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Quit Quotes

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When that band started out, I was 18 years old. So that was my reality all the way up until I quit the band. And even then, you know, Guns N’ Roses has a nasty way of sticking around.  (Quit Quotes) Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day.  (Quit Quotes) A career is a job you love, right? That’s what a career should be. If you’re in a job that you hate, you should quit. That’s the way I look at it. I’m in a job that I love, so I’m going to make it my career.  (Quit Quotes) I never quit trying. I never felt that I didn’t have a chance to win.  (Quit Quotes) I have friends that are much better actors than I am that had to quit the business because they couldn’t survive the auditions or the rejections, or people just didn’t realize how good they were.  (Quit Quotes) I never want to quit playing ball. They’ll have to cut this uniform off of me to get me out of it.  (Quit Quotes) Quit now? They’ll have to cut the uniform off me. I’m going out for another 300. They couldn’t be any harder to get than the first 300.  (Quit Quotes) I quit drinking, so I can think clear. When you have chop trouble, drinking doesn’t help the healing process.  (Quit Quotes) I’m about as healthy as a person can be. I quit smoking seven or eight years ago.  (Quit Quotes) If someone broke your heart it doesn’t mean you should build a wall around it and quit loving. Redirect your love.  (Quit Quotes)
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