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R B Quotes

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To walk because it is good for you warps the soul, just as it warps the soul for a man to talk for hire or because he think it his duty  (R B Quotes) We will never be cleansed until we confess we are dirty. And we will never be able to wash the feet of those who have hurt us until we allow Jesus, the one we have hurt, to wash ours  (R B Quotes) I had rather be in my grave than in my present situation, I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world; and yet they charge me with wanting to be a king  (R B Quotes) I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent  (R B Quotes) Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you - your relationship with God  (R B Quotes) I am, each day, typing out the God my typewriter believes in. Very quick. Very intense, like a wolf at a live heart  (R B Quotes) Voltaire expected that within fifty years of his lifetime there would not be one Bible in the world. His house is now a distribution centre for Bibles in many languages  (R B Quotes) His frown was full of terror, and his voice shook the delinquent with such fits of awe as left him not, till penitence had won lost favor back again, and closed the breach  (R B Quotes) I tell you what you'll never really know: all the medical hypothesis that explained my brain will never be as true as these struck leaves letting go  (R B Quotes) The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained  (R B Quotes) Without a humble imitation of the divine author of our blessed religion we can never hope to be a happy nation  (R B Quotes) Life is about deciding what matters. It's about the fantasy that determines the reality. Have you ever asked yourself whether you'd rather fly or be invisible?  (R B Quotes) I am your dwarf. I am the enemy within. I am the boss of your dreams. See. Your hand shakes. It is not palsy or booze. It is your Doppelganger trying to get out. Beware... Beware  (R B Quotes) The consideration that human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected will always continue to prompt me to promote the progress of the former by inculcating the practice of the latter  (R B Quotes) When we don't pray, we quit the fight. Prayer keeps the Christian's armor bright. And Satan trembles when he sees. The weakest saint upon his knees  (R B Quotes) I suffer for birds and fireflies but not frogs, she said, and threw him across the room. Kaboom! Like a genie out of a samovar, a handsome prince arose in the corner of the bedroom  (R B Quotes) There are people who take rumors and embellish them in a way that can be devastating. And this pollution has to be eradicated by people in our business as best we can  (R B Quotes) I can truly say I had rather be a Mount Vernon than to be attended at the Seat of Government by the officers of State and the representatives of every power in Europe  (R B Quotes) Unfortunately, I can't run from my heart. It hurts, deep inside my body. And I know I'll never be the same  (R B Quotes) I don't think there will ever be a permanent truce, but I believe the media needs to be more careful and be willing to count to 10 before rushing on the air or into print  (R B Quotes) World's use is cold, world's love is vain, world's cruelty is bitter bane; but is not the fruit of pain  (R B Quotes) The cloud of doubt that surrounds political figures tends to remain and never dissipate or be clarified  (R B Quotes) If my name was Richard, I'd go by Richard or Rich... not Dick. Hell I'd even settle for being called Chard  (R B Quotes) Because this is the beauty of strangers: we're all just doing our best to help each other out, motivated not by karma but by a natural instinct to help the greater whole  (R B Quotes) He likes the poor things of the world the best, I would not, therefore, if I could be rich. It pleases him t stoop for buttercups  (R B Quotes) Why blame the dark for being dark? It is far more helpful to ask why the light isn't as bright as it could be  (R B Quotes) And a breastplate made of daisies, closely fitting, leaf on leaf, periwinkles interlaced Drawn for belt about the waist; while the brown bees, humming praises, shot their arrows round the chief  (R B Quotes) And the English soul, if it resided anywhere, was surely in some unheroic back garden - a patch of lawn, a bed of roses, a row of runner beans  (R B Quotes) I would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed  (R B Quotes) No point in thinking, you just have to get on with life. We only have one after all, we should try and do our best. We can never get it right, but we must try  (R B Quotes)
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