: Why was the auto industry located in Detroit, Michigan? I didn’t know I was going to be an economist, but I knew I was going to do something that was involved in answering questions like that one because I thought that was a fascinating question. (Questions Quotes)
The questions of today’s average young person, who is the product of America’s intellectual bastions, have been virtually unaddressed by the church. (Questions Quotes)
When people see me on TV, they become very happy because they don’t have to interact with me. When they start interacting with me, they ask me questions like I’m a baby or treat me like I’m a baby and hold me like I’m a baby, and that’s what they do wrong, really. (Questions Quotes)
We would be driving down the street in a place like Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo, and started to see, my gosh, the only people that have shoes are men. Why does that woman have a baby in her belly and one on her back, and she’s carrying a huge load of bananas? You start to ask these questions. (Questions Quotes)
Massachusetts became the first state to marry gay couples, though lawmakers say allowing gay couples to get married raises a lot of questions. You know, such as: does that best man invite both guys to the bachelor party? (Questions Quotes)
In some ways I’m a frustrated scientist or mathematician. The amount of times I’ve thought I’d go back to university and do theoretical physics because I like the big questions, but really I know now that that’s not quite me. What’s me is to do it in novels. (Questions Quotes)
I suppose I’m intrigued with the bad traits of society, because I’m a part of society, and the bad traits pose the dangerous questions for our future. (Questions Quotes)
It’s not at all a bad idea for scientific questions to be chosen because a democratic deliberation would identify them as important for people’s lives. (Questions Quotes)
People naturally want to know about what happened, about my leukemia. They ask the same questions again and again. And there have been so many positive conclusions, even through the bad times, that I don’t mind at all to be reminded of my struggles. (Questions Quotes)
I’m truly glad I’ve managed to get the public interested in questions about basic research (Questions Quotes)
I started taking a basic biology course, and I really loved it. I started asking research questions incessantly. I was drawn very quickly to biology. (Questions Quotes)
Generally I find that kids ask better questions than you get with adults. Something that kids will do a lot is, they’re so nervous, and they’re not really paying attention, so they’ll ask the same question someone just asked. And you’re trying to be nice and not embarrass them any more than they are already. (Questions Quotes)
When somebody has an enormous success in this culture, people start asking two questions, which are ‘What are you doing now?’ and ‘How are you going to beat that?’ And I have to say, I love the assumption that your intention is to beat yourself constantly - that you’re in battle against yourself. (Questions Quotes)
There’s something really beautiful about science, that human beings can ask these questions and can answer them. You can make models of nature and understand how it works. (Questions Quotes)
For me, writing is an experience. It’s an exercise in which I want to discover myself by taking my characters to the edges of human experience, to the edges of themselves and then, asking certain questions - about love, what does it mean to love? What’s beauty? What is true beauty? What does it mean to be insane - crazy? (Questions Quotes)
And I think that what is of concern is that they seem to be bringing skills from the scientific world into the interrogation room in a way that begs a lot of questions about whether it’s ethical. (Questions Quotes)
As a teenager and even still now being 21, it’s always love questions - it’s always so confusing. (Questions Quotes)
It’s so critical for people frustrated with the economy, with changing tides in government, who aren’t able to hear their voices, questions or their ills being talked about, to have a place for discussing what others won’t. (Questions Quotes)
The attraction, and my particular participation is in being able to communicate with my fans, answer their questions, get a feel for how they respond to Vader. (Questions Quotes)
There’s a hunger in me that always wants to be creating and orating, telling people something and giving them information and getting feedback. There are so many questions that I’m trying to ask, and I’m still so far from being done saying what I gotta say. (Questions Quotes)
As an undergraduate at Stanford, I started ‘The Stanford Review,’ which ended up being very engaged in the hot debates of the time: campus speech codes, questions about diversity on campus, all sorts of debates like that. (Questions Quotes)
The people who tend to get the most out of being social thinkers are the people who themselves are helpful. They’re always talking or answering people’s questions or engaging in productive conversations. They’re not being trolls. They’re tamping down other people that are being trolls. (Questions Quotes)
I am very interested in asking questions, and I am very interested in being involved in shows that ask people to think and feel. (Questions Quotes)
You better arm yourselves to answer your children’s and grandchildren’s questions... no matter what the question is... without being judgmental. (Questions Quotes)
The string of accusations being made against [Donald] Trump are raising new legal questions about some of these cases. Could actually be considered criminal sexual assault. (Questions Quotes)