Quiet Quotes

Text Quotes
I didn’t mind the quiet stretches. It was like we were trying out the idea of being side by side (Quiet Quotes)
The first thing he noticed was how quiet it was. This was nothing like the kind of quiet he heard when he woke up in the middle of the night after a bad dream. When that happened, there were always strange, unidentifiable sounds seeping into his room from the tiny gaps where the windowpanes weren’t sealed together correctly. At those moments he could always tell there was life outside, even if all that life was fast asleep. It was a silence that wasn’t silence at all (Quiet Quotes)
He was quiet. I said nothing, hoping that maybe, for once, he’d stop pretenting he was okay. Then I could, too. That we could both forget the roles that had so long bound us (Quiet Quotes)
This was what she needed… the quiet turning to the other in the middle of the night, the wordless meeting of lips, skin, breath. The trust, unfurling one pale petal at a time, that he would be there (Quiet Quotes)
Good is towing the line, being behaved, being quiet, being passive, fitting in, being liked, and great is being messy, having a belly, speaking your mind, standing up for what you believe in, fighting for another paradigm, not letting people talk you out of what you know to be true (Quiet Quotes)
Once we have tasted far streams, touched the gold, found some limit beyond the waterfall, a season changes and we come back changed but safe, quiet, grateful (Quiet Quotes)
She still remembered sitting for hours as a little girl and pretending to be a hassock. A foot stool. Because if she could just stay very small, and very quiet, her mother would forget she was there, and then she wouldn’t scream about people and places and things that had gone wrong (Quiet Quotes)
I pulled in a soft breath. My lungs were starving, crying out for air. I lay still, and a cough tickled at the back of my throat. It always happens when you’re hiding, a cough, a sneeze, something. It’s stupid. The body decides to screw around with you, even though it knows being quiet is the only way it’s going to go on living (Quiet Quotes)
It’s a bit like the feeling I get when I’m standing on a cliff or high building, looking down at a suicidal drop. I start thinking about what would happen if I stepped off, the rush of the fall, the shattering collision, the quiet emptiness of death. Part of me wants to experience the thrill of complete surrender (Quiet Quotes)
All of it seems like noise and false light, and all I want for tonight is quiet, the black and gray of a summer night, and a girl in a pink dress, beside me forever (Quiet Quotes)
Once you let people know anything about what you think, that’s it, you’re dead. Then they’ll be jumping about in your mind, taking things out, holding them up to the light and killing them, yes, killing them, because thoughts are supposed to stay and grow in quiet, dark places, like butterflies in cocoons (Quiet Quotes)
You have the nicest window, you know? None of the others can even compete. It´s not flashy like the others, or bleary – your window gives of this nice, quiet light (Quiet Quotes)
You’re a quiet, beautiful woman in a loud, ugly place. An orchid among weeds. You define obvious (Quiet Quotes)
I turn off the radio, listen to the quiet. Which has its own, rich sound. Which I knew, but had forgotten. And it is good to remember (Quiet Quotes)
That evening, rowing on the quiet river as sunset turned to dusk, I saw an occasional smoky smudge on the towpath, always slightly ahead of me, like a dark star guiding me home (Quiet Quotes)
A cat knows how to be comfortable, how to get the people around it to serve it. In a tranquil domestic situation, the cat is a veritable manipulative genius. It seeks the soft, it seeks the warm, it prefers the quiet and it loves to be full. It displays, when it gets its own way in these matters, a degree of contentment we would all like to emulate (Quiet Quotes)
History is written by the victors, the strongest, the most determined. Truth is found most often in the silence, in the quiet places (Quiet Quotes)
Ironically, when you surrender your need to hog the glory, the attention you used to need from other people is replaced by a quiet inner confidence that is derived from letting others have it (Quiet Quotes)
Quiet people keep thier secrets to themselves. That’s what makes them interesting... and usually worth the wait (Quiet Quotes)
You’re so calm and quiet, you never say. But there are things inside you. I see them sometimes, hiding in your eyes (Quiet Quotes)
When spiritual friends share their stories, the others listen without working. They rest. There’s nothing to fix, nothing to improve. A spiritual community feels undisturbed quiet as they listen, certainly burdened... but still resting in the knowledge that the life within, the passion for holiness, is indestructible. It needs only to be nourished and released (Quiet Quotes)
When it’s quiet in my head like this, that’s when the voice doesn’t need to tell me how pathetic I am. I know it in the deepest part of me. When it’s quiet like this, that’s when I truly hate myself (Quiet Quotes)
Sit and quiet yourself. Luxuriate in a certain memory and the details will come. Let the images flow. You’ll be amazed at what will come out on paper. I’m still learning what it is about the past that I want to write. I don’t worry about it. It will emerge. It will insist on being told (Quiet Quotes)
There are some people who cannot help giving. Why? Because they experience a real psychological pleasure in doing so. They don’t do it with an eye to their own advantage, they do it on the quiet; they detest doing it openly because that would take away some of the satisfaction. They do it in secret, with quick trembling hands, their breasts rocked by a spiritual well being which they do not themselves understand (Quiet Quotes)
Age is a peculiar kind of thief. It slips up on you and steps inside your skin and is so quiet and methodical in its work that you never realize it has stolen your youth until you look into the mirror one morning and see a man you don’t recognize (Quiet Quotes)
Faith is a private matter, usually held deep within a person, quiet, impossible to recognise or understand, if you have no faith yourself (Quiet Quotes)
And then there were the wallflowers who had recognized for years that the thing was hopeless, who had found in that information a kind of calm. They no longer tried, with a bright and desperate effort, to sustain a conversation with somebody’s brother, somebody’s usher, somebody’s roommate, somebody’s roommate’s usher’s brother... The category of wallflower who had given up on all this was very quiet, not indifferent, only quiet. And she always brought a book (Quiet Quotes)
We who live in quiet places have the opportunity to become acquainted with ourselves, to think our own thoughts and live our own lives in a way that is not possible for those keeping up with the crowd (Quiet Quotes)
Isolation is aloneness that feels forced upon you, like a punishment. Solitude is aloneness you choose and embrace. I think great things can come out of solitude, out of going to a place where all is quiet except the beating of your heart (Quiet Quotes)
First you have to teach a child to talk, then you have to teach it to be quiet (Quiet Quotes)