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We must go out into a desert of some kind (your backyard will do) and come into a personal experience of the awesome love of God  (R B Quotes) That's all she cared about - protecting her brother, who was probably some fop with a lame sword hand and a fear of pistols!  (R B Quotes) If you've learned anything from your parents, it ought to be this - love works only when it's mutual. Otherwise, eventually it becomes exactly what you call it - a meaningless word. For both parties  (R B Quotes) Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes  (R B Quotes) Quit keeping score altogether and surrender yourself with all your sinfulness to God who sees neither the score nor the scorekeeper but only his child redeemed by Christ  (R B Quotes) Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again  (R B Quotes) One of my realizations in such an earthy atmosphere was that many of the burning theological issues in the church were neither burning nor theological  (R B Quotes) Unless you were doing them a favor by killing them. Then, you'd let them down if you didn't, if you couldn't make yourself  (R B Quotes) God knows what I thought! Your brain does amazing acrobatics when it doesn't want to believe something  (R B Quotes) Perhaps there are people in this world who love their fountain pens with every fiber of their being - and that's very sad. If you're not in love with him, you can understand him  (R B Quotes) You have the nicest window, you know? None of the others can even compete. It´s not flashy like the others, or bleary - your window gives of this nice, quiet light  (R B Quotes) Now, if your boss is a sadist, then you have a big problem. In that case, fire your boss and get a new job  (R B Quotes) His clock was set on pioneer time. He met trains that had not yet arrived, he waited on platforms that hadn't yet been built, beside tracks that might never be laid  (R B Quotes) Conflict, not progress, is the word that defines man's path from darkness into light. No holiness is won by any other means than this, that wickedness should be slain day by day, and hour by hour  (R B Quotes) Dear brethren, make your choice. Fight you must. Are you going to win or be beaten? Make your choice of the image you must bear. Whose?  (R B Quotes) Let the current of your being set towards God, then your life will be filled and calmed by one master - passion which unites and stills the soul  (R B Quotes) It wasn't the tattoo that had changed her, had given her repossession of her body. It was her actions, her choices. It was finding the path when it looked like there weren't any paths to be found  (R B Quotes) Well let the gentlemen of the bourgeoisie remember Berlin any way they please. As Comrade Khruschev promised us, we will bury them  (R B Quotes) Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging  (R B Quotes) The great secret of medicine, known to doctors but still hidden from the public, is that most things get better by themselves  (R B Quotes) Many people believe that they are attracted by God, or by Nature, when they are only repelled by man  (R B Quotes) It's fine to be on the side of the little guy, but he too will ultimately suffer if the health and concerns of the greater body he belongs to are neglected  (R B Quotes) It was like being given a maths problem when your brain's exhausted, and you know there's some far off solution, but you can't work up the energy even to give it a go. Something in me just gave up  (R B Quotes) Walter broke off a piece of a smile and tucked it into his left cheek as if reserving it for future use  (R B Quotes) But you will no doubt agree that the very best staff plans are those which give clear margins of error to allow for those days when an employee is ill or for one reason or another below par  (R B Quotes) Mankind are creatures of books, as well as of other circumstances; and such they eternally remain, proofs, that the race is a noble and believing race, and capable of whatever books can stimulate  (R B Quotes) Once upon a time there was an eighteen year old girl who dragged her butt out of bed and hauled it all the way to school on a sunny day in May  (R B Quotes) IT happened. There is no avoiding it, no forgetting. No running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding  (R B Quotes) I would never be popular. I didn't want to be; I liked being shy. I'd never be the smartest or the hottest or the happiest. By eighth grade you start to figure out your limits  (R B Quotes) Maybe someday you can accuse somebody of being a poseur by selling out and playing blues music, but that's just not going to happen in my lifetime  (R B Quotes)
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