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R B Quotes

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To me, the world's rather beautiful if you look at it. Especially nature  (R B Quotes) Haze all clouding up in my mind in the daze of the why it could've never been  (R B Quotes) Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on  (R B Quotes) So then I though I'd make some plans, but Fire thought she'd really rather be Water instead  (R B Quotes) Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York  (R B Quotes) I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate  (R B Quotes) Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself  (R B Quotes) Could I come near your beauty with my nails I'd set my ten commandments in your face  (R B Quotes) Men might as well be imprisoned, as excluded from the means of earning their bread  (R B Quotes) A maiden never bold; of spirit so still and quiet that her motion blushed at herself  (R B Quotes) This is the very coinage of your brain. This bodiless creation ecstasy is very cunning in  (R B Quotes) She bears a duke's revenues on her back, and in her heart she scorns our poverty  (R B Quotes) Speak with me, pity me, open the door! A beggar begs that never begged before  (R B Quotes) I had rather be a kitten and cry mew than one of these same metre ballet mongers  (R B Quotes) If you get a reputation for being honest, you have 95 percent of the competition already beat  (R B Quotes) Their lips were four red roses on a stalk, which in their summer beauty kissed each other  (R B Quotes) Sound trumpets! Let our bloody colors wave, and either victory, or else a grave!  (R B Quotes) Ruminates like an hostess that hath no arithmetic but her brain to set down her reckoning  (R B Quotes) I get along with everyone except for men my age, who are bourgeois or retired or boring  (R B Quotes) A woman watches her body uneasily, as though it were an unreliable ally in the battle for love  (R B Quotes) There is a war between the ones who say there is a war and the ones who say there isn't  (R B Quotes) You can never be comfortable with your success, you've got to be paranoid you're going to lose it  (R B Quotes) Her beauty hangs upon the cheek of night, as a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear  (R B Quotes) Never believe people in this business who say they don't read what's written about them  (R B Quotes) Ever been kidnapped by a poet if I were a poet I'd kidnap you put you in my phrases and meter  (R B Quotes) To give Tinker Bell a voice for the first time in history is such an honor  (R B Quotes) The lovely young Lavinia once had friends; and fortune smil'd, deceitful, on her birth  (R B Quotes) Sober evening takes her wonted station in the middle air, a thousand shadows at her beck  (R B Quotes) I've never believed in singing about Satan and thinking he's cool, because he's not  (R B Quotes) Till men have faith in Christ, their best services are but glorious sins  (R B Quotes)
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