Quick Quotes

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For years I heeded the warning: Do monthly breast self-exams. Like most women, I did them on a ‘sort of’ basis. Every few months I’d sort of do a quick feel, but never as thoroughly as the doctors urged. I didn’t want to go looking for trouble. If you look for it, you might find it. Looking for cancer is unsettling. Thank God I looked. (Quick Quotes)
A couple of websites I’ve come across credit the ‘New York Times’ for reporting that 12,000 women a year are arrested for breastfeeding in public. I could not confirm that number with a quick search, but even 1,200 would be too many - or even 12. (Quick Quotes)
Don’t be so quick to count out the teenagers. Some of the world’s greatest changes, brilliant poetry, and innovations have come from the teenage mind. (Quick Quotes)
We are quick to stick labels on others - especially those who don’t fit in with the norm. ‘Harold Fry’ is about a broken marriage; ‘Perfect’ is about a broken person. They are both about finding kindness where you least expect it. (Quick Quotes)
My brothers and sister and me grew up making fun of each other, the way we’d speak or move. When we get together, everyone’s funny, quick, loud, and speaks on top of each other. It was like a great comedy school; nothing is precious. (Quick Quotes)
Hearing people clapping draws you in pretty quick. It’s like bungee cord jumping - it’s a rush; you just want to do it again. (Quick Quotes)
There are no quick wins in business - it takes years to become an overnight success (Quick Quotes)
Time flies so quick. I remember my second year in business when Bullocks Wilshire did a whole window of my white dresses. I was so excited, I went there at night and took pictures. (Quick Quotes)
Don’t live beyond your means. Don’t buy more than you can pay for. Don’t expect to get rich quick. And don’t confuse salesmen for friends or advisers. (Quick Quotes)
I am a quick study - I can memorize a script in an hour - but I can’t remember a name three seconds. I’ve even forgotten my wife’s name on occasion. (Quick Quotes)
I don’t like rap that you can’t understand. The youth is so quick and alert. (Quick Quotes)
A quick example of that is a woman who said she’d been healed of throat cancer where the faith healer admitted he touched her on the forehead. (Quick Quotes)
What if there was an uncanny moment when all the birds were grounded from Cape Town to Juneau, and everywhere between--all feathers frozen in a universal stutter, so quick as to make a snail of light, and even Stephen Hawking’s mind would miss it? (Quick Quotes)
Everybody believes that capital punishment is wrong, but when they look at certain cases, they’re quick to say, ‘Put them to death,’ or scream ‘capital punishment.’ (Quick Quotes)
Nothing is easy in war. Mistakes are always paid for in casualties and troops are quick to sense any blunder made by their commanders. (Quick Quotes)
Want a sugar cube? [...] They’re supposed to be for the horses, but who cares? They’ve got years to eat sugar, whereas you and I . . . well, if we see something sweet we better grab it quick. [...] You’re absolutely terrifying me in that get-up. What happened to the pretty little-girl dresses? (Quick Quotes)
There is no quick fix. At the end of the day, you still have to do the work to maintain your weight. It can’t be a diet. You have to change your life. (Quick Quotes)
Live TV has an amazing pace to it. You’ve got to be able to think quick, make changes last minute, and be funny and fast. (Quick Quotes)
It is the Revolution, the magical word, the word that is going to change everything, that is going to bring us immense delight and a quick death. (Quick Quotes)
I think my wife is cheating on me, the only thing the parrot knows how to say is, quick out the window. (Quick Quotes)
I got bullied a lot when I was a kid, and because of that I thought for the most part that I didn’t really have a childhood - I had to grow up so quick and there was no real enjoyment in that for me. (Quick Quotes)
Love can make the difference-love generously given in childhood and reaching through the awkward years of youth . . . and encouragement that is quick to compliment and slow to criticize (Quick Quotes)
By pushing children and wanting quick success, parents are producing followers, not leaders (Quick Quotes)
When teaching children with autism we must be quick to adapt, follow our instinct and go off plan (Quick Quotes)
Chinese language tends to be quick, economical. To know what people are saying, you always need to know what the context is. (Quick Quotes)
You got one choice at the beginning but if you didn’t choose right, things got narrow real quick. (Quick Quotes)
We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace. (Quick Quotes)
The highest compliment one can give a writer is not to say that one wholeheartedly agrees with his observations, but that he provoked - really, forced - difficult thinking about consequential matters and internal questioning of one’s own assumptions, often without quick or clear resolution. (Quick Quotes)
Fashion is so close in revealing a person’s inner feelings and everybody seems to hate to lay claim to vanity so people tend to push it away. It’s really too close to the quick of the soul. (Quick Quotes)
What I knew for sure was that he had a quick temper, a cocky attitude, and a southern accent... Apparently he also has a pet cougar. (Quick Quotes)