Quickly Quotes

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You don’t have to start from scratch to do something interesting. You don’t have to start from scratch to have a massive impact on the world. You have to have a good idea. You have to convince other people of those good ideas. And you have to push as quickly as possible (Quickly Quotes)
In a typical desperation for quick answers, easily understood, people had turned to primitive worship as the solution. With less than success. Not only had they died as quickly as the rest of the people, but they had died with terror in their hearts, with a mortal dread flowing in their very veins (Quickly Quotes)
The purity of a person’s heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals (Quickly Quotes)
I myself am a person who has never resigned myself, who is absolutely never resigned, who can’t imagine it at all. I simply observe, and I observe in so many people, and often very quickly, a resignation that terrifies me, that’s it (Quickly Quotes)
Nothing will turn a man’s home into a castle more quickly and effectively than a dachshund (Quickly Quotes)
Introvert conversations are like jazz, where each player gets to solo for a nice stretch before the other player comes in and does his solo. And like jazz, once we get going, we can play all night. Extrovert conversations are more like tennis matches, where thoughts are batted back and forth, and players need to be ready to respond. Introverts get winded pretty quickly (Quickly Quotes)
Grace is what matters. In anything. Especially life, especially growth, tragedy, pain, love, death. About people, that’s what matters. That’s a quality I admire very greatly. It keeps you from reaching for the gun too quickly; it keeps you from destroying things too foolishly; it sort of keeps you alive and keeps you open for more understanding (Quickly Quotes)
Don’t you notice that there are particular moments when you are naturally inspired to introspection? Work with them gently, for these are the moments when you can go through a powerful experience, and your whole worldview can change quickly (Quickly Quotes)
One of the things I benefited from when I started this business was that I didn’t know anything. I was just instinct with no preconceived notions. This enabled me to learn and change quickly without having to worry about maintaining any kind of status quo, like some of my bigger competitors (Quickly Quotes)
When I was younger I feared the dark, wondering what evil was watching me. Now it’s different, for now it’s a game of sneaking the light back on and laughing at how quickly the evil fleas (Quickly Quotes)
Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land... If he have nothing but his hands, he may... by industrie quickly grow rich (Quickly Quotes)
The essence of intelligence would seem to be in knowing when to think and act quickly, and knowing when to think and act slowly (Quickly Quotes)
It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement. Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs, therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity or undue depression in adversity (Quickly Quotes)
The pace of change for entrepreneurs is rapidly accelerating, and the cost and risk of launching a new business and getting off the ground is just amazing. The ability to gain user feedback really quickly and adapt to what your consumers want is totally different with the web as it is now. But finding a new market, helping people and taking that original idea and turning it into a business is really exciting right now (Quickly Quotes)
Pace doesn’t mean speed; it means the right speed. Diagnosis and cure are simple. If you’ve reached where you want to be in your story too quickly, ask yourself what you’ve left out. If you’ve come to a certain point too slowly, ask yourself what kept you so long (Quickly Quotes)
How many of us lobby for green energy or protected lands, but don’t engage with the local bounty to lay by for tomorrow’s unseasonal reality? That we tend to not even think about this as a foundation for solutions in our food systems shows how quickly we want other people to solve these issues (Quickly Quotes)
You’re not going to be a 1.000 hitter all the time. You’re going to be more wrong than right. You just have to correct your errors as quickly, as economically, as possible (Quickly Quotes)
One changes, as a writer, fairly quickly; what you wrote six months or a year ago might not sound right anymore (Quickly Quotes)
I exist here, now. I’m not much interested in the future. Or, more precisely put, I do not believe in the future. To exaggerate a little, I have no faith that I will still exist tomorrow or the day after. What is more, I absolutely detest retrospection. That dislike is balances only by my desire to make my way back home as quickly as possible (Quickly Quotes)
Sometimes I write quickly, sometimes I spend several weeks on a single poem. I would really love for readers not to be able to guess which of the poems took so much work! (Quickly Quotes)
We will learn no matter what! Learning is as natural as rest or play. With or without books, inspiring trainers or classrooms, we will manage to learn. Educators can, however, make a difference in what people learn and how well they learn it. If we know why we are learning and if the reason fits our needs as we perceive them, we will learn quickly and deeply (Quickly Quotes)
Sometimes when we’re focused on quickly getting to our destination, we’ll encounter unexpected roadblocks and detours. Always remember that there’s more than one path that will lead you to where you’re going. Who knows? You might just enjoy that new, more scenic route! (Quickly Quotes)
How many fluids should you take in daily? That is an unanswerable question with all of the variables that affect our fluid needs at any given time. If you meet anyone who can answer that question for you, run away quickly (Quickly Quotes)
Highly resilient people are flexible, adapt to new circumstances quickly, and thrive in constant change. Most important, they expect to bounce back and feel confident that they will. They have a knack for creating good luck out of circumstances that many others see as bad luck (Quickly Quotes)
Once we get our corporate culture the way we want it, we have to hire people who fit. Otherwise, the wheels fall off the wagon and we quickly find ourselves back where we started (Quickly Quotes)
There’s nothing that will bring realism into your world as quickly as realizing that you’re out of cash (Quickly Quotes)
The dog has an enviable mind; it remembers the nice things in life and quickly blots out the nasty (Quickly Quotes)
People are good at figuring out what’s attractive, and computers are good at quickly searching and finding. You put them together, and bang! (Quickly Quotes)
Keeping a slow hunch alive poses challenges on multiple scales. For starters, you have to preserve the hunch in your own memory, in the dense network of your neurons. Most slow hunches pass in and out of our memory too quickly, precisely because they possess a certain murkiness. You get a feeling that there’s an interesting avenue to explore, a problem that might lead you to a solution, but then you get distracted by more pressing matters and the hunch disappears. So part of the secret of hunch cultivation is simple: write everything down (Quickly Quotes)
There are many strengths in modern society, but one of its weaknesses is the breakdown of many of the old structures and networks that supported people in times of crisis and need. Whenever we lose a strengthening element in society, we need to replace it with alternative systems as quickly as possible. Befriending schemes are a crucial part of this process, because they fill the gap that social erosion has left in the lives of so many vulnerable people (Quickly Quotes)