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R B Quotes

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I believe the most important thing for humankind is its own creativity. I further believe that, in order to be able to exercise this creativity, people need to be free  (R B Quotes) Only through the development of mutual respect, and in a spirit of truth, can friendship come about. By these means it is possible to move human minds, but never by force  (R B Quotes) The beauty of holiness is that which the grave, that consumes all other beauty, cannot touch, or do any damage to  (R B Quotes) Crying not in grief but in wonder that nothing is ever lost, that everything can be retrieved, that a lifetime is not linear but instant. That, inside the head, everything happens at once  (R B Quotes) He who distinguishes the true savor of his food can never be a glutton; he who does not cannot be otherwise  (R B Quotes) If profanity had an influence on the flight of the ball, the game of golf would be played far better than it is  (R B Quotes) In all our dealings with God, free grace anticipates us with the blessings of goodness, and all our comfort is owing, not to our knowing God, but rather to our being known of him  (R B Quotes) The past is our ultimate privacy; we pile it up, year by year, decade by decade, it stows itself away, with its perverse random recall system  (R B Quotes) We have not given science too big a place in our education, but we have made a perilous mistake in giving it too great a preponderance in method in every other branch of study  (R B Quotes) This at least should be a rule through the letter writing world: that no angry letter be posted till four and twenty hours will have elapsed since it was written  (R B Quotes) But when they kissed goodnight in bed, Therese felt their sudden release, that leap of response in both of them, as if their bodies were of some materials which put together inevitably created desire  (R B Quotes) In the background is the hiss of the gas heater; we hear the sound without hearing it for, side by side, together and miles apart, we are deep in our books  (R B Quotes) He didn't remember because he'd seen thousands of little fish hundreds of times, and because it didn't mean to him what it had to me  (R B Quotes) I felt I couldn't lose anything else, but just then I realized I already had: I'd lost the hope that I would ever be loved in just that way again  (R B Quotes) My story - my own personal story - ended before my writing began. Storytelling has only ever been a way of filling in the time since everything finished  (R B Quotes) I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty  (R B Quotes) I resolve to speak ill of no man whatever, not even in a matter of truth; but rather by some means excuse the faults I hear charged upon others, and upon proper occasions speak all the good I know of everybody  (R B Quotes) And there will be no greater burden in our generation than to organize the forces of liberty in our time, in order to make conquest of a new freedom for America  (R B Quotes) There are some forms of religion that are bad, just as there's bad cooking or bad art or bad sex, you have bad religion too  (R B Quotes) No government has ever been beneficent when the attitude of government was that it was taking care of the people. The only freedom consists in the people taking care of the government  (R B Quotes) Undressing her was an act of recklessness, a kind of vandalism, like releasing a zoo full of animals, or blowing up a dam  (R B Quotes) I know that no matter how lonely I get, I'll never be truly alone again. Our loved ones don't leave us. They just move out of sight for a while, and wait... in the shades  (R B Quotes) Catholics have more extreme sex lives because they're taught that pleasure is bad for you. Who thinks it's normal to kneel down to a naked man who's nailed to a cross? It's like a bad leather bar  (R B Quotes) Poor little librarians of the world, those girls, secretly lovely, their looks marred forever by the cruelty of a pair of big dark eyeglasses!  (R B Quotes) Do we secretly idolize our imagined opposites, yearning to become the role models for others we know we could never be for ourselves?  (R B Quotes) A teacher had once told them that men were either beasts, gentlemen, or beasts masquerading as gentlemen. Might there be a fourth category - gentlemen masquerading as beasts?  (R B Quotes) We have the idea that our hearts, once broken, scar over with an indestructible tissue that prevents their ever breaking again in quite the same place  (R B Quotes) Stop comparing or boast at your victories. He was referring to enormous vitality and strength of God of Jesus seeking union with us. The living acts of a Christian become somehow the acts of Christ  (R B Quotes) Humility was a cult in my family. I only got it out of my father by accident when he was very old that he had won an Olympic gold medal  (R B Quotes) Accepting the reality of our sinfulness means accepting our authentic self. Judas could not face his shadow; Peter could. The latter befriended the impostor within; the former raged against him  (R B Quotes)
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